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General Hospital Update for Friday, 27-May-2005

Author: jackie_28465
Posting date: Fri, 27-May-2005 4:14:55 PM PDT

GAMES, GAMES, GAMES, some hurtful and disgusting were played on General Hospital today. This new Carly was almost funny as she prepared a grand ruse which involved Courtney, JAx, and the deviant Rachel.Carly tried to make it look as if Court was having a LOVE FEST with Jason. Then, Rachel kissed Jax, and Courtney showed up. Carly had to tell her the truth at this point. Courtney was soooooo angry with Carly. What was Carly thinking? SHe needs to butt out of everyone's biz now.Right? IN the meantime things get heated at Luke's club when teens celebrate Dillon's birthday without an adult supervisor. When Maxie flirts with Diego, Georgie berates her, and Maxie passes out. Poor ,lovable Georgie now feels sooo guilty( for no reason). In the hospital while tests are being run on MaX, Monica tells us that Maxie may need a new heart transplant. ALL are so concerned for her.( An Aside: THE NEW MAXIE IS CUTE.)Mac is furious with negligent Luke. Luke is putting the move on Skye( finally) when Tracy, his spouse, takes a pic. Oh me!Blackmail time. Oh the mind games they play on GH are so funny, and often intriguing.When Ric walks into his office, Durant is sitting there. He tells an already frustrated Ric that he is becoming the head honcho. HE offers Ric "some bite" which Ric refuses. Ric says:If I had to live in a cardboard box under a pier, I would not join you." Alexis shows tender love for RIc now, and begs him to come home. He, in essence, says " No Way!"Perhaps Ric is thinking about that one night stand with an inebriated, hurt Reese. Right after their hot lovemaking, Sonny appeared . She agreed to have dinner with him on Friday PM. Emily sees Ric leaving Reese's hotel room.Oh me! Em is trying to make things right with Nikolas. NIK does not think that it will work, but he agrees to give it a try. One trip to a shrink is not going to make Em well sooooo. Speaking of psychological help, Michael needs the help of a professional. Sonny refuses to let him see the doc sooooooo.Sonny tries to give Ric a bunch of money for coming to his defense, but RIC says" NO".Ric said:" I did that for Michael-not you."I can forsee a war between Sonny and Ric. Reese is there and she is quite impressed with Ric's refusal to accept this moola. One can tell that Ric and Reese feel very guilty about their one night of amour.Reese is trying to tell Sonny about this, but he does stop her. Sooooo Reese is not going to let her heart take over her head. Right? Who knows? Sam found out that she should wait on having a baby.. Jason's child. She is unhappy with the test results.
Can't you see why fans like GH Fridays? Have a great weekend and tune into this season's Emmy winner to see what occurs next. :-)

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