The Sins of the Fathers

Written by Send Private Message ChristinePhantom on 22-Apr-2002 6:58 PM [#29]:

AJ is hit on the head from someone behind him.

AJ fell in a heep on the floor. Carly stood behind him with a baseball bat, stained with his blood. She and Sonny smiled at each other wickedly and kissed each other passionately.

''What's going on here?'' asked a frightened Alexis.

''It was all part of our plan to get rid of AJ,'' said Sonny.

''So everything was....'' Alexis couldn't believe it.

''Everything was part of the plan.'' said Carly.

Zander walked in, alive and well. ''Everything.''

Sonny walked over to Alexis. ''You better not breath a word of this to anyone or you'll be dead faster than the 'Macarena'.''
What happens next?
Alexis tries to call the police.
Alexis agrees to go along with the plan and dispose of the body.

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