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General Hospital Update for Monday, 25-Jul-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Mon, 25-Jul-2005 5:22:02 PM PDT

Lucky angrily tells Jax that he's not about to take a desk job at the police station. Jax protests that he's just concerned about the stress to Elizabeth and to the baby if he is putting himself in danger. ANd he offers to pay Lucky the difference for the pay loss he would take if he worked at a desk. Lucky tells Jax that he is a cop. That's what he does and he won't take charity. ANd he knows that millionares like Jax, who have never had to work, just look down their noses upon those who work hard and don't have money. He tells Jax that everything is a monetary venture to him and he's a control freak. jax tells Lucky he did not mean to offend him. Elizabeth tries to calm both of them down.

Courtney tells Nikolas that Jax has the biggest heart in the world. He's gone out of his way to make her feel like she's part of the pregnancy. He's really trying hard but she cannot cope with the fact that she cannot carry a child. ANd she tells him that she's been in denial thorughout the last year. When she found out she could not have kids, she buried herself in her foundation. Then there was the trial and her brother's wedding and so many things. She admits taht she did not plan on falling in love with a man like Jax. She says Elizabeth Webber is having her husband's baby and she does not know where she fits. So she walks on egg shells and tries to be understanding. He tells her he understands all too well what she is feeling. Emily is doing the same thing for him as Jax is doing for Courtney. But he knows he cannot make everything right for her or make her comfortable to touch him after what Connor did to her. He concludes that neither of them can change their situation.

Reese comes to Sonny's and informs him and that Durant has subpoena'd Emily.

Michael takes Jason and Sam back to hear Jodie tell them who really killed AJ. But it looks like only Michael can see and hear her. Oh, my GOD! Now we FINALLY FIND OUT what this mysterious little girl whom nobody ever sees is all about!! She's a FIGMENT of Michael's IMAGINATION!!! They don't know waht to say or do. He tells her it's alright to talk to them. They are his friends. Sam "pretends" to see Jodie and introduces herself. Michael hears Jodie tell him that she's afraid of Jason and he tells the imaginery Jodie whom THEY cannot SEE, that it's alright to trust Sam and Jason.

Reese tells Sonny and Emily that they must not be intimidated by Durant. Sonny assures Emily taht he will go to bat for her. She's Jason's sister and like family to him. Reese leaves and Sonny asks Emily to go upstairs and pack her stuff and he will take her home. SHe tells him she is home. He tells her the only place where she will be safe is at the Quartermaine's.

Nikolas confides in Courtney that Emily is hiding herself at Sonny's and Sonny is not being her protector. Courtney remarks that that should be Nikolas' job. She tells him that she started out having only shallow attraction to Jax but he is honest and open. That is unless he wants something you cannot give him. she notices that he is so engrossed in the baby, seeing it as his own but not hers' and making it clear that it's his and Elizabeth's. She says eery time she gets ready to tell him how she feels. But she then plays it in her head and belives she would sound so selfish and jealous and petty. She says the way she is feeling right now is not the way a loving wife should feel. He tells her she is not evil. Maybe insecure and justifiably so. ANd how can Jax turn that around if she cannot tell him. SHe tells him that when Jax was listening to the baby's heart beat. He behaved as if she wasn't there. She says she wondes what will happen when Elizabeth starts showing and he wants to feel her belly. She then laughs and tells Nikolas that she must sound like a typical woman. A whiner. He tells her no. She is very incredible.

Jax informs Lucky taht Elizabeth fainted. She tells Jax it was no big deal. She protests that she is in love with a cop and plans to marry a cop and will not ask him to change his job. SHe tells Jax that some day they will have a baby of their own and she will tell their child that it's father is a hero, something she would encourage their child to aspire to being. She tells Jax that she will not let him use their baby to force Lucky to make a career detour. So he needs to get his anxieties under control. ANd she tells him that if he will excuse her, she's going to go and be with her future husband.

Michael is able to hear and see Jodie telling him she's afraid of Jason and Michael explains to Jason that perhaps it's because he wouldn't let her come to visit Michael, the other day. Sam tells Michael that Jodie does not need to talk to them if she is uncomfortable. She can wait until she's ready. She and Jason go outside Michael's room and she asks if he is ok, sensing that he is freaked at what he's observed from Michael. He asks how he could not know how bad it was.

Nikolas asks Courtney if she minds if he gives her a guy's perspective on that. He tells her that she needs to let Jax know how she feels. She tells him that she would sound very selfish doing that and Jax deserves to be happy. He tells her so does she. She says that she and Jax are young and happy and have everything they ever wanted. But she asks when it will ever be enough. He tells her it can be if we stop looking for a happy ending. But if we play our cards right, we can enjoy a few moments of happiness. They laugh. she tells him that maybe he should take his own advice with Emily and talk to her.

Sonny tells Emily that he is worried about her being around Nikolas when he know she is at Sonny's home. She protests that Nikolas would never be violent or abusive. He tells her that she shouldn't have to be around him if she is not ready. She tells him that all Nikolas wants is his wife back, the woman she was before. Sonny tells her Nikolas needs to accept who she is now. She tells him Nikolas is trying. He tells her taht the more she keeps smiling and pretending that everything is ok, the harder it's going to be for her and Nikolas.

Noticing that Jason is shocked and horrified by what he saw from Michael, Sam tells him that it's very common for children to have imaginery friends. It's a response to trauma. He tells her that's the reason why Michael is in therapy. But she tells him that when Michael has to keep everything locked inside, he might have understandable reason to create Jodie. Jason tells her she's making Jodie sound like she's real. Sam tells him that when Michael has no contact with anybody except for Morgan and Christina and adults, it's not that hard to understand why he would have an imaginary friend. He tells her he refuses to believe that Michael is schizophrenic. She tells him she's not implying that. She knows that he's not making himself Jodie. He just created her to have somebody to talk to because he's isolated. Jason reminds her that Michael told them that Jodie would tell them who really killed AJ. She suggests that might be the reason why he makes Jodie exist. Jason concludes that maybe that's Michael's way of telling them.

Courtney returns home and Jax asks her if she can give him a reality check. He informs her that when Elizabeth was last visiting, she fainted. She says that's not uncommon during pregnancy. He tells her that Elziabeth revealed to him that she gets worried about Lucky putting his life in danger every day. He tells her that kind of stress cannot be good for a pregnant woman or the baby. He informs Courtney that he suggested that Jax take a desk job so that Elizabeth does not have to stress during her pregnancy, and he offered to pay Lucky the difference. But Lucky got very angry at him and refused. He asks Courtney why Lucky would be so calloused and egotistical and have no sensitivity for what this is doing to Elziabeth and the baby. Courtney tells Jax that she's sure that Lucky understands and cares.

Sonny tells Emily that he will never tell her what to do. She tells him he's been very generous since she's been living there. He says he knows what it's like to be physically and emotionally damaged and be too helpless and weak to make it stop. And people say to you that you must get over it when the physical scars go away. But you can't. she tells him that breast cancer was easier than loser her mom so young and she will never be the same. Sonny tells her that what Connor did to her will always be with her. She will get stronger but she will never forget. She reflects that he does understand. He tells her he's wondered what kind of a man he'd be today if he'd not been knocked around as a kid. She suggests less angry and more able to trust. Right then, Nikolas enters. Sonny leaves Emily alone with her husband. He asks her if she is not the woman he married, who is she?

Durant comes to Sonny's and tells Reese he wants to see his grandchildren. She tells him he's dispicable. She knows this has nothing about justice for whoever killed AJ. All he wants to do is ruin Sonny and he's willing to use his own traumatized grandson in order to do it. He tells her he does not intend to hurt Michael. He only wants to save him.

Michael has his "private conversation" with Jodie. She asks him about Jason. He tells her that Jason has been his friend throughout his life. He asks her to reveal her secret about who killed AJ. She tells him that when she reveals that to him, then he will not need her anymore.

Sam tells Jason that "Jodie" was created for a reason. She might exist in order to tell them the things that Michael cannot. She says what if Michael is telling the truth that somebody else killed AJ. Jason asks if she thinks that Michael is suppressing what happened. She says that she believes that Michael could have created Jodie because it was so traumatic he needed her to tell them what really happened.

Nikolas tells Emily that he remembers a time in their lives when they kept secrets FOR each other, instead of FROM each other. He remembers that she only told him about her breast cancer. ANd he cherished that trust and confidence. It made them stronger. The two of them against the world. And he needs to know what went wrong. She tells him their world shattered. He went to prison for killing Helena in order to protect her. He tells her that he wants to get back what they had. He asks her what is going on. She tells him the honest truth is she had to protect a little boy. Jason asked her not to tell anybody. But that's what's going on. She still does not tell Nikolas why she cannot reconnect to him.

Durant enters Sonny's home and says he has enough evidence to put Dr. Thomas on the stand. Reese tells him even if he could, that would only be heresay and one man's opinion. Sonny asks Durant if he really wants to do that to his grandson. He tells Durant he could care less how much "evidence" he thinks he has. He tells Durant that his son will never stand trial.

On the ship, Sam tells Jason taht she thinks the "truth" is with Jodie. Make believe or not, she thinks he should encourage Michael to find out from Jodie what she's told him. He tells her he does not know how to play make believe. He may know how to be with children. He knows she was able to pretend that she was talking to Jodie but he cannot do that. She tells him she can teach him. He says he's sorry but Michael needs help and he cannot be the one to screw it up. Hearing that, she tells him she will agree to do it. She will get the truth out of Jodie.

Jax books a day at the spa for Courtney. She naturally assumes it's for Elizabeth. But he spells it out for her that it's for her. He suggests that maybe they should just indulge themselves for the next nine months. Because when it's over, she will be up to her neck in diapers and talcum powder. He tells her that he knows that she will be good at this. He can just picture her in the nursery with the baby in her arms, in the rocking chair.

Durant tells Sonny and Reese that he has evidence that will prove that Michael killed AJ. She says that first he alleges that Sam and Jason kidnapped him and then he accuses Sonny of hiding him. Durant says he believes it all falls back on Sonny. He tells Sonny that he's ruined Michael's life for the last 10 years. But he hopes it's not too late. Michael is still young. There is still hope. And he believes that some day, Michael will thank him for rescuing him from Sonny. Privately, SOnny tells Reese that if Durant keeps pushing, he will be eliminated. She says it does not have to go that far. He tells her that he wants to fight for his son and asks her if she is willing to stand by him.

At Jax's home, Courtney gets out of bed assuming Jax is sleeping, He follows her knowing she has some sort ot secret. She's obviously still very insecure about Elizabeth's pregnancy.

Nikolas is alone drinking wine. Emily finds him. He's lost in thought just like Courtney is.

Sonny tells Reese that he knows she's a good lawyer. He respects that and respects her. SHe tells him she refuses to be his mouthpiece or to compromise for him. But she tells him that Michael is a different story. The whole reason she came to Port Charles is to save Michael. ANd she will not let Durant hurt him or use him just so Durant can bring Sonny down. Sonny confirms that they are on the same side after all.

Sam has apparently gone off somewhere. She calls Jason from some restaurant or bar. She's wearing a disguise with sunglasses and her hair up. She tells Jason she's somewhere and plotting a plan. He tells her she must tell him where she is and he will come and get her. But she tells him he need not do that. At that point, two uniform cops find her and tell her they need to take her down to the station for questioning. Right then, Michael comes out of his room and informs Jason that Jodie is now ready to tell him the big secret. Jason is all alone without the help of Sam and doesn't know what to do.

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