The Sins of the Fathers

Written by Send Private Message AngeliqueS on 21-Jun-2002 8:41 PM [#69]:

Sonny agrees to Zander's conditions because he is no longer jealous

''I can agree to that for myself, but you must understand that I cannot speak for her,'' Sonny says after a long pause. ''Her whole problem with me is that she feels I treat her like property. I honestly only wish her happiness,'' he stops, overcome. Zander is silent, and in a moment Sonny regains his composure.
''I love her enough to let her go, if that is what she truly wants. But I can't tell you that it's what I want,'' Sonny looks at him intently as he says, ''I want her. But it's her call, and I swear that I will respect it, either way.''
What happens next?
Carly enters the room, and senses that something is up
Zander takes a deep breath, and after a moment speaks...

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