The Sins of the Fathers

Written by Send Private Message ghlova12 on 13-Feb-2002 5:00 PM [#10]:


They get the test and it proves Sonny is not Zander's father. Zander has no interest in finding his parents right now either.
Zander-Now that that is settled, I'm going back to Carly.
Sonny-Are we cool?
Zande-Yeah I forgive you.
He returns to Carly and Sonny oe home.
Carly wakes up.
Zander-Oh am I glad to see you.
Carly-The baby, I can't lose another, is i ok?
Zander-Our baby is fine. How do you feel?
Zander-You got shot. The details aren't important I took are of it. The important thing is that I love you.
Carly-I love you too.
Zander-This may be a little rushed, but I dontwant t be away from you ever again. Will you marry me?
What happens next?
Carly- No...

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