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General Hospital Update for Friday, 22-Jul-2005
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Posting date: | Fri, 22-Jul-2005 3:57:24 PM PDT |
Jason and Sam set sail with Michael to get him out of the country after the slimeball Durant is ready to get him charged with the murder of AJ. Sam encourages Jason not to worry. So what if they are fugitives and the cops are on their trail. She tells him that throughout her life she's wanted to go away and not come back. And that ended when she got to know him. She tells him that they are a family. Sam and Jason have become that kid's parents. WHere are Sonny and Carly? Too busy competing to see who can make whom jealous with their new relationships. On the ship, Jason can tell that something is going on that is very wierd. He can sense it. And sure enough, when Michael goes to his room, he discovers his guardian angel, Jodie. ONLY ON SOAPS! This little girl whose family believes that Michael's family is EVIL doesn't even realize that she's gone. SHe's able to follow him everywhere he goes. In SOnny's high-security house, every park he goes to, and now she sneaks onto the ship! ANd nobody ever sees her or catches her. Jason goes into Michael's room. And wouldn't you know, Jodie still remains unseen and Jason has no clue that she is there.
Jessie is able to convince Lucky that it is Murphy, not himself, who is the dirty cop. He killed Jenna, tried to kill Jessie and Maxie. He shot Durant and framed Jessie for it. Maxie is determined to stop at nothing to help Jessie. Murphy and Lucky struggle and Lucky shoots Murphy. Murphy tells him he must understand the struggle he's gone through to be working as a uniform cop with the lousy pay they get. Lucky tells Murphy there's no excuse for what he did. Murphy tells Lucky that he must remember that the next time he's with Elizabeth and cannot afford something.
Emily is in her home and right when Nikolas approaches her, she freaks and accidentally drops the picture of the two of them. The glass shatters. It's almost symbolic about how their relationship is ending.
Sonny is really pissing Reese off. She tells him she needs him to open up and be honest and trust her. He won't tell her where Michael is.
The cops come and asks Emily what she knows about the whereabouts of Michael Corinthos.
Courtney and Jax talk about getting all their plans into motion to be the parents of the baby Elizabeth is carrying for them. She notices, however, that he is having difficulty calling the baby "our baby". He is obviously still suspicious about what Lucky can to do prevent them from adopting Elizabeth's baby, when he marries Elizabeth. Just then, Elizabeth is at their door and tells them she has some news about the baby. She informs them that she had her first check up and both she and the baby are in excellent condition. She gives them the test results. Courtney excuses herself, telling them she must get going before she is late. Elizabeth notices the fabric that they have bought for the baby's nursery. RIght away, Jax is getting all friendly-friendly with Elizabeth. And Courtney is not comfortable with that.
Nikolas gets a call from Lucky informing him that Durant brought Emily down for questioning in the whereabouts of her brother,Sam and Michael.
Mac plays a tape for Lucky, Jessie and Maxie about the struggle where Murphy got shot. He says it's an interesting tape but does not answer Maxie's question about whether he knows that Jessie was innocent. She goes off and Mac yells at Lucky and Jessie for failing to protect Maxie.
Durant tells Emily that she might want to call a lawyer because he will stop at nothing to find his grandson. She tells him she refuses to talk.
Reese tells Sonny that Michael is on the run without his family and his worst secret is on the news. SHe tells him that perhaps he should let the old fashioned justice system take it's course. But she realizes it's not her call to make and she will stay out of it. SHe asks him if this makes her look weak in his eyes. He tells her he'd never think of her as weak. She asks him how he'd describe her. He tells her she's smart and strong and sexy and he kisses her. He then gets a call from Emily. She tells him she's at the PCPD and might need his help.
Sam tucks Michael in bed. Jason tells him she is the captain and he'd better listen to her. Again, they have no clue that Jodie is hiding in Michael's room. When they go out the door, he asks her to get out of hiding. Knowing that she has some sort of secret about who really killed AJ, he asks her what she knows. He asks if he did not kill AJ, who did?
Mac demands taht Lucky and Jessie sit while he lectures them. He tells them that he instructed them not to expose Maxie to danger. And they ignored. They protest that they did not know that she followed them on their mission. He tells them they msut realize how willful Maxie is about putting herself in danger. He then tells the two of them that they are officially partners. Jessie asks if that means that he is still a real detective. He looks smug. Lucky asks Mac if he is supposed to be "subordinate" to this punk. Mac tells Lucky that maybe he can be "this punk's" chaparone and keep him away from Mac's daughter. And if either one of them slips up, they will be writing parking tickets.
Elizabeth tells Lucky that she knows that Courtney wants to make decisions about the decorating of the baby's room and have her stay out of it. But she tells him that he will make a great dad because he is very sensitive to people's feelings. Just then, she gets a call from Lucky, explaining that he is running late. Right when she gets off the phone, she falls and Jax catches her.
Emily tells Durant that he could get in trouble for violating a citizens' rights in his questioning. Sonny and Reese appear and tell him he'd better leave Emily alone. Reese tells Durant taht Emily is free to go. He tells her he can get Jason and Sam in a lot of trouble if she doesn't tell him where they are. Nikolas comes. She goes with him. But she walks away from him.
On the ship, Sam tells Jason that she knows where they can go to pick up some supplies without being seen or caught. He tells her that he can observe that she might miss the life of being on a ship. She tells him that in her life so many people disappointed her. ANd on the ship she felt free and independent. She says she felt safest there. Until she met him. He tells her that he travelled everywhere before he got settled in Port Charles. He tells her he liked independence and freedom, and the best thing was to be able to go days without talking. He reflects to her that he believes he's talked more to her than he has to anybody he's met in his entire life. He tells her that he always wanted to meet somebody who he could share things with who would understand and who really got it. ANd he tells her he's finally found her. They hold each other. Michael appears and tells them there's something he must tell them. He informs them they are not the only ones on this boat.
Maxie meets with Jessie and asks if everything went ok with her dad. He tells her everything is fine and thanks her for her help. She asks why he wants to part company with her. He tells her she may go back to her comfortable, rich life. He indicates that he believes he's no good for her and she's no good for him. She tells him for an undercover cop, he's a pretty bad liar.
After Elizabeth faints, she tells Jax she's ok. But she shares with him that Lucky was involved in a shootout and it's very fortunate that he was ok. She was so worried. ANd she tells him that it is so hard to know that every day when he goes off to work, that he might not come back alive. She says she realized she could not accept that when she was with Jason. But now, she's going through it all over again.
Nikolas asks Emily why she helped to hide Michael. He tells her it could cost her career as a doctor. ANd he tells her she should have at least asked him to help her. He asked her why she put herself in dnager of going to jail. SOnny then enters and tells Nikolas that Emily only did what he and Carly and Jason and Sam asked her to do. Nikolas tells Sonny he is having a private conversation with his wife. Sonny protests to Nikolas that Emily chose to do that for him and she could have said no. But Nikolas says he knows that Emily would do anything for her brother. ANd Sonny took advantage of that. That's what he does. He uses people for his own purposes and has no consideration for anybody else. Emily is very upset to hear that and indicates to Nikolas that their marriage is about to end.
Michael informs Jason and Sam that Jodie is on the ship with them and she knows that he did not kill AJ and she knows who did.
Jax wants to take care of Elizabeth. She tells him that dizziness and fainting is part of pregnancy and no big deal. HE reminds her that the stress of Lucky's job is not helping her any. Lucky then comes in. She notices blood on his jacket. He admits to her that Murphy shot at him. Jax tells Lucky that maybe he should transfer to a desk job so that Elizabeth doesn't have to worry about him killing himself. And wouldn't you know, there's another argument about money. Lucky tells Jax the pay is lousy and Jax says he will offer him "charity" to make up the difference. ANd that really pisses Lucky off.
Emily admits to Sonny that she said something to Nikolas that even Sonny suggests maybe she says she did not mean. But she admits to SOnny that she does mean that she wants to end their marriage. She says she loves him and knows he loves her. But she believes they will never go back to having what they had. Reese comes and informs Emily that Durant has issued her a court order and she warns Emily that it's not good.
Michael takes Jason and Sam back to his room, gets Jodie out of her hiding place and asks her to tell them who really killed AJ.