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General Hospital Update for Friday, 29-Jul-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Sun, 31-Jul-2005 6:59:03 AM PDT

Courtney and Nikolas are stuck on the roof of a building in the rain, locked out of the exit way. They pound on the door and yell that somebody lets them get out but know that nobody can hear them. He tells her that he knows that interns used to sneak up to the roof all the time. He says that this very place might be a meeting ground for two people to hook up. He again wants to talk about what happened before. He tells her that the kiss was not intentional. She laughs and says it seemed intentional to her. He tells her it wasn’t planned and he acknowledges that he had too much to drink and felt as though his whole world was crashing down upon him that night. And there she was. She was beautiful and she moved him. She laughs and reminds him that she was not exactly “screaming bloody murder”. He asks her if that means that she wanted to kiss him. She says not exactly. He then asks why, when they’ve lived in the same town and traveled in the same circles for so long, have they never had an “opportunity” to get to know each other better. She reminds him that since they are both married to other people, there cannot be any more kissing. But they both laugh and seem very comfortable together. He asks her what would have happened if they had met at another time and another place.

At the very same time, at the hospital, both of their respective spouses have a conversation about fate. Emily tells Jax that maybe fate just happens. But he tells her that some times people make their own choices. She reminds him that if that is true, he must realize that it could be fate that Elizabeth is carrying a baby for him instead of Courtney. He tells her that may be. But when their baby is born and they can both hold that baby, he and Courtney will realize that they were meant to be together and raise a family together.

Lucky and Jesse inform Durant, Rick, Reese and Sonny that they discovered Rachel’s suicide letter where she confesses to killing AJ, and thereby exonerates Michael. But Durant says he does not buy that. He knows that Sonny must have cooked up some plan. He believes somebody killed her and he thinks it’s Sonny. Sonny tells Durant that Rachel’s letter should be all the proof he should ever need that Michael is innocent and he should realize that he has no right to custody of Michael. But Durant tells Sonny that Michael stays with him until this “so-called suicide” has been thoroughly investigated. He tells them that it’s a little too coincidental that Rachel Adair would suddenly choose to off herself on a bottle full of barbiturates. Lucky and Jesse tell him they believe that Rachel took her own life. Nobody forced her. And she had means, motive and opportunity to murder AJ. Rick tells Durant that he will not let him win.

Jason tells Sam that he does not understand how AJ’s death could have anything to do with what happened when Dr. Thomas treated him (Jason) all those years ago. But she tells him that she thinks somewhere in his memory, he knows something. And if Dr. Thomas killed AJ, he must know it.

Dr. Thomas, is right then attempting to hypnotize Michael. But Michael can hear and see Jodie urging him not to go through with it. Yet, knowing that she is just a figment of his imagination, he ignores her and cooperates with Dr. Thomas to count backwards from 10 to zero. Dr. Thomas tells Michael he’s done excellent and he’d now like Michael to tell him what he saw in AJ’s room the night he was murdered.

At Lorenzo’s, Monica Quartermaine tells Carly she realizes that this would not be Carly’s first option to have Michael live with them. But it’s the best thing for Michael. Alan tells her that Michael will feel loved with him. Lorenzo tells her that it’s better than having him live with John Durant. Carly tells them that she has one condition; that they do not use this as an opportunity to rewrite history or make AJ some sort of saint to Michael. In fact she tells them they must not talk about AJ unless Michael brings that up. Alan protests that he will not be prevented from talking about his own son to his grandson. But Monica assures Carly that they will never bring up AJ in Michael’s presence.

Dr. Thomas asks Michael what happened when he wandered into AJ’s room that night in question. Michael tells him that he did not want AJ to hurt the people he loved again and he intended to tell him not to. He admits that he wanted to shut AJ up and not hear any more of his lies. So he picked up the pillow from the floor and then saw somebody else come in. Dr. Thomas, then tells Michael he’s doing great, he’s safe there and may take deep breaths. He then asks Michael if the person whom he saw enter AJ’s room was a man or a woman. Michael admits that he saw a man. Dr. Thomas then asks if he know who the man was. Michael replies to Dr. Thomas that he was the man(He saw Dr. Thomas murder AJ). Hearing that, Dr. Thomas knows he cannot let Michael remember seeing him murder AJ. So he gets an injection needle out of his pocket

At Sonny’s, Reese tells Sonny that hopefully the courts will believe that Rachel killed AJ and voluntarily took her own life. And that will set Michael free. He asks her if she believes that he killed Rachel. She tells him she knows that he had plenty of reason to be angry at her for her helping AJ kidnap Michael, for almost getting Courtney framed for AJ’s murder and he would have reason to want her gone. But she also tells him that she knows that Rachel had plenty of motive to kill AJ herself and she believes Sonny if he says he had nothing to do with what happened to Rachel.

Outside Dr. Thomas’s office, while waiting for Michael to get out of his session, Durant tells Carly that whether she likes it or not, Michael is going to live with him. But then, Ric enters and tells Durant that it ain’t happening. Whether he likes it or not, an order has been served to let Michael live with his mother. And he says he will fight Durant on that. Right then, the door opens and Michael and Dr. Thomas come out. Right then, Carly puts her arms around her son and happily tells him she’s going to take him home with her. But, DON’T FORGET, people! We wonder, though; Has Michael been drugged by the murdering shrink?

Courtney and Nikolas talk about games they’ve played in their younger days that they can pass the time away with. They enjoy being together. But she lays down ground rules that they cannot have too much contact. He tells her that is a deal. Right then, the door opens and Emily appears. They both get into their “mode” for greeting her. Courtney knows she better go away fast, make herself scarce and let Nikolas be alone with his wife. She leaves. Emily notices that Nikolas is drenched and puts her arms around her husband. Courtney meets Jax downstairs. He notices she is wet. She tells him she locked herself up on the roof. But she doesn’t tell him about her encounter with Nikolas. He then tells her he will take her home and give her a nice hot bath.

At Lorenzo’s, Leticia takes Morgan to go and see Michael. Lorenzo says goodbye to Morgan. Morgan waves goodbye to Lorenzo. Skye, then asks Lorenzo if he plans to just sit and bide his time while Carly spends quality time with her ex. He asks her what his options are and asks her what she would do if she were in his situation. She answers that by coming up with many ideas for Lorenzo for what she would do in his situation which he may consider doing. She tells him there’s a lot of drama somebody in his situation could pull. He could leave shoes or lingerie lying around in his home for Carly to find when she comes to see him. OR handcuffs. Or he could arrange for her to find another woman in his bed. Hearing that, he asks Skye if she is “offering”. She replies by telling him that something is telling her that he is. But she tells him that she knows that he is not willing to cheat on his “wife”. He has a relationship and she does not. She then tells him that Carly may be a lot of things but she is not stupid. She knows when she’s got a good thing. And she’s not going to mess it up.

Michael returns home with Carly. He runs to greet his dad, Morgan, Jason and Reese. Sam doesn’t seem to be there, though. How odd! He asks them if he no longer has to live with Durant. They confirm he does not have to. He also reveals to them that he knows who killed AJ. Hearing that, they are all stunned.

At the hospital, Jax gets Courtney some hot coffee. Noticing Nikolas coming down the stairs as wet as she was, he then concludes that he knows his wife was not the only one taken in by the rain. He seems to suspect something has gone on but doesn’t know what to say.

At The Quartermaine’s, Alan tells Monica he believes that Michael has been taken from them just like all the rest of the family. First AJ dies. Then Jason. She tells him she’s tired of him talking like Jason is dead. But he reminds her that Jason might just as well be dead. Because the Jason that woke up from that coma is not the same one he knew as his son. She reminds him that the damage that happened to Jason was not his fault. He tells her that of course it could not be. Everything is only AJ’s fault. He asks her why she forgives Jason for everything he’s done, including being Sonny’s hit man. But she can never forgive AJ. She protests that that is not true. He tells her that AJ blamed himself every day of his life for what happened to Michael. Skye then enters and asks them to stop fighting. Monica leaves. And Alan tells Skye that she should thank God that she was not raised in the same household that ruined AJ. She tells him that he cannot blame the family for what happened to AJ. But Alan tells her that he does blame somebody for what happened to AJ. And he reveals to her that that very person is a doctor. I guess ALan knows that Dr. Thomas killed AJ.

Right then, Michael tells Sonny, Carly, Jason and Reese that he knows that Dr. Adair admitted to killing AJ in her suicide letter. They ask him what he could possibly know about Dr. Adair.

Ric enters Sonny’s; noticing Michael is back with his family. Carly reveals to Sonny that she invited Ric although she did not tell Sonny beforehand. She tells him that Ric is family and she is very grateful to him for his putting Durant in his place. Sonny tells Ric that he is also very grateful to him and admits that he is almost getting to the point where he sees Ric like a real brother. Ric smiles. Reese then goes out the door and Ric follows her. He asks her what’s up. She tells him she’s not convinced that Rachel killed AJ and knows that Sonny and Carly don’t want to hear this because they want this whole thing to be over. She tells him that Rachel informed her that she saw Dr. Thomas coming out of AJ’s room right after AJ died. She believes very possibly Dr. Thomas murdered Rachel in order to keep her quiet. He tells her that it doesn’t matter any more since Rachel is dead and this whole thing is over. She says she does not buy that Rachel took her own life.

Jason then returns home to Sam. She just happens to be calling Dr. Thomas. He tells her that he believes the very same thing that Reese believes. He tells her he doesn’t care about Dr. Thomas or about Rachel Adair. He tells her that he saw Michael happy, with his family, for the first time in such a long time. But she tells him that it will not benefit Michael to have the truth stay locked up inside him forever.

Sonny tells Michael that nobody has ever given up on him and he should never forget how great his momma is. Everybody laughs. Lorenzo then enters and asks if Carly and Michael if they are ready. Nobody has a clue what he’s agreed to with the Quartermaines except for Carly. She tells him she’d just like a few minutes with her kids.

At the Quartermaine house, Monica pours herself a drink. She then looks out the window and observes Alan secretly removing a plastic bag of something hidden behind a brick.

Sam tells Jason that she believes that Dr. Thomas had motive to kill AJ and Michael witnessed it. He asks, why, then, did Michael not come forward? She says maybe because he feels guilty for letting his biological father die. He reveals to her that Michael was betrayed at a young age. He informs Sam for the fist time that he made Michael believe that he was his real father. And he wants no more lies and no more confusion. He dos not want Michael to be destroyed just like the accident destroyed AJ. Right then, Jason has a sudden flashback where he remembers after his accident, hearing Dr. Thomas scheming about his problem with Rachel Adair.

Right then, Dr. Thomas plays a tape where, when hypnotizing Michael, he informs him that Dr. Adair had motive to murder AJ. And he tells a hypnotized Michael that when he wakes him, he will know that Dr. Adair murdered AJ, not himself (Dr. Thomas). He then, cuts the tape from the cassette so there is no evidence that anybody can steal and use against him. Right then, Reese enters his office and tells him she knows that he murdered Rachel.

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