The Sins of the Fathers

Written by Send Private Message Bluegirl on 24-Dec-2002 10:42 PM [#104]:

Sonny goes for help

''Nurse help!The stuff it went-.Zan- the boy is dying.You have to help him.''says sonny.As Carly hears this she walks up and asks is he okay.''What's wrong with him?Is he all right?!He's gotta be.''screams Carly.''Carly calm down.It'll be alright.''Sonny says trying to comfort her.''DON'T TRY TO COMFORT ME!YOU KILLED HIM!AND YOU SHOULD BE ARRESTED!Why,Sonny did I do something do you always have to hurt the women you love.Zander was my brother.All we were doing was a little trick on you.Don't you know it's april fools day.Oh why did you do this.I hate you so much.Then Sonny
What happens next?
leaves in embarrasment.
Gives Carly a hug

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