"Lucky Penny" or "A Penny Saved....."

Written by Send Private Message Zsuza on 26-Mar-2003 3:07 AM [#156]:

ran in himself

Just then Jason ran up and as Carly was screaming at Sonny to come back.

Jason:Carly what the hell is going on?!

Carly:He ran into th fire to save that little twit!

Jason:Elizabeth! I'll get to them both.
He ran into the fire. Sonny was on his way out.

Sonny:Jason I couldn't see her!
Jason ran further in calling Liz's name.
He finally found her in the kitchen.
When they made it outside Jason held Liz in his arms as she began to cough.

as tears formed in her eyes.

Jason:Shhh...Liz it's o.k. now I'm not leaving you
he paused for a moment

Jason didn't realize that Courtney had come running up behind him. She stopped dead in her tracks as he spoke those words.
What happens next?
Courtney's jealousy reared it's ugly head as....
Jason continued to soothe Liz as they spoke and...

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