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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 21-Jul-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Sat, 23-Jul-2005 3:32:12 PM PDT

Maxie sneaks into her dad's office and finds the files on both Jessie Beaudry and Officer Murphy. Mac comes in and catches her and tells her she cannot be there. SHe could be charged with illegal entry, theft and tampering with police evidence. She protests to her father that she wishes he'd understand taht she wants to uncover the truth. Just then, Lucky enters and suggests that Mac let him help with this case because he, too would like to find out the truth.

Jason and Sam are at some deserted cave somewhere planning Michael's escape. He admits to her that he's not certain he's doing the right thing taking Michael away from his family.

Carly tells Lorenzo that she cannot be without her son a moment longer. She needs to know where he is. He asks her what she'd do if he were there and tells her that what she needs to face up to is that she has two choices; either let the courts convict Michael for the death of AJ or get him out of the country.

Sonny tells Reese that he has no choice except to hide Michael. She tells him that very possibly Michael could confess and not serve a sentence. Because he's a minor, there'd be a closed hearing. He could explain the circumstances. ANd it might not be as bad as Sonny fears. But he tells her with Durant on the case, he cannot trust what will happen.

Lucky tells Maxie that she is not helping Jessie or herself when she's making unfounded accusations. She tells him that they need to know that Murphy is a dirty cop and framed Jessie. Lucky explains that she needs to let the cops do their jobs. SHe tells them both that they need to consider that what she's saying is true. Mac tells her they need evidence. But he agrees to listen to what Jessie says and see if it's possible that he's innocent. When she leaves, Lucky asks Mac if she might be onto something. But Mac tells Lucky he'd like nothing more than to have Beaudry behind bars and away from his daughter.

Ric asks Durant how he can do something like this to his own grandson. Durant tells Ric that no matter what anybody thinks, he loves that kid and is doing this to protect him. Ric tells him he will only get his way over Carly's dead body.

Carly thinks up a plan that she tells Lorenzo, where Jason can help her get Michael out of the country. She can grab Morgan and have him come with her. He tells her that he wants to be there for her. She tells him that in that case it's settled. But Lorenzo asks her if she's really prepared to take Michael away from everything he knows, family, friends, school, grandparents. She tells him Michael's grandfather can rot in hell. Lorenzo tells her he's thinking of her mother and Sonny's father. He tells her very possibly Michael can get a break in court, get court-ordered therapy and it won't be so bad. She says she does not want to take chances with that. He tells her he will go along with whatever she wants but he believes the best thing is to turn him into the police and trust the system.

Sonny tells Reese that Jason and Sam will take Michael away from all of this. She tells him that there is an APB for Jason and Sam. Michael will be gunned down and taken away from his family and everybody forever and in far more trouble if he's a fugitive. He tells her he remembers all too well what it's like to be incarcerated by the cops. All the media harassment and all that he has gone through in his life. He tells her his son is 9 yaers old and he will never let him go through the humiliation of that. She tells him that maybe he needs to let his love for Michael be stronger than his own fear. He tells her he must do what is best for his son. She says in that case let the truth come out for Michael. He tells her that she can attempt to talk to Durant if she wants. She says she will do what she can. Emily enters and informs Sonny that Jason and Sam have Michael with them. She says that they are making it an adventure for him but Jason plans to get him out of the country. Sonny tells Emily that everybody is telling him that he needs to comply with the law for Michael but he can't do it. She tells him he's Michael's father and asks what his heart says.

Jason tells Sam that maybe he has doubts that he did the right thing. He asks what good it will do to give Michael a false identity, spend the rest of his life on the run and have the life that AJ had. SHe protests that there's no way Michael could be as sick as AJ. AJ was mentally ill no matter what happened. SHe agrees to wait for Sonny and Carly's call and find out what they want to do but she tells him that they are in this together.

Maxie talks to Lucky alone, telling him that he needs to persuade her dad to start thinking like the commissioner and not like her overprotective father. Lucky tells her that all the evidence makes Beaudry look guilty. But she tells him that it's because Murphy framed him. He tells her he's known her all her life and knows she's a good person. But she's made some bad decisions in the past and should realize that her father has good reason to be suspicious. Beaudry comes out of hiding and tells Lucky he will not trust him if he keeps siding with the commissioner.

Reese goes to talk to Durant and tells him that he's done a terrible thing to a boy who is his grandson. Durant tells her Michael has been raised by a pack of killers. Sonny then comes in and tells Durant if he grants Jason Morgan and Sam McCall amnesties, then he will surrender Michael to the authorities. Strangely enough, Durant tells Sonny he will agree to that.

Jason tells Sam that he wants to be with her and Michael. But the downside is that he's living like a fugitive and taken away from his life. She asks what it will mean if he gets convicted and declared a murderer. Hearing that, he tells her that he can now see it more clearly.

Lucky reminds Jessie and Maxie that Murphy found him and pulled a gun on him because he's a wanted man. She tells him she was there and Murphy put explosive in a lightbulb and killed Jenna and intended to kill her and Maxie. But Lucky tells her she must stay out of this and let the cops do their job. He tells Jessie that he went to the police academy with Murphy and has never known anything suspicious about him. WHereas all he knows about Jessie is that he sweet-talked a girl in the ICU. When Lucky leaves, Jessie tells Maxie that he can understand Lucky's suspicions.

Durant says he will drop all charges against Jason and Sam and all he cares about is the welfare of his grandson. Ric asks about child protective services. Durant says because Michael is a minor, it cannot be avoided. He also reminds Reese that maybe she should not put her trust in Sonny. HEr boyfriend might be headed out of town as they speak.

Emily goes to the cave to find Jason and Sam and warns them that they are wanted fugitives (last she heard). SHe says if they are going to leave, they have to leave now.

Carly goes to see Sonny and tells him she needs him to tell her where Michael is. He tells her she cannot be with him. SHe needs to let Michael go. Stranger, huh? He agrees to turn Michael in to Durant, in exchange for immunity for Jason and Sam, yet tells Carly something different? She asks how, right after she's gotten Michael back, can she let Jason and Sam take him away. He tells her they have no choice with John Durant on the case. The legal system will chew Michael up and spit him out. She protests that there are laws that will protect a minor. He tells her she cannot expect Durant to play fair. He knows Durant will stop at nothing to get back at him and will use Michael for that. She says she will agree to the terms but she wants him to take her to Michael so she can say goodbye to him.

Maxie finds Jessie again. he asks her what part of "go home" does she not understand. She says she will trust Lucky. He's a Spencer. It sounds like he does not trust her and wants to dump her. SHe says she knows that he wants to protect her. But he has not figured out that she's a big girl. Yes, she's made her mistakes and learned from them. He kisses her and asks her if she will go home. She says she'll leave her cell phone on and he may call her when he's a free man.

Murphy asks Lucky if he's working on the Beaudry case now. Lucky informs Murphy that Beaudry claims to be innocent. He assures Murphy that nobody buys what they are saying about him except for Maxie Jones. She has a crush on Beaudry and is covering for him. He tells Murphy he trusts him. He does however warn Murphy that if he has any dirt, he might want to get it cleaned up. Murphy tells Lucky there is nothing and walks away.

Jason and Sam make plans about getting on a ship. She tells him she's travelled on ships for years and knows the Carribean. She asks if the two of them are ready to ahve her as their captain. Michael says it will be cool for her to be their captain. Just then, Sonny, Carly and Morgan come to see Michael.

Jessie returns to the docks and Lucky informs him that he's talked to Murphy. He warns him that it does not look good. He cannot find any dirt on Murphy although he's not afraid to consider what Jessie and Maxie say. Right then, Murphy appears with a gun. Maxie comes to protect Jessie. Murphy grabs her and tells them they either back off or she dies.

Ric goes to see Reese. She tells him that Sonny agreed to Durant's deal. But he informs her that his brother stalled Durant long enough to get Michael out of the country.

Durant goes to Lorenzo's looking for Carly with cops. He tells Durant that he has no clue where she is. Durant taunts Lorenzo about how his daughter might be cheating on him with her ex. Lorenzo tells Durant that he does not have to answer to him. He does not care for SOnny Corinthos and wouldn't cover for him but he doesn't trust Durant either. Durant tells Lorenzo he's just wrapped his wife up in a little bow and sent her to the enemy.

Sonny tells Michael that if he wants to go in another direction, he needs only say the word. But Michael tells his father that he chooses to go with Jason and Sam. Michael says goodbye to his little brother and tells him he loves him. Carly hugs Michael goodbye and asks Sam to take good care of her son. Jason tells her it's time to go. But Carly cannot pull herself away from her son and asks Sonny to please consider doing things another way. But he tells her they must do what is right for their son right now which is letting him go.

Lucky stands by Jessie and tells Murphy that he needs to let Maxie go. He tells her he must leave her with them and they will forget that they saw him. But Murphy says he cannot do that. Maxie will rat him out and he needs to keep her because he does not trust any of them. Just then, Maxie elbows Murphy and gets free and Lucky and Murphy shoot at each other.

Durant is plotting a plan to find his grandson.

Right when Sonny and Carly are at the cave with Morgan, after Jason, Sam and Michael have left, cops ask them where Michael is. He tells them they are there with his arrest warrant. Carly tells them her son is not with them. But they may give a message to her worthless pig of a father. He will never, ever hurt her son again.

Right then, Jason Sam and Michael set sail. She asks Jason if he has any second thoguhts. Michael thinks the ship is cool. But Jason reveals to Sam that they will both have rap hanging over their heads. She tells Jason even if she did not care about Michael, she'd be doing this for him because she loves him. But she happens to be crazy about that little boy and wants to do whatever she needs to do in order to give him a chance to heal. Michael goes to his room on the ship. ANd guess who is there. His guardian angel, Jodie. ONLY ON SOAPS could something so crazy happen!

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