The Sins of the Fathers

Written by Send Private Message AJsFantaC on 20-Feb-2002 6:44 PM [#13]:

Carly calls AJ

After Sonny left, a terrified Carly called the only person left that she knew could or even would help her.

''AJ?'' Carly said as her voice trembled with fear

''Carly? What's wrong? Is is Michael?''

''No, Michael's fine, well, sort of.''

''Wait, Carly you're not making any sense.''

''AJ, look, I know I'm probably the last person you ever want to hear from but I really need to talk to you about Michael's future. Can I come to your place so we can talk?''

''Yeah, and don't worry about anything. I'm sure we can work everything out.''

''Thanks.'' Carly said, hanging up the phone

AJ & Carly both felt that they had somehow come to a meeting of the minds. This was the first time since before Michael was born that they were actually working together, but somehow it felt right.

Later, at AJ's place Carly told him everything that had happened and AJ...
What happens next?
promised he'd help any way he could asking only for joint custody in return
promised to go after Sonny for her

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