The Sins of the Fathers

Written by Send Private Message ghlova12 on 13-Feb-2002 4:53 PM [#9]:

Zander and Carly at the hospital

Carly has just come out of surgery and has a 50/50 chance of living. Zander is by her bedside.
Zander-Come on Carly, wake up. Let me tell you I love you. Tell me all about our baby(the baby is fine though the shooting).
Then Sonny comes in, he was released bc there was no proof he ordered the hit.
Sonny-Zander, can I talk to you?
Zander and Sonny go out of the room to talk.
Sonny-Before you jump all over me let me tell you what happened. This woman I was with in the past came and told me that you are my son. I flipped. I tried to call of the hit, but it was to late. I had a hit on you because I was jelouse of you and Carly. I was pissed that she moved on and I didn't. The way you look at her though makes it different. I wish you two the best.
Zander-Yeah if se lives!
Sonny-Now I am not so sure that you are really my son, this woman lied a lot in the past. Lets get a paternity test?
What happens next?
No, you can't be my father bc my father is...

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