"Lucky Penny" or "A Penny Saved....."

Written by Send Private Message Ula on 15-Jul-2003 8:06 AM [#298]:

Liz remains in hell and goes on a tour with Frank Smith and Mikkos Cassadine

''And so ends our tour of the GH set.'' concludes Mikkos.

''Oh, by the way, we're kicking you out.'' said Frank.

''Cool'' replied Liz. ''So . . . do I get to go to heaven after all.

Frank chuckles. ''Good Lord, no! You were so mean to your Gram, and your sister. You smoked cigarettes, and YOU STOLE ENGLISH TEST ANSWERS!!''

''Do you realize you kept trying to prevent my grandson from having sex? That is not nice, young lady,'' Mikkos chastised.

''So . . . where do I get to go?''

''We don't know, and don't care! We just don't want you here. Bye!''

Meanwhile, back on earth, Courtney was delighted. ''We can finally hire another waitress!''

What happens next?
Carly is hired.
Skye is hired.

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