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General Hospital Update for Wednesday, 27-Jul-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Wed, 27-Jul-2005 4:56:22 PM PDT

Durant tells Carly that he did not kill AJ. And even if he had, he’d never pin it on Michael. He’d never do that to his own grandson. She tells him she believes he’d do anything in order to hurt Sonny.

Jason calls Sonny on the phone and tells him about Michael’s imaginary friend, Jodie. He tells Sonny that this might break Michael for good. And maybe they need to get him home before that happens.

As Reese questions Rachel in the hospital, she says her job is to help people, not kill them. She says she did not kill AJ. Reese says even if she did not, she might be covering for whoever did. Rachel tells Reese that whoever killed AJ has her undying gratitude. But she knows it’s not Michael. Reese, then follows Rachel out the door asking her to wait. How does she know for a fact that Michael did not kill AJ? Reese asks her what she knows. She says she saw somebody do it and Michael saw something he should not have seen. Reese asks who really did kill AJ. Rachel says it was Dr. Thomas.

Sonny tells Jason that it’s odd that Michael is making up a Jodie. That sounds like an odd name to pull out of the blue. Jason explains to him that he had Reese do some checking and she found out that there was a person named Jodie Monroe who was a teacher of his and she won a spelling bee in her childhood. And she’s dead now. Sonny tells Jason that he is grateful for what he’s done for Michael. Jason asks if Sonny has seen Sam since she’s returned. Sonny replies that he hasn’t talked to her. But he knows she’s being “processed”. Now I’m wondering where Sam went. What is she up to? Is she trying to get herself arrested? And if so, why?

Meanwhile, Michael tells Jodie that he knows she’s just a figment of his imagination and she must go away. She tells him he must let her tell him who killed his father. He tells her AJ is not his father. And she can’t tell him anything when she is make believe.

Rachel tells Reese that she may not have actually witnessed Dr. Thomas murder AJ but she saw him leave AJ’s room right about the time he died. She says she blocked it out of her mind until she heard the exact time of AJ’s death. And it all seemed too coincidental. Reese tells Rachel that she wouldn’t put it past Rachel to lie and come up with another suspect since she’s a prime suspect herself. Rachel tells Reese that if she wanted to name a good scapegoat, why would she choose Dr. Thomas? What motive would she have to do that? She tells Reese she must get back to her rounds and excuses herself to leave.

Nikolas meets Emily at the restaurant where Georgie works and suggests that they go home and have their own meal. She says she cannot. She has to work.

At the hospital, Monica asks the scheduling lady why Emily has volunteered to work the graveyard shift. They both agree that Emily is burying herself in work.

Dillon, Diego and Brook Lynn sit at the table at Kelly’s. Maxie enters. They ask her where Georgie is. She tells them she has some amazing news. She finally got through to her father that both she and Georgie should be free to date whomever they want. Dillon finds that hard to believe. But she tells him that Mac is going to stop preventing Georgie from seeing him. And they conclude that Maxie can keep seeing “super cop”.

Right outside Kelly’s, Maxie comes out and tells Jesse the “joyous news” that she’s convinced her father to let her date him. But he tells her he does not want to see her tonight or any other night.

Durant tells Carly that Jason and Sam are putting themselves in a lot of danger for their attempt to kill two officers. And that could get Michael in trouble for being with them. Carly tells Durant that everybody involved loves Michael. He tells her so does he. That’s why he bent over backwards to cut a deal with Sonny in order to get Jason and Sam to return with him. He wants to get Michael the help he needs. Just then Sonny appears and tells Durant he’s ready to take the deal with him.

After Jesse blows her off, Maxie asks what happened to the guy she had so much fun with. He tells her that he put her in danger. She asks him why he’s become so cold. He tells her he does not intend to hurt her feelings. But he does not need any emotional baggage. He’s a cop and he doesn’t do relationships.

After hearing Sonny tell Durant he will make a deal with him, Carly tells him he does not have to do this. Sonny tells her he knows what he’s doing. He tells Durant that if he drops the charges against Jason and Sam, then he will have them return Michael to Port Charles. But Carly tells Sonny he cannot trust Durant. Sonny tells her they do not have a choice. Carly then takes a call and Sonny asks Durant if they still have a deal. Durant replies under one condition; that Michael continues therapy. Sonny and Durant shake hands. So, unlike what you’d expect. Those two hate each other’s guts and don’t trust each other as far as they can throw one another.

Reese goes to talk to Dr. Thomas and asks him some “difficult” questions, after hearing what she’s heard from Rachel. He asks her how her current occupation as a private attorney gives her the authority to grill him as if she is still with the FBI. She says it’s old habits. And if he thinks that’s “grilling”, he hasn’t seen nothing yet. She leaves and Dr. Thomas gets on the phone.

Michael comes out of his room and asks Jason why he’d make up an imaginary person. Jason admits to Michael that this whole thing is so complicated. He may be the last person to attempt to explain this to Michael. But he tells him he’s going to try. It could be because his mind is blocking something out that he needs to remember. Michael realizes that that specifically means he’s blocking out remembering who killed AJ. Jason tells him that that is where Jodie came from. He urges Michael not to push her away. He must talk to her and find out the truth from her.

At the hospital, Courtney is very suspicious to find out that Jax did not tell her he was concerned that Elizabeth fainted when she was last at their home. He tells her that he did not want her to get upset about his paying too much attention to Elizabeth. She tells him she’s not angry with him for his concern about Elizabeth. She just wishes he did not lie about it. She admits that she is dealing with old insecurities. She says when she was growing up, she learned that when a man has had too much in his life, he leaves. So she learned to overcompensate by not asking men to help her with anything. He apologizes for not being straight with her. She tells him he need not be afraid to tell her what is really going on with him in the future. He then asks her to remember the fun they used to have together.

Emily is making more excuses not to be with Nikolas. She can’t meet him after she’s done with work. She’ll be beat. She goes off and kisses him good-bye. Georgie asks him if he wants anything. He tells her he wants a beer.

Michael goes back to see Jodie. She reminds him that he asked her to go away. He tells her he needs her to tell him the truth.

Sonny and Carly return to his house. He calls Jason and confirms that they are coming home. Carly asks why they are having this change of plans. Sonny tells Carly that things are more serious than they’ve realized. Michael has made up an imaginary friend. And it means that Michael needs help that they cannot give him He reveals to her that Reese found the imaginary friend who Michael created. Carly says that it’s just great that everybody knows about Michael’s imaginary friend except her.

Lucky and Elizabeth have lunch at Kelly’s. They seem happy to be together.

Courtney and Jax go jogging together. They go inside Kelly’s and notice Lucky and Elizabeth. He tells her if she’s uncomfortable, they can always go somewhere else. But she tells him that’s ok. She’s going to have to deal with this, sooner or later. They four of them sit at the table. Jax asks Elizabeth how she likes her job. He then talks about the weather. Both Courtney and Lucky indicate their discomfort in that situation. And Courtney tells Jax he needs to stop. She knows he’s making conscious effort to avoid talking about the baby and she’s uncomfortable with it.

Maxie goes to talk to Georgie and tells her that she has some good news and some bad news. What’s good is that she’s talked their father into letting Georgie see Dillon. The bad news is that Jesse dumped Maxie. Diego tells Brook Lynn that he hopes Maxie has come to her senses and gotten over Jesse. She asks why. He tells her he knows Jesse is a self-riteous jerk. Brook Lynn asks why he’d say that when he doesn’t even know Jesse. Diego says all cops are jerks.

Carly tells Sonny and Reese that she knows Michael would be traumatized when he saw her mother holding a pillow over AJ’s face ready to suffocate him.

Dr. Thomas has a flashback of Monica telling him that very possibly Jason’s condition will never improve. And Dr. Thomas injected something into Jason’s IV, as if he’s trying to kill him. He then got on the phone to tell somebody that they’d better not rat on him or they can “join their brother in hell”. That might very well have been AJ who he spoke to.

Courtney walks away from the table where Jax is trying to make “small talk” to Elizabeth in an attempt to avoid talking about the baby. He asks her what she wants. Talking about the baby makes her feel excluded. Not talking about the baby makes her feel patronized.

Monica tells Emily she knows that she is burying herself in work in order to avoid dealing with something. She tells her daughter she knows only too well that she, herself, does the same thing whenever she’s in a fight with Alan. Emily confesses to her mother that she doesn’t know what to do with Nikolas and believes maybe they need to split up.

While Courtney goes off by herself, again, in another situation where she cannot resolve her problems with Jax, who does she run into? Nikolas. Those two always seem to find each other. Does anybody know if they are going to have a thing? It would make sense. They seem comfortable together. I get tired of all these people who are together and really don’t love or respect each other.

Brook Lynn can tell that Diego is interested in Maxie. She gets really angry at him. They get into an ice water fight.

Jason brings Michael back. Sonny and Carly are so happy to see their son. But wouldn’t you know that slimeball Durant is NOT living up to his end of the bargain. He brings the cops over and tells them he wants Jason charged with obstruction of justice. Michael yells NO!

Nikolas and Courtney always run into each other when they are both at wit’s end with their respective relationships. She tells him she can see that something has happened. This time he did not take out his frustrations on public property. He tells her he’s past anger. He’s past sobriety. He tells her he’s done with trying to make things work with Emily. And right then, he kisses her and she does not stop him.

After noticing Brook Lynn and Diego in the water fight, Georgie’s boss tells her that she is fired for bringing these “menaces to society” into his place. Lucky enters with Jesse and tells him that he can hopefully work things out. Maxie angrily lashes out at Jesse about how he’s been such a jerk. He admits the reason he’s done what he’s done is because he’s falling for her.

Right when the cops are ready to detain Sonny after Durant has double-crossed him, Sonny tells Durant he’s going to pay for what he’s done. Durant tells Sonny he has harmed his grandson enough and Michael belongs in a safe environment.

Just then, Dr. Thomas remembers going into AJ’s room. He tells him it’s amazing that he’s now helpless in a hospital bed just like his brother. He tells AJ that he really did a bad thing to threaten him into testifying that he was mentally incompetent when he tried to kill his own family. Dr. Thomas asks Aj what kind of a man would be so jealous that he would want his own brother dead. He tells AJ that some say that one hand washes the other. He admits he needed money and AJ gave it to him. Then AJ had to go and break their deal. Dr. Thomas tells AJ he knows he did not “succeed” with Jason. But AJ, on the other hand, will be a piece of cake. AJ lies helpless and unable to move and Dr. Thomas holds a pillow over him. Just then, he is awoken from his memory by a knock on the door. It’s Rachel. She tells him she’d like to talk to him.

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