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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 28-Jul-2005
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jsonline |
Posting date: | Sat, 30-Jul-2005 8:35:22 AM PDT |
Nikolas sleeps next to Emily and has a dream that he’s getting it on with her. But he awakens to the reality that they are drifting apart. She awakens him and asks if he is ok.
Sam and Jason are both getting booked and arrested. Sonny is outside asking Durant what his next move is. He tells Durant that he will not let his son spend any time in a jail cell. Durant assures Sonny that Michael is safe. Sonny demands to know where he is. Durant tells Sonny that Michael is in good hands and walks away without telling him where his son is. Right then Michael enters and Carly rushes to see her son.
At the hospital, Reese goes looking for Rachel Adair. She asks Elizabeth if she’s seen her. Elizabeth admits Rachel has disappeared and it seems as though she’s dropped off the face of the earth.
Nikolas is in bed with Emily while his mind is somewhere else. He admits to her that he was out late last night but has difficulty telling her where he was. Courtney wakes up with Jax. But her mind is somewhere else. They reflect that she did not return home until late. Jax asks her if she was upset about what happened at Kelly’s where he faked small talk with Elizabeth in order to avoid talking about the baby. She tells him that she overreacted, apologizes and tells him they need not discuss it anymore.
Skye goes to see Lorenzo, knowing there will be a meeting that she might need his help with. She tells him that she does not appreciate Luke going off somewhere without telling her. Lorenzo reminds her that that is typical of Luke. He then informs her that the reason he invited her to his home is to talk about his stepson, Michael. She inquires whether somebody as young as Michael can be arrested and if he really might have killed AJ. He tells her that John Durant is willing to risk hurting Carly and Michael just so he can get revenge upon Sonny. She tells him that Carly is no match for Durant. She’s hardly considered a good mother. And Durant is a very powerful prosecutor. Nobody has a prayer against him. But Lorenzo tells her that Durant will not mess with him. He tells her he’s very confident that he can bring Durant down. But he tells her he needs her help in order to do that.
Carly hugs her son at the hospital and tells him she misses him so much. Dr. Thomas then tells her he needs to start his session with Michael. She asks where Michael was last night. He replies with her father. Michael confirms that he wanted to call her and let her know where he was but Durant would not let him. Carly asks Dr. Thomas and his assistant if she can spend just a few minutes alone with her son. But the assistant says they cannot let Michael out of their sight. Carly complies and lets Michael go with Dr. Thomas. But right then, Reese stops Dr. Thomas and tells him he is not going near Michael Corinthos ever again.
In the interrogation room, Sam asks Jason why he didn’t escape. She tells him had he not gone to rescue her and make sure she was ok, he’d be out of the country by now. But he tells her that he needs her now. Last night, Michael was ready to tell him who killed AJ. And he tells her of his unsuccessful attempt to pretend, to Michael, that he could hear and see Jodie. He tells her that Michael caught on that Jason could not see or hear her and panicked. So Jason called Dr. Thomas. He tells her he will take any deal they offer him as long as she can go free.
Outside the interrogation room, Sonny tells Durant that since he has used improper procedure in arresting Sam and Jason, he must grant them immunity. Durant keeps telling Sonny that only he knows what is best for Michael. Sonny tells Durant that he terrorized him, took him freom his mother ‘s arm and he’s despicable. Durant tells Sonny that one day Michael will thank him for having the guts to take him away from a criminal. He also tells Sonny that some day the judgment day will come. He tells Sonny he is ok with that but asks Sonny if he is also.
Emily apologizes to Nikolas for blowing him off and having no time for him. He tells her she has nothing to apologize for, knowing he did something “bad” last night. I THINK he just kissed Courtney and didn’t sleep with her. Isn’t that what happened?
Courtney is “making nice” to Jax for the same reason. When Jax leaves the bed, she remembers kissing Nikolas. Right then Nikolas calls her and tells her he needs to see her.
Elizabeth tells Lucky and Jesse that she’s worried about Rachel suddenly disappearing. She has never before missed her shifts. They tell her it’s a little too early to file a “missing persons” report. Lucky reminds Elizabeth that Rachel had lots of enemies, not the least of which were Courtney and Jax. But Elizabth knows Courtney and Jax aren’t out to kill Rachel. They just want her to leave them alone. She reminds the cops that Reese Marshall is looking for Rachel and just talked to her about something important the previous day, before Rachel disappeared. Maybe Rachel told Reese something very important about Michael Corinthos. Lucky informs Jesse that Reese has an interest in Michael because she’s been seeing Sonny. And the fact that Courtney is Sonny’ s sister might have something to do with it.
A cop informs Jason and Sam that the charges have been dropped against them and they are free to go. He uncuffs them. But when they get outside the interrogation room, Durant tells them they have their “freedom” courtesy of Mr. Corinthos. But they have a restraining order issued against them to stay away from Michael. No phone calls. No letters. If they come within 500 feet of his grandson, they will be arrested. Sonny tells them that Durant wants to keep them all away from Michael, including himself and Carly. Reese goes and informs Sonny, Jason and Sam that Rachel informed her that she saw Dr. Thomas leaving AJ’s room right at the time he died. And now Rachel has mysteriously disappeared. She tells them she wants to petition for Dr. Thomas to have no more contact with Michael.
Lucky informs Jesse that Rachel was a suspect in AJ’s murder investigation. And he always thought she knew more than she let on. Elizabeth confirms that she thought so also. Jesse reminds them that Rachel has only been missing for a short time. There may be a good reason and no suspicion of foul play.
Sky goes to find Alan and tells him she needs to talk to him about Michael. He tells her the last he heard, Michael stayed with Durant who has not returned any of his calls.
Carly informs Lorenzo that she saw Michael before his appointment with his shrink. And he stayed with her father who didn’t even have the common courtesy to call her. She tells Lorenzo that Michael is the strongest kid she knows. But she is afraid that he is falling apart. She tells him she knows that she cannot trust Dr. Thomas.
Reese tells Durant that Dr. Thomas must be prevented from treating Michael She says it’s an obvious conflict of interest. Durant tells her the only witness that Dr. Thomas did something “bad” is an unstable doctor (Rachel). He tells her that the only problem anybody has with Dr. Thomas is the tape where he acknowledges that Michael confessed to murdering AJ. She reminds him that the tape was illegally obtained and it could force Dr. Thomas to testify against Michael in order to save his own ass. Durant tells Reese that the evidence against Michael is overwhelming. He tells Sonny he must realize that the first step to Michael’s healing is in confessing. Isn’t that what Sonny wants? He tells him he has a good deal for Michael with probation and other things. Reese urges Sonny to realize that Durant is bluffing. He asks Sonny if he really wants his son in open court. Reese tells Sonny she’s willing to go to bat for Michael and keep both Durant and Dr. Thomas away from him.
Durant gets on the phone and tells Dr. Thomas that he needs to get Michael to admit to killing AJ so he can be taken from Sonny and Carly and he can have permanent custody of his grandson.
Jason tells Sam he seriously believes that Dr. Thomas killed AJ. He says he believes Rachel might be telling the truth. But Sam seems to trust Dr. Thomas and tells Jason that nobody can believe a word out of Rachel’s mouth. And she does not believe that Dr. Thomas is a murderer.
Courtney sees Nikolas and tells him that she really likes him as a friend. He tells her he did not mean to kiss her. And they agree that it cannot happen again
Lorenzo asks Carly if she really believes that Michael would be better off out of the country. She asks if he thinks that he’s better off anywhere near John Durant. He reminds her that Michael has other family in Port Charles. She says she’d consider having him live with her mother. But she has a lawsuit hanging over her head. Sonny’s father is a possibility but Mike abandoned two kids and might not be able to take him. She says she’d consider Courtney but since she’s not a “blood relative”, the courts might not approve of it. Just then, Alan, Monica and Skye enter and say he can live with the Quartermaines. Carly says over her dead body.
Sonny asks Reese what Dr.Thomas’ motive is. She says she believes he’s up to no good and reminds him that only he and Carly can stop Michael’s sessions with Dr. Thomas. And Carly will not do it. So it has to be Sonny to stop it. She asks him if he will trust her enough to let her go to court and protect his son.
When Jason and Sam return home, he tells her he hates that she got locked up because of him. She tells him first of all, she got locked up because she was sloppy and didn’t cover her tracks. Second, she made a choice to help Michael, which she would do again if she had to. She asks him if they are clear on that. And she tells him that she is in this with him. Whatever will happen, will happen to both of them. He kisses her.
Emily approaches Jax when she sees him with flowers and asks him if she can discuss with him something that is none of her business. He tells her sure. She tells him she knows it’s very generous of him to care about Elizabeth and to help her and Lucky out of financial hardship. But he must realize that it makes Lucky very uncomfortable when he’s always trying to buy them and their son with gifts and monetary offers. He tells her she need not worry. The flowers are for his wife. She then realizes she put her foot in her mouth.
Courtney tells Nikolas that she really appreciated talking to him. But they cannot continue having this kind of contact. She apologizes for sending him mixed signals. He admits he’s done the same thing also and apologizes. She tells him that she really loves Jax and wants her marriage to work and has no right to be leaning on him. He tells her that he also loves Emily, wants his marriage to work and should not exploit his friendship with her. She tells him they cannot see each other again. She says it’s not that she does not like him. She admits that she likes him too much. He admits he likes her too much also. Right when she attempts to get the door to open to leave, she finds out it’s locked shut. Right then, it rains on both of them.
Michael tells Dr. Thomas that Reese told him he doesn’t have to talk to him. Dr. Thomas tells Michael that he cannot depend on his dad’s girlfriend but he can depend on him. He asks if he’s been talking to Jodie. Michael admits that he knows Jodie is not real. He just made her up. Dr. Thomas asks Michael if Jodie knows what happened to AJ the night before he died. Right then, Michael sees Jodie sitting in Dr. Thomas’ chair.
When Jason is sleeping, he has a nightmare about Dr. Thomas getting ready to inject Michael’s IV bag while Michael is lying helpless in a hospital room the same way he was, himself. Just like the other reoccurring memory he has of himself in a hospital room, unconscious with a bandage on his head. But this time he sees Michael in his place. He screams through the window that Dr. Thomas cannot do it and must get away from Michael. He then awakens and tells Sam that Dr. Thomas tried to kill Michael.
Jax explains to Emily that he believes that he and Courtney were meant to be parents. They first started seeing each other right when he sensed the loss in knowing that Sam’s baby was not his. And Courtney was able to feel his pain because of the baby she lost. And now they have their chance to have a baby together.
In the rain, Courtney and Nikolas are stuck and unable to recharge their cell phones. But they still seem happy to be together.
After Carly tells Alan, Monica and Skye that there’s no way Michael will live with them, Lorenzo “cuts a deal” with them. He tells them that they can have “technical” legal custody of Michael, realizing that nobody will fight the Quartermaines. And the condition for that is that they let Carly have unlimited visitation whenever she wants. And their “custody” is only temporary. And they will let Carly have full custody of him when all of this blows over. Alan says he will not comply with Carly or with Lorenzo. But Monica tells Alan they will do whatever is best for Michael. Including bring him back to Carly, assuming Carly has enough time, between husbands. Lorenzo urges Carly to know that even if Michael lives with Alan and Monica, she can see Michael whenever she wants. She then agrees to petition the court to have Michael live with him.
Lucky and Jesse tell Durant and Reese that they know, for a fact that Michael did not kill AJ. They found Rachel dead in her apartment. And she left a suicide note about what she knows. She confessed to killing AJ.
Meanwhile, Dr. Thomas is attempting to hypnotize Michael. But Jodie screams for Michael not to let him do it. Michael gets a little drowsy but listens to Jodie.
Right then, Jason tells Sam that in his dream, Michael was unconscious with an IV and Dr. Thomas was injecting a lethal substance into his IV bag. He was pounding on the window but could not get in to save Michael. Sam tells Jason that in his dream Michael was him. And she tells him maybe the truth is not in Michael’s memory. Maybe it’s in Jason’s.