The Sins of the Fathers

Written by Send Private Message bbypnkbnny1 on 30-Oct-2002 5:06 PM [#151]:

Carly slips and falls in her enraged state.

an enraged carly turns away from sonny and runs from the room just as she reaches the door she slips and falls. to
as a bleeding carly manages to half sit up sobbing she implores sonny
''call 911(sob),please,sonny(sob)''
as sonny rushes to carly's side he calls 911 on
his cell phone
sonny:''send an ambulance to harbor view
carly: ''i can't lose this baby (sob)i don't want to lose my baby (sob).
What happens next?
carly doesn't lose her and zanders baby
carly loses the baby and her body goes into shock and she barely clings to life

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