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General Hospital Update for Wednesday, 3-Aug-2005
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jsonline |
Posting date: | Thu, 04-Aug-2005 8:32:57 AM PDT |
Nikolas is on the phone telling somebody that he wants to help Lucky through something. He gets off the phone. He notices Courtney talking to Mike about how she wishes she could carry the baby instead of Elizabeth. Right then, Mike gets a call and Nikolas comes in and says hi to Courtney. He informs her he is there to see Lucky, who has just moved into a room at Kelly’s. Lucky comes down the stairs and asks his brother what is going on.
Right then, Elizabeth’s apartment is engulfed in a fire. And isn’t it right after Lucky has left? She gets up and attempts to rescue Cameron. But there is major fire and she is coughing.
The computer dude goes to see Sonny with the tape that Jason stole from Dr. Thomas’s office. After hearing it, Sonny concluded that that son of a bitch hypnotized his son.
Sam notices that Jason has passed out and fallen off his motorcycle on the street. She goes to help him but notices he is unconscious. She screams for help.
Jesse and Maxie are getting it on, right after he’s confessed to her that he does not look down his nose upon her. He really does have feelings for her. They are going at it. But right then, she pulls away from him. He asks what she is doing. She tells him she’s playing his little “push-pull, push-pull” game with him. And asks how he’d like his little game if he was in her shoes.
At Kelly’s, Nikolas informs Lucky that Jax called him and asked him to “run an interference”. Lucky asks Nikolas if he knows how sick he is of that guy. Nikolas tells Lucky that Jax does not want to ruin Lucky’s relationship with Elizabeth. He’s just concerned about the stress that Lucky is living with. Lucky tells Nikolas he knows. That is the very reason why he moved out. He tells Nikolas that he did not dump Elizabeth. He loves her. Nikolas suggests that maybe that means he should stay with her and fight. Lucky tells Nikolas that Jax will not let up. Every time he turns around, Jax is there to interfere. He can’t mind his own business. He tells Nikolas that he feels totally left out. And he bets Courtney feels the same way. Not far away in Kelly’s, Courtney overhears their conversation. She comes by and tells them she wants to talk to them. They bluff and talk about the menu. But she tells them she knows that this is about the situation involving Elizabeth's baby. Nikolas tells her that this is Elizabeth’s problem with Lucky. Nothing she needs to worry about. But she tells Nikolas that this problem involves the baby that will be hers. So it involves her also. Little do any of them know that Elizabeth is in a fire all alone with Cameron.
Monica comes to help Sam revive Jason. Alan calls an ambulance. Monica asks Jason if he can hear and if he knows what is going on. Jason just says: “A. J.”
Michael overhears his dad talking to the computer dude about Dr. Thomas. Sonny tells them that Dr. Thomas could have at the very least asked his permission before hypnotizing his son.
Courtney tells Lucky and Nikolas that she understands very well what Lucky is going through. She tells Lucky that Nikolas can confirm what she has told him in their conversations, about how she feels the same thing, due to her husband being able to "impregnate" another woman when she cannot get pregnant herself. Lucky tells Courtney that when she made the decision to select a surrogate, she should have given that more thought. She admits she should have. But right then, Lucky gets a call on his police scanner.
Right then, Jax has somehow managed to rescue Elizabeth. He is taking her to the hospital in a wheelchair. She talks about calling Lucky. He gets a real attitude about Lucky. She informs him there is nothing Lucky could have done for her. He moved out just tonight.He knew nothing about the fire. Jax informs her that tonight he went to have a talk with Lucky. And that was, apparently, how he was able to find out her apartment was on fire and was able to rescue her.
Jesse tells Maxie that she is “so special”. His tone is somewhat sarcastic. She asks if that is his insult to her. He tells her she could do so much better than him. He tells her that his life is a dead end.
Michael asks his father what could have happened with Dr. Thomas. Sonny admits he does not know. He asks Michael to go to bed and say goodnight to Reese. When Michael is gone, Sonny asks Reese the point of hypnosis. He asks if it is to make him remember something. She says it may be to make him forget. Right then, Sonny gets a call that Jason has been hurt.
Dr. Tony Jones admits Jason. Sam, Monica and Alan ask what he’s found out. He tells them this is not a “reoccurrence” of Jason’s previous brain injury. He will probably be ok. It’s just a bump on the head. Alone with Alan, Monica tells him that Jason might very well remember what happened (the big secret). It sounds like that is what Alan wants. Sam sits by Jason’s side and tells him she will be there for him when he wakes up. He is still unconscious.
Jax informs Lucky that he’s rescued Elizabeth and Cameron. They are in the hospital for observation but will be ok. Lucky, of course, does not appreciate Jax’s “help” and asks him if he’s permanently parked outside of “their house”. Jax reminds him it is no longer his house since he chose to abandon Elizabeth. Lucky is ready to hurt Jax. But Nikolas restrains him. Courtney is also there.
Maxie tells Jesse that she cannot be with him. He asks her if she’s listened to a word he’s said. She tells him it’s a crock. Her dad is a police officer and he has a decent personal life. She tells him she has no problem with somebody doing police work. She finds it honorable. She thinks she could help him if he’d let her. She reminds him that she did help him. She dodged bullets for him. She asks if he saw her cave or freeze or behave like a coward. He admits that she had courage. She tells him for a cop, he has really bad judgment. And it’s his loss. She walks out. And he seems too regret blowing her off.
Alan is at the hospital chapel. He is ready to pull out the secret letter. But Monica enters and he puts it always. He tells her that Tony was right. Jason will wake up in a matter of hours. But it doesn’t mean they will get him back. He will not be the same boy that they once had. She tells him it’s better than having to bury him. She reminds him that one night when nobody was with him, thank God Alan was there to resuscitate him. He reminds her that he was permanently brain damaged. Right then, Monica notices a letter that was written ten years ago and she is very surprised.
In Jason’s room, Sam explains to Sonny and Reese that Jason shot himself up because he believed that Dr. Thomas must have killed AJ and needed to remember something that could help Michael. Sonny asks why Michael’s shrink would kill AJ. Sam explains that Michael remembers overhearing Dr. Thomas telling a nurse he wanted to talk privately to AJ. Reese says perhaps AJ had some dirt on Dr. Thomas. He threatened to expose him. They conspired to commit some crime together. And Dr. Thomas killed him in order to shut him up. Sonny remembers that Michael was hypnotized. And that could, very well have been because Dr. Thomas didn’t want him to remember something. Dr. Thomas then enters and inquires why they don’t just ask him what was going on.
Georgie and Dillon go looking for Maxie. She says she is worried that she cannot find her sister. Dillon tells her Maxie is probably fine. Georgie says she knows that Maxie has Jesse on the brain. She knows her sister is hurt. And the way her sister deals with being hurt is to be the baddest girl there is, to raise hell and to act without thinking. She explains when she is “hurt” she cries. But Maxie deals with it differently. They start talking about how she deals with her problems with him. After finding out that she isolates herself and cries when she has problems with him, he asks her if the next time that happens, that she can call him. He tells her he does not like to think of her crying and being alone. And they get back to finding Maxie.
Maxie tells Jesse that if he cares about her and wants her, he needs to really admit it and give them a chance. He tells her that she should know that he wants her. He may not deserve her but he wants her. And he admits he does not have the heart to send her away.
Jax keeps telling Lucky that Elizabeth chose to carry his and Courtney’s child, in order to help him with his financial problems and he’s abandoned her. Nikolas defends his brother, telling him that Lucky did not abandon Elizabeth. He did what he thought was right. Jax and Courtney go away before they argument gets worse.
Monica reads the letter and discovers that he tried to kill Jason. He tells her that everybody thought he’d be a vegetable for the rest of his life. She asks what kind of a monster AJ hired to kill Jason. They don’t seem to know who that was.
Right then, Dr. Thomas justifies himself to Sam, Sonny and Reese for why he hypnotized Michael. He reminds Sam that she and Jason broke into his office. And he could call the police but he will not, for Michael’s sake.
Sam goes in to tell unconscious Jason that their computer dude, friend, Stan was able to salvage some of the tapes that Dr. Thomas attempted to dispose of. And they found out that Dr. Thomas hypnotized Michael. But she tells him he must wake up and remember the link between Dr. Thomas and AJ.
Alan tells Monica that he’s lost both of his sons and lost her. Doesn’t she realize that he suffers every day of his life for that? But she tells him that just the fact that he’s still carrying this letter and has not burned it is proof that he wants the truth as bad as anybody else does.
Elizabeth is ready to take Cameron out of the hospital. Lucky is there with her. But he doesn’t know what to do and is very upset. He knows that Jax is nearby and cannot have any more confrontations with him. When he’s gone, Jax offers to put Elizbeth up at a hotel. She tells him she can maybe ust stay with Nikolas and Emily. But Courtney tells her that she should stay with them instead. She agrees.
Lucky goes with Nikkolas to the burned apartment and tells him that he has to get the place back to the way it was so she can bring Cameron back.
Maxie and Jesse are getting it on. Right then, Mac walks in on them. She tells her father she is almost 19 and can make decisions for herself. He seems angry and tells her from now on, she’s on her own.
Outside of Jason’s hospital room, Sonny tells Reese that Jason is in this room because he was not there for him. He was too wrapped up in himself. He was not there for Michael. He tells her from now on, he must make certain nothing like this happens again and that nothing is more important than the safety of his children.
In the chapel, Monica asks God to forgive her son, telling him she knows that his actions were despicable. But she really believes that in his mind, AJ thought he was doing the right things. She asks God to forgive him. Right then, Sonny enters and asks her whom she wants forgiveness for and for what.
Alan tells Sam that there must be a mistake and a drug talking. AJ would have never intentionally hurt Jason. He tells her that after the accident, AJ was ridden with guilt and remorse. That accident turned Jason into the robot he is. He tells her he wishes she knew Jason before the accident. Hearing that, she tells Alan that she knows Jason as a loving and wonderful man and AJ was the sicko.
Right then, Jason is drifting in and out of consciousness and remembers that Dr. Thomas tried to kill him.