AJ and Kristina - Taking A Chance On Love

Written by Send Private Message mfreya225 on 08-Mar-2002 2:46 PM [#78]:


Jax heard Courtney scream, and he came running. When he got there he grabbed the guy away from a sobbing Courtney, Jax threw him to the ground while Courtney called the police. When they got there Jax was wiping her tears and she was wrapped up in his coat.

The guy was arrested and Sonny came down to ''talk'' to the man who had raped his sister.

Jax took a scared Courtney home, where he stayed with her until Sonny came home. After talking to Sonny he left. In the meantime...
What happens next?
Kristina was worried about Courtney so she called Alexis
A.J was talking to Skye about his feelings for Kristina

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