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General Hospital Update for Monday, 1-Aug-2005
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jsonline |
Posting date: | Mon, 01-Aug-2005 5:13:19 PM PDT |
At the hospital, Nikolas observes Jax playing the “good husband” to Courtney. He seems very protective of her. He then notices that Jax may not have a clue what just happened. But he knows Emily does! And he then asks his wife why, knowing that he was on the roof with Courtney, did she not say anything. But she seems to want to keep evading and smoothing everything over. She says she knows that that Courtney is having issues about having Elizabeth carrying her baby. And Emily behaves like she has no suspicions that her husband really likes Courtney and is tempted to cheat on his marriage with her.
Courtney tells Jax that she does not want there to be any secrets. She confesses to him that she was stuck up on the roof with Nikolas Cassadine.
Right then, Nikolas is attempting to come clean to Emily about the same thing. He reflects to her that they spend so much time trying not to hurt each other and avoiding reality and never have any real time together. It’s like they don’t even have a relationship any more. Maybe they need to stop lying. She keeps avoiding the issue and sounds like she might very well know he’s hot for Courtney and she doesn’t even care.
Jax asks Courtney why she lied about being on the roof with Nikolas. She says she did not mean to and noticed he assumed she was alone. He again, asks why she did not just admit to it. She, again, tells him a little “bluff” about accidentally overhearing Nikolas having an argument with Emily and then she and Nikolas suddenly and accidentally got stuck on the rooftop together and unintentionally got into a conversation about their personal lives. She apologizes for what happened and how she could not tell him right away. Right then, he gets a call from Elizabeth informing him that her car broke down, she’s stranded and cannot get a hold of anybody who can help her. He offers to come and get her. Courtney tells him that there are ways she can get a ride. But he tells her he can get there faster, wants to help her because she is pregnant and suggests that Courtney comes with him. But it looks like she decides not to. She sits alone in the house not looking happy. She then goes out the door.
Nikolas is also all alone and feeling empty. He is ready to take off his wedding ring.
Emily is alone, leaving her shift at the hospital. While waiting for the elevator, she pulls out her cell phone.
Right then, Emily goes to find Nikolas and tells him she wants to work things out with him. Wouldn't you know, he's right near Courtney's home. Emily seems to know where to find him, eh? And COurtney watches them and does not look happy.
Jason asks Sam how far she’d think Dr. Thomas would go to protect the secret that he killed AJ.
Dr. Thomas is in his office, playing the tape of his hypnotizing Michael and “programming” him to believe that Rachel killed AJ, when Michael really knows that Dr. Thomas did, instead. Right then, Reese enters his office and tells him she’s pieced everything together to conclude that he murdered AJ. And she knows that when Rachel found out, he murdered her. Right then, Lucky and Jesse enter and tell Dr Thomas they want to ask him some questions.
When Lorenzo goes to Sonny’s to pick up Michael and take him to the Quartermaines, he notices that Michael is comfortable where he is and tells him he may stay with his family tonight. When Lorenzo leaves, Michael confirms to his father that he may not hate Mr. Alcazar so much any more. Outside, Carly thanks her husband for being so understanding and tells Lorenzo she loves him. Lorenzo leaves and reveals that he still feels very empty to be married to a woman whose “family” completely shuts him out.
Jesse asks Dr. Thomas how long he knew Dr. Adair. Dr. Thomas says they’ve been colleagues for a while. Jesse asks about his most recent conversation with her. Dr. Thomas confirms that she was concerned about Michael. He answers to them that he noticed Rachel seemed depressed and like she was contemplating suicide.
Right then, Alan Quartermaine secretly removes a brick from the outside of his house, to uncover a “secret”. He believes he is unseen but Monica has seen him. He enters the dark living room. And she suddenly turns on the light when he gets in and asks him what he was doing outside in the terrace. He tells her he was taking a walk, which she knows is a bold-faced lie. Right then, Jason and Sam enter and Jason asks them what they know about Jason’s accident 10 years ago. Jason confirms that he believes they know a lot more than they are letting on and there is something they are covering up.
Carly and Sonny put Michael to bed. He asks if the nightmares will come back. Carly tells him she thinks not but if he gets scared, they are always there. He reminds them what it was like to be on the boat with Jason and Sam. He tells them it was scary but they were really good to him. Sonny tells his son that he knows that he was brave in saving his little brother and sister not long ago. He tells him he’s a survivor and nobody can knock him down. He tells him he’s so proud to have him as his son.
Alan reminds Jason that for 10 years he’s refused to talk about the accident. He’s isolated himself from his family. And now, out of the blue, he wants to talk about this. Monica tells Alan to stop it and tells Jason she will answer any questions he has. Jason asks her how much involvement Dr. Thomas had in treating him. She replies that Tony Jones and other doctors were there and they merely consulted with Dr. Thomas periodically. Sam asks if Dr. Thomas treated Jason while he was still comatose. Monica replies yes. Jason asks if Dr. Thomas knew AJ or the situation involving him.
Reese tells Lucky and Jesse that she has proof that makes it look highly plausible that Dr. Thomas killed Rachel. She can account for the time and what they both did and where they were up until she died. He was the last person she spoke to. Just then, Jesse gets a call that confirms that Rachel overdosed and there’s no sign of force. Reese tells them that that must mean that she killed herself. But IS she so convinced? OR does she just want to SAY that, knowing that she is having this conversation RIGHT outside Dr. Thomas’ door where he is probably eavesdropping?
At the Quartermaine’s, Jason and Sam asks Alan if he knows anything sinister about Dr. Thomas’ involvement with Jason when Jason was helpless and comatose. Alan tells them if they are trying to paint Dr. Thomas as the bad guy, they are wasting their time. Sam reminds him that there are too many coincidences involving Dr. Thomas in regard to Jason and Michael and everything. Alan says it’s not Dr. Thomas’ fault that Durant stole the tape he had on Michael. Sam asks when Jason was in a coma, who was with him day-in and day-out? Monica admits his family was there as much as possible, during the day. But when they thought there was no hope, they left at the end of the day, revealing that there may have been something going on that nobody would know about. Monica confirms that there was a time when Jason went into code blue and his family kind of backed off and gave up.
Sonny asks Reese if she thought that Rachel was suicidal when she last talked to her. Reese says no. And she knows that Dr. Thomas lied to the cops that Rachel was agitated and suicidal. He asks her again why Dr. Thomas would kill AJ. She again does not have an answer. They both agree that they will not let this shrink near Michael. He tells her how much it means that she cares so much about his son. Carly, right then comes down the stairs and does not seem happy that Reese is there. And she informs them both that she is spending the night at Sonny’s.
At the hospital, Durant tells Lucky and Jesse to go back into forensics and find mistakes in the suicide report. He tells them that he knows Rachel did not kill herself. Sonny Corinthos murdered her. Lucky asks Durant if he wants them to manufacture evidence that doesn’t exist. Hearing that, Durant asks Officer Spencer if he’s having money problems where Sonny Corinthos is paying him off to cover for him. In response to that, Lucky attacks Durant and pushes him up against the wall.
Noticing Sonny so cozy with Reese and confirming how good she is with Michael, Carly tells Reese that she is not part of this family and makes snotty comments to her. Reese then says good night and leaves. Sonny asks Carly if she enjoyed running Reese out of his house. He tells her she will not change the fact that he is seeing her. He tells her that she has her own problems, married to Lroenzo and staying at her ex-husband’s house. She then concludes that she will not send mixed messages to her husband and she goes out the door. He tells her she doesn’t have to leave. But she tells him now he can invite Reese over and get it on with her.
Monica tells Jason about how she remembers his heart stopping. She remembers the exact date, January 17. And the hospital staff revived him but he showed no sign of recovery. Doctors told them he’d never get better, that they must prepare for him being in a vegetative state and having to be institutionalized. Sam senses that Monica was devastated by what almost happened to her son. Monica then remembers how Jason was a fighter who beat the odds, made a dramatic recovery and proved the doctors wrong. Sam thanks her and seems to trust her. But Alan remains silent and not very happy. When Sam and Jason are gone, Alan tells Monica that she told them false information. Jason didn’t wake up like that. She tells him it’s because he tried to kill him.
Jesse restrains Lucky from attacking Durant. Durant tells Lucky that if he wants to avoid a suspension, he better come up with proof that Sonny murdered Rachel. Alone with Lucky, Jesse tells him that he made a big mistake giving Durant exactly what he wants. Lucky says how dare Durant imply that he is on Sonny’s payroll. And he reveals that he has a problem with his wife carrying another man’s baby in order to get him out of financial hardship.
Jason and Sam sneak into Dr. Thomas’ office after hours when he’s gone. They go through his files and discover an important page that is missing.
Monica tells Alan that she knows that he attempted to murder Jason when they believed that he would be a vegetable for life. He tells her he did it in order to save Jason from a life that would be worthless. She tells him that his “attempt” is probably what caused Jason’s memory loss. He reveals, for the first time that when he attempted to save Jason’s life after the accident, he hesitated, knowing that their son might be better off dead. She demands to know why he never before told her. He tells her that he still believes that he saved their son’s life.
In bed with Lorenzo, Carly tells him that she is not going to get back with Sonny. He is her husband, the man she loves, she tells him. And this is where she belongs. But does he really buy that? Does she really believe that?
Sonny leaves a message for Reese apologizing for Carly’s making her uncomfortable and informing her that Carly’s gone, and he’s sleeping alone tonight and thinking of her.
Right then, Alan pulls out a secret envelope with what looks like a letter that nobody else knows about. And he cries.
Jason notices that there are no records from the exact day Monica identified, January 17. He tells Sam that anybody could have destroyed those records throughout the last 10 years. Sam then searches for tapes. Right then, Dr. Thomas enters his office, catches them and asks if they’ve found what they are looking for.