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General Hospital Update for Friday, 17-Jun-2005
Author: |
jackie_28465 |
Posting date: | Fri, 17-Jun-2005 4:39:07 PM PDT |
General Hospital has a full house today with patients and worried people. Maxie's heart is not working properly, and Georgie must have an op to remove fluid from her brain.( Remember, she fell and hit her head hard.) AS Dillon prepares himself for whatever lies ahead, he feels so alone and distraught. HE begs Mac to forgive him for playing around with" their Georgie." Dillon says: " I love her soooooo much!" Mac actually tells a frightened Dillon that he understands.YEA! On hold is Maxie as they prep her for Georgie's heart if Georgie doesn't survive. Georgie's chances are 50/50.During this time, Maxie and Georgie have an out- of- body experience. Maxie begs Her little sis not to die. Yet, code blue occurs with Georgie. Will she live? This fan hopes so.:-)GH cannot afford to lose this talented teen.( an aside)
Reese tells Sonny a bunch of lies about her ex spouse Evan. Sonny asks Jason to scare this guy out of town. When Sonny and Jason arrive, they find no Evan. Yet, a lady with a gun( Reese) finds a dead ex. Ric appears too soooooo. What's going on here? Sonny knows that Reese has not been straight with him. Carly tries to tell Sonny about some of Reese's deception. Sonny will not hear it.Trying to warn Sonny upsets Alcazar because he has some reservations about Sonny and Carly.HE would like for Carly to majorly forget Sonny.
DR. Thomas tells Sam and Jason that Michael needs a stable place to live. Alan steps up to oblige and Jason sees RED.In the meantime, Michael disappears with his little make believe friend, Jodie.Later, Michael tells Sam about his new little friend. I guess we will learn more about the psychological ramifications later.An imaginary playmate must be helping Michael to cope.
An unbelievable Rachel tells Courtney and Jax that she will serve as a mother surrogate for them. Jax says:" NO thanks."After Lucky takes money that is not his, Liz realizes how desperate he is about finances. He returns the stolen money. Enter Jax and Court again to ask Liz to reconsider being their surrogate mom. They trust her, etc. Liz's egg will be fertilized with Jax's sperm because Court's egg is infertile. Lucky is still not too thrilled with this . He tells Elizabeth that she may not want to give this baby up. Liz says ;" Oh no, I can do this." I wonder......
As one can see, there are complex situations on today's show, so tune in Monday for some enlightenment.