"Lucky Penny" or "A Penny Saved....."

Written by Send Private Message Zsuza on 26-Mar-2003 3:31 AM [#211]:

Courtney's jealousy reared it's ugly head as....

She became enraged.
She grabbed Liz up off the ground.

Courtney:You stupid little slut.
She reached back and smacked Liz as hard as she could.
Jason got ahold of Courtney and Liz slumped to the ground.

Jason:Courtney!! How could you. I just pulled Liz out of a fire and you go berserk? I am not your property to defend and you do not call my friends sluts. What the hell is wrong with you?!

Courtney:Because she-bitch here was just waiting for an opportunity to throw herself at you!!

Jason shook his head as if he didn't hear it right.
Jason:Throw herself at me she's barely conscious!

Courtney was livid.
Courtney:Right! Of course poor Lizzie! And then we have you! Jason you always have to be her hero, if she's in trouble you run to her rescue...

Jason:I rescued you too.. Courtney I'm going to help Liz now and you can either deal with it or not...

Jason knelt on the ground beside Liz and held her hand as the medics arrived. Just then...
What happens next?
Jax showed up........
Jason left with Liz in the ambulance.....

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