"Lucky Penny" or "A Penny Saved....."

Written by Send Private Message gh_p on 13-Mar-2003 2:37 PM [#187]:

called Jason

Jason rushes into the kitchen to rescue Liz and just as they get out the back door, there is an explosion, and they hit the floor.

Court and Carly start crying devastated that Jason may have still been in the kitchen, Sonny holds them back trying to calm them down.

Jason lifts his head to see if Liz is ok, half conscious not knowing where she is she calls out Jasons name, and he holds her saying he is right here with her and not to worry...

AJ runs around the back and sees Jason holding Liz and immediatley informs everybody they are ok and still have feelings for each other in hopes to make Courtney jealous, which works....
What happens next?
Jason to the rescue
courtney's jealous revealed

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