"Lucky Penny" or "A Penny Saved....."

Written by Send Private Message Saxyliason on 31-May-2003 1:02 PM [#262]:

Liz travels to heaven and meets her grandfather Steve Hardy

Steve: Elizabeth...welcome.
Liz: Grandfather?
Steve: Yes, it's me.
Liz: Am I dead?!?
Steve: No, not yet. Your here to learn a lesson.
Liz: What is it?
Steve: Let me show you something.
Steve swirls his hand, and an image appears in a cloud.
Courtney:(whiny) Jason ever since we got married we never go out any more.
Jason: Ever since we got married you haven't shut up.
Courtney: I'm telling Sonny.
Jason pinched the bridge of his noise....then the image vanished and flashed to a new image.
Ric: You will never leave me... do you understand?
Elizabeth nodded meakly
Ric:Other wise you know what happens to Morgan.
This image then vanished, too.
Liz: What is this the future?
Steve: Only if you don't do something to stop it.
Liz: Like what???
Steve: Go back to earth and break Jason and Courtney up...............
What happens next?
Elizabeth takes her Grandfather's advice.
Elizabeth ignores her Grandfather's advice

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