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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 7-Apr-2005
Author: |
jackie_28465 |
Posting date: | Thu, 07-Apr-2005 2:48:26 PM PDT |
General Hospital today shows a deviant AJ who is still filling little Michael's head with false accounts.He is doing a rather good job of brainwashing. Will it affect Michael? Probably. As Michael sits and looks at Carly's photo, she seems to connect with him. She tells Alcazar and Sonny that the images she has of Michael are REAL. These flashes of Michael seem to comfort her. She says: " I think he is Alive." And alive he is in the Bahamas with a very much ALIVE AJ.Sam and Jason fly to a resort in THe Bahamas to check on a lead.They seem to be getting closer to retrieving Michael as Jason uses his money to bribe . A sexy looking Sam wears a bikini,and uses her alluring sex appeal to investigate too.Jason is not sure he likes this strategy, HA
In the meantime, a protective Jax tries to help his beloved Courtney to find out if AJ and Rachel knew each other.They were in the Bahamas at the same time. They do some investigating of their own. They check Rachel's glowing record(thanks to Monica), and find nil suspicious. Rachel is still in a coma. Courtney simply wants to clear herself of AJ's death. Just imagine what will occur when AJ is discovered with Carly's little man.I can see revenge with a capital R on Carly and Sonny's faces.There will be great RELIEF for Courtney. However, Michael may have a soft spot for AJ as his biological dad.Who knows what the brainwashing has done to their Michael.
An inebriated Alan makes an idiot of himself as he drinks his grief up in a bar. Reese has gone there too because Sonny's insensitive words hurt her sooooo much. When he saw her talking to Jason, he lit into her. He told her that she did not know how much pain he feels due to the loss of his son. Needless to say, Reese has already told Carly that she had lost her son due to a violent kidnapping and his death. When Carly tells Sonny this, he says Oh,I must apologize to Reese. He calls her at the bar while she drinks all the bourbon. He wants to see her,and she tells him to get lost. Reese praises Sonny in a round-about way to the local bartender,and Alan eavesdrops. With rage, Alan tells Reese that Sonny is a cancer,etc. He calls Reese "a whore with a badge", and accuses her of sleeping with Sonny. She slaps him, and he slaps her back.Guess who walks in? A vindictive Sonny comes to see Reese.Alan is an alcoholic who seems to be drowning" his grief" over his dead son AJ in a sea of alcohol.HE is one angry man with everyone .. especially Courtney..
Tomorrow's episode may reveal Michael to Jason or Sam sooooo tune in to catch this scenario.( AN aside: This viewer and fan really hates to see Tamara( Carly) leave the show. Does anyone else feel this way? I wish her well, but her role is going to be terribly hard to fill.)