"Lucky Penny" or "A Penny Saved....."

Written by Send Private Message dollangel225 on 18-Jan-2003 8:02 PM [#13]:

Brenda tells Sonny about their son

Sonny- We have a son, why didn't you ever tell me
Brenda- I wanted too, but Luis told me that, Luis was the father and that you cause too many problems
Sonny- You still should've told me, what's his name? Where is he?
Brenda- Why do u want to know?
Sonny- Because he's my SON!
Brenda- His name is Robbie, and he is with a nanny right now, in South America
Sonny- How could you keep my son from me?
Brenda- Because i was scared, and i wanted to keep him safe
Sonny- I have a right to see my SON
Brenda- I'm sorry, i didn't want to hurt you
What happens next?
Carly comes in...
Jason calls... Courtney is in labor

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