AJ and Kristina - Taking A Chance On Love

Written by Send Private Message AJsFantaC on 17-Feb-2002 11:05 AM [#6]:

AJ tells Kristina the truth about Skye's accusations

''Well, tell me, what did Skye say?''

AJ gave her a slight smile and said, ''You'll never believe the hair-brained thing my sister said. I can hardly believe it myself, it's so ridiculous.''

''Well nothing Skye says or does lately strikes me as anything but ridiculous so go ahead, at least we can have a laugh.''

''My normally level-headed sister is under the illusion that you're here working for Helena and that your mission is to kill Nikolas.''

Kristina's look of joy turned to a look of fear in an instant.

AJ caught her look and asked, ''Skye's wrong isn't she?''

''Skye's wrong... and she's right.''

''What do you mean?''

Kristina told AJ...
What happens next?
She was sent here to kill Nikolas
She's going to double-cross Helena

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