The Sins of the Fathers

Written by Send Private Message AJsFantaC on 25-Feb-2002 7:16 PM [#16]:

Sonny knows that Carly went to A.J and he has his men beat A.J

AJ & Carly thought they were safe in the hotel. They thought they could talk and have their conversation go left in private, but they were wrong... dead wrong.

Someone was waiting for him and when AJ left the safe confines of the hotel he was ambushed by 3 of Sonny's men who proceeded to carry out their boss's orders to kill AJ.

They beat him unmercifully and left him for dead in the alley behind the hotel, only AJ wasn't dead as they thought. He was however, severely wounded and unconscious.

No one knew how long he'd been there but then someone passed by. It was...
What happens next?

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