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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 26-Jul-2005

Author: jackie_28465
Posting date: Tue, 26-Jul-2005 2:58:46 PM PDT

First, I want to congratulate Jsonline for writing good reviews of General Hospital! Today's episodes were quite dramatic with psychological undertones that only DR. Thomas could comprehend. However, this fan is not too sure about this shrink's trustworthiness. Anyway, Sam has been caught by policemen somewhere in SC soooooo.When a frightened Jason is asked by Michael to intervene with Jodie, Michael's alter ego, Jason shows well his fear and hesitation. Jason does not want to screw up Michael's thinking any more.He is afraid that if he says the wrong thing, he will send Michael' over the edge". It is true that Michael has endured enough trauma. However, Sam is not there to help. When Michael begs Jason to chat with Jodie, Jason looks in the wrong direction. Naturally, only Michael can see his imaginary buddy. Jason has conversed with THE DR. Thomas so he doesn't press a fragile Michael to force this issue. Michael yells: " You think I'm crazy because you don't see Jodie at all."Jason tries to convey to a little lost boy that he doesn't know what to say. An exhausted Michael falls asleep.In the meantime, Reese has told an irritated Carly that Michael may not have killed AJ. Lorenzo tries to calm an irate, fiesty Carly down ( as if anyone could.) She feigns an appointment with Lorenzo later, but she slaps her dad hard ,and asks him what is he trying to do to his own grandson.Durant thinks that he is trying to save Michael from the hood, Sonny.
Lucky helps Jesse to bring down two men in a drug bust. Maxie tells Jesse that he need not push her away. Then, she drags Georgie to face Mac too, and Maxie gives him an ultimatim. Maxie says:"Let me make my own mistakes, etc. or Georgie and I will move out." Mac does actually listen to Maxie,but he doesn't give his blessings to Maxie for a relationship with Jesse. Later, Maxie and Mac talk again, and Maxie apologizes to Mac.MAc assures her that he loves her ,and perhaps, does treat her like that little girl he used to play with. Will things change for Maxie and Georgie? Time will tell.
When Carly goes to see Alan and Monica, Monica tries to convince Carly that someone has tagged an innocent little 9 -year- old Michael with AJ's murder. Reese even accuses Rachel of this killing, but Rachel says: " I did not do this, but I saw a person in that hospital room who shouldn't have been there."IS Rachel telling the truth?One wonders...
As this segment ends, Jason has a vivid flashback of his lying in his hospital bed years ago. DR. Thomas is conversing with AJ via phone, and unknown, to the doc, Jason is listening. IS Jason beginning to recall why he dislikes and doesn't trust Dr. Thomas? Please tune in on Wednesday to see more of Jason's fragmented thoughts. Apparently, the conclusion as to who killed AJ is imminent.

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