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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 19-Apr-2005

Author: jackie_28465
Posting date: Tue, 19-Apr-2005 1:53:22 PM PDT

General Hospital was awesome today! I do not like to be critical, but the AJ -Michael saga was dragging. AJ and Michael( Both thought to be dead) showed up on Alan's patio. A surprised Alan listened as AJ. begged Alan not to reveal them to anyone. He said, " If you tell mom, she will run to the Golden Boy, Jason." Alan hides Michael and AJ in the Quartermaine's attic. An almost upset would have been when Dillon and Georgie went to the attic. Michael could have revealed himself, but he didn't.One wonders why he didn't unless he is beginning to believe AJ's hogwash. Perhaps, he is feeling closer to AJ now.Anyway, For now, AJ's secret is fairly safe with Alan. Jason is looking for them in the Bahamas. HE knows that Michael is, indeed, alive because he has seen a pic of the biological father AJ and" DEAD" Michael. Alan asked AJ a bunch of questions. Like do you know how much hurt you have brought to others? A sad looking AJ said: " I did not think that any of you cared about me." He also told Alan about his planning the abduction of Michael with Faith.Alan is kind but aghast at this new -found info. He asks: " How could U have pinned this on Courtney?" AJ did this for revenge because Courtney and the others had hurt him. soooooo. He thinks that he and Michael can get new identities, etc. In the meantime , a new Carly tells Sonny that Michael is alive.( She favors Carly a little, but she is NOT Carly soooooo.) It will take this fan time to get acclimated to a newly- found Carly. Sonny is dubious at first about Michael's being alive, but then, he begins to believe.Sonny is determined to get to the root of this dilemma. What will happen to AJ? Will Sonny and Carly face a belligerant, brainwashed child? Me thinks so. AJ ,little by little ,has gained Michael's trust sooooooo.Sonny has been hiding Reese Marshall since her hospital stay. However, John Durant knows where she is. Durant is talking to someone in the church about hauling Sonny in for good. Who is this mystery man?Ric is telling NIL to Durant, but he calls Alexis' so- called shrink, and when he finds her shrink is out of town, he wonders whom Alexis has been seeing . The mystery psychiatrist is never shown sooooo. IS there some connection with Alexis and Durant? Who knows? Ric wants to protect Sonny now, but he does not quite trust Alexis who will go to any length to get full custody of Kristina. Ric and Alexis know where Reese is so, perhaps, Alexis spilled the beans. Please tune in on Wednesday to see what occurs with AJ and growing, sweet Michael. Reese did snuggle up with Morgan, and they were so sweet together.She must miss her own son so very much. Who wouldn't?

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