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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 4-Aug-2005
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Posting date: | Thu, 04-Aug-2005 12:59:40 PM PDT |
Jax and Courtney let Elizabeth and Cameron stay in their home after the fire. Courtney seems outwardly happy and not angry with Elizabeth. Jax leaves them alone and tells them they must have a lot to talk about.
Maxie and Jesse are getting it on. Right then, Mac enters. Maxie lays down the law to her father that she is almost 19 and her life is her life. He accepts that and tells her that from now on she is on her own. He tells her that since she is no longer living under his roof, she will no longer get any money from him. She’s on her own with school and all living expenses. That’s what grownups do. If she wants to be independent, she may.
Monica is praying and asking God to forgive somebody. Sonny enters and asks her what she is asking God for. She tells him that not even a mob boss cannot prevent her from praying. She tells him that he turned her son into a killer and will need a lot of the Lord’s mercy for that. But right then, Alan enters and tells Sonny that Monica is lying to him. She is talking about him needing forgiveness.
When Jason is in his hospital bed, drifting in and out of consciousness, he believes that Sam is there and he informs her that Dr. Thomas tried to kill him. Dr. Thomas enters and appears to be injecting Jason with something. Carly enters and demands to know what is going on. Dr. Thomas just tells her there’s been no change and walks out the door. Sam rushes in and asks Jason to tell her what is going on.
Courtney appears cordial to Elizabeth, asking if she’s gotten Cameron to sleep. She tells Elizabeth that she seems to exude motherhood. Elizabeth tells Courtney she has no cause to fear that she is interested in Jax. She assures Courtney that she is still with Lucky. Courtney says she thought they broke up. Elizabeth says that he just moved out. She did not want that. She is in love with him. They will keep seeing each other. And after she has the baby, they will move in again together. Courtney then assures Elizabeth that she does not have a problem with her. She just has some difficulty dealing with the way Jax’s eyes light up when he sees her pregnant with his child. And she knows she overreacts to the fact that she cannot have a baby and that Elizabeth and her husband (Jax) are sharing the most profound thing together that she cannot give him.
Dillon asks Georgie why she is always at Kelly’s and never at any campus coffee shops. She admits that she may be avoiding running into him at the campus. She tells him that he has been accepted into one of the best film schools in the country. And she feels terribly guilty to have taken that from him. He tells her maybe it’s better to start at the bottom and work his way up. That way he will not have to be dependent on his mom or live in fear of her blackmailing him. She tells him she’d rather he live his dream. He tells her that when he saw her in the hospital bed that all he wanted was her.
Reese tells Durant that she wants to reopen Rachel Adair’s suicide case. He asks if she believes that Rachel did not take her own life and was murdered. She says yes. He tells her that the only person with motive to kill Rachel was Sonny.
Alan explains to Jason and Sonny that Jason almost died. And AJ wrote a letter with a full confession that he knew who injected Jason’s IV and tried to kill him. He wanted to go to the police but he would not let him. Sonny asks who tried to kill Jason. Alan does not know or want to divulge.
After Carly and Sam discover Dr. Thomas in Jason’s room, Sam tells Carly that she must keep Dr. Thomas away from Jason. Carly asks Sam why she knows so much about Jason and does she not realize that Jason is her best friend. Sam tells her she does not have time for this petty crap right now. Just then, Jason awakens and asks Carly what she is doing.
Courtney tells Elizabeth that she used to love getting up in the morning and going jogging and being by herself. But she realizes that having a child will change all of that. Elizabeth tells her she may enjoy her freedom while she can because it’s all about to change. But it’s all about love. And when that baby is placed in her arms, all those questions will be answered. She tells Courtney the first time she looks into her baby’s eyes, she will know of the profound gift she has. Hearing that, Courtney tells Elizabeth that she is very grateful to her.
After hearing Maxie give up all of her father’s monetary support, Jesse tells her that he doubts she will be able to live without it. She tells him she knows that this is another excuse he’s finding to push her away.
At Kelly’s, Mac tells Georgie that Maxie will move out of their house and she may have Maxie’s room. He tells her that Maxie does not want to follow the rules in his house. So she’s on her own.
Monica tells Alan that he was so obsessed about the loss of Jason (from the accident) that he refused to accept the man that Jason became. Alan says he has a problem with the choices that Jason made. She tells him that Jason is brain damaged and AJ is responsible for that. She tells him that he has refused to assign any responsibility for what AJ did.
Sonny goes to Jason’s room and tells Carly she must listen to Sam that Jason’s life is in danger. She doesn’t want to listen. Alone with Sam, Sonny tells her that he just found out that AJ had somebody in the hospital kill Jason. He knows that since AJ pleaded insanity after kidnapping Michael, he probably pulled the same stunt when he tried to kill Jason and went to Dr. Thomas to help him prove that. She concludes that Dr. Thomas refused to help him. She then concludes that that must be why Dr. Thomas wants to make Jason forget everything. AJ may have threatened to rat on him. And that’s why he killed AJ.
Reese tells Durant that Sonny would not have murdered an innocent woman. But Dr. Thomas would have motive to kill both AJ and Rachel. He had a secret going on with AJ that AJ was going to expose after Jason’s accident. And when Rachel caught on about that, he murdered her. Durant tells Reese that unless she has proof, she is wasting his time. Right then Carly corners Reese and demands that she tells her what is going on with Jason.
Elizabeth goes to talk to Lucky. When Jax and Courtney are alone with Cameron, they hear him cry. Courtney carries him out of his room. He stops crying and seems to like her. They both seem to be looking forward to having their baby.
Reese tells Carly that she need not worry what is going on. She and Sonny and Sam are taking care of Jason and of Michael. Carly can go home to her husband. She chose to marry Lorenzo Alcazar and she needs to accept the choice she’s made.
Sonny and Sam go to find Dr. Thomas and make sure that Max is guarding Jason’s room. Sonny can hear Dr. Thomas inside his office frantically going through files and attempting to destroy them. Sonny tells him there’s nobody to protect him.
Maxie tells her father and sister that she will have her stuff out by morning. Mac says fine and leaves. Georgie asks her sister why she would want to get out on her own. Maxie says she’s ready. And the only thing she’s not certain about is where to stay. Dillon asks if she’d stay with Jesse. She says no way.
Elizabeth goes to see Lucky. He asks why she is there. She tells him there is something she wants him to know. She tells him that Jax and Courtney have been kind enough to put her up in their home. He asks if she wants to get another place with him. She tells him that is exactly what she wants.
Carly gets Max to let her see Jason. She tells the poor, unconscious dude all about the way people are “defecating” upon her, preventing her from seeing him and holding her marriage to Lorenzo against her. And it’s just not fair! Waa, waa, waa!!!! Poor baby. As if he wants to hear her problems at a time like this!
Lucky tells Elizabeth that he wishes he could give her what she needs but he cannot. He’s moving into a one-room joint above Kelly’s with a bathroom down the hall. He tells her it makes sense for her to live with Jax and Courtney until the baby is born. She says she hates them being apart. He tells her he wishes she would not make this any harder than it already is.
Maxie decides that she will live in the boathouse. Dillon and Georgie come with her. Dillon is going to let her stay with him for a while. Georgie gets a call and departs.
Sonny and Sam go to Durant and tell him that he needs to stop Dr. Thomas. He’s trying to kill Jason and he was the one who killed AJ. Sonny tells him that AJ and Dr. Thomas were ready to kill Jason after the accident but Alan revived him. Sam explains that AJ asked Dr. Thomas to help him plead an insanity defense. But Dr. Thomas would not. AJ blackmailed Dr. Thomas and Dr. Thomas killed him. Durant does not want to listen to that. But right then, Reese is at the door and tells him if he lets Dr. Thomas get away with murder one more time, he will be in trouble.
Elizabeth sleeps and has a dream that she is giving birth and Courtney is helping her push. The baby comes out. She loves that baby and gives her to Courtney to hold. Courtney then holds her and she feels totally empty. Jax takes Courtney and the baby home and thanks her. And she is not ok with having lost her baby. She then screams out. Courtney and Jax hear her and ask if she is ok. She does not know what to tell them. Jax holds Elizabeth’s hand. And Courtney feels left out.
Dillon and Maxie find that they are living in very close quarters in the boathouse. They decide that either one of them must sleep on the floor or the two of them will have to sleep on a tiny narrow bed together.
Sonny tells Durant that he may ask Alan Quartermaine himself about what they were told involving AJ’s and Dr. Thomas’ secret. He tells Durant that he’s going to do what he’s gotta do to protect Jason from Dr. Thomas. And if Durant has a problem, he may shoot Sonny in the back. Right then they cannot find Jason. It looks like Dr. Thomas has him in some secret place and is ready to “finish the job” that he started long ago with the needle in the IV bag. But right then, Jason awakens and grabs his arm.