AJ and Kristina - Taking A Chance On Love

Written by Send Private Message Bonnie824 on 19-Jul-2003 8:59 AM [#299]:

goes to carly

Courtney tells Carly she has payed AJ back for all the horrible things he did to both of them, and for basically being a slug. Now she can forget him and move on with her life. Carly laughs and wishes she could have seen AJ's face when Courtney was scaring him and acting crazy. She kind of wishes Kristina had stuck with him though because then AJ would forever be in Alexis world to drive her crazier. Sonny and Jason walk in talking about their boring work. They say they are having a meeting and ask Carly to go upstairs or shopping.
What happens next?
Carly throws a plant at Sonny
Courtney tells Jason to lose the Sonny attitude and quick

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