AJ and Kristina - Taking A Chance On Love

Written by Send Private Message PEGLEGMEG on 25-Jun-2002 5:59 PM [#162]:

and we were useing you to support our 2,000 dollar a day crack habbit

AJ- What Kristina...you do crack?
Kristina- YES OKAY YES and I've been using you I'm not proud of it but your Mr. Money bags and when a girl needs drugs a girl needs drugs!
Zander- I offered to seduce Monica or Lila but Kritina thought she had a better chance with you ahahha (hugs Kristina)
AJ- You wanted to seduce my mother and grandmother?
Zander- Rightio daddio
What happens next?
takes out a knife and stabs Zander while swearing
pulls a small bottle of liquor from his pocket and drinks

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