AJ and Kristina - Taking A Chance On Love

Written by Send Private Message Bonnie824 on 31-Aug-2003 8:04 PM [#305]:

A.J. goes after Kristina.

He finds her walking towards the peer and gets out of his car. He staggers over to her and asks her to please talk to him. She tries to tell him she just needs a little time to think but he starts crying and begs her to marry him. Out of pity she decides to go with him to his house and get some sleep and talk more in the morning. AJ is so drunk that he hits a pedestrian crossing the street then runs head on into a light pole. The pedestrian is Liz walking to the docks from the grill. She is badly injured but alive. Kristina is bleeding badly from her head and mouth.
What happens next?
Kristina is brain damaged and goes to work for Faith
Jason comes to visit Kristina and they talk about brain damage

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