The Match From Hell (Submitted by Marty)

Written by Send Private Message antelope on 11-May-2008 9:16 AM [#7]:


''Give me those!'' Maxie shouted snatching the pages from Logan's hands. ''You're going to ruin them!''

''You're welcome,'' Logan said. ''Next time I'll just let them blow across the dock and into the harbor.''

He turned and walked away. He didn't know why he expected anything but snark from Maxie. She hated him, and he couldn't exactly blame her. He had made a mess of everything from the minute he arrived in this town. Maxie was no different.

Maxie watched Logan walk away. She felt a little pang of guilt. He had saved her layout. But he was still Logan Hayes.

She rearranged the pages of the layout, smoothing them as she went. She placed them carefully into a folder. Suddenly she didn't want to go back to the office. There really was no reason to go. Kate wanted the layout first thing the next morning. She should just go home. Of course, she really didn't want to go their either.
What happens next?
Maxie goes after Logan.
Maxie goes after Johnny.

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