"Lucky Penny" or "A Penny Saved....."

Written by Send Private Message IXIShOrTLiLMaIXI on 21-Feb-2003 7:18 PM [#149]:

Carly barges in on Brenda telling Sonny about Sonny's son with Brenda

'Wat the hell Sonny?!' - Carly she said as she stormed in. 'You have a son with her?!'
'I didn't know!' - Sonny
'And you! You little skanky thing. He has a life that doesnt include u! He has a wife. But no here comes Brenda with a son he never knew about! Its always drama with Brenda around!'
'You know Carly! I was going to have Sonny sign papers to sign over his right to our son' - Brenda
What happens next?
Sonny Signs the Papers
Sonny Doesnt Sign the Papers

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