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General Hospital Update for Monday, 8-Aug-2005
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Posting date: | Mon, 08-Aug-2005 6:14:37 PM PDT |
Jesse walks in on Dillon and Maxi sleeping entwined in the same bed. He slams the door to wake them up and passes a sarcastic remark on them looking very cozy.
Alkazar comes right out and tells Skye that he wants to use her. Skye is surprised at his admitting this and calls his honesty odd but refreshing. Skye guesses that he wants to use her for one of two things - either he wants to use her against the Quartermaines or aim her at Carly.
Dr. Thomas is forcing Sam up the stairs leading to the hospital's roof. As they reach floor 6 Jason opens the door leading out into the hallway. Dr. Thomas shoots at Jason while continuing to force Same up the stairs. Dr. Thomas pushes Sam onto the roof and bolts the door shut. He throws the gun away but keeps Sam in a tight grip. Jason and Sonny are breaking down the door so to buy time Dr. Thomas injects the needle with the drug Digitalus into Sam's neck to stop her heart. He flees via helicopter just as Sonny and Jason get the door open. Sonny shoots at the fleeing Dr. Thomas but misses. Jason carries Sam into the hospital and runs into Emily talking with another intern. He tells her that Sam needs a doctor and Emily says that it will have to be an attendee because there was a bus accident. Emily sends the intern she was with to go get Dr. Jones. Jason tells Emily that if they wait for the doctor Sam will die and it's up to Emily to save Sam's life.
Dillon calls Jesse certifiable and points at him and Jesse slaps his hand away angrily. Dillon yells at Jesse saying that he nearly gave him a heart attack then goes on to ask if he even thought about Maxi's heart condition when he slammed the door. Maxi then steps in saying that her heart is not something that she wants either one of them worrying about and she asks Jesse what his problem is. He says his problem is that they had a fight and her response was to hop into bed with another guy and that she wasn't even picky about it. Dillon asks if that was his cue to be insulted. Jesse ignores Dillon and continues to point out to Maxi that Dillon is her sister's boyfriend. Maxi tells Jesse to lose the moralizing tone. She asks Jesse who he thinks he is. She goes on to say that they're not married and that she doesn't even know what they are but she knows they're not deep enough for him to barge in and start judging her. Then Maxi asks Jesse why he even cares who's bed she's in when he pushed her out of his and wanted her to run home to her dad. Jesse defends himself by saying that he was trying to find a solution to an unnecessary problem that she created when she stomped her foot like a spoiled brat and refused to listen to her father. Maxi said she wouldn't apologize to Mac for telling him that she's old enough to make her own decisions when it's true. Jesse asks her what kind of life she's going to have with no money, job, or place to stay. Maxi reminds him he said he didn't want to be responsible for her so he's not. Maxi continues on saying that she can take care of herself and that she has no room in her life for weak, indecisive people and that she wants a guy that kisses her because he wants to and doesn't care what her dad thinks. Dillon says fine and kisses her.
Alkazar says Skye is right in her guesses and that he wants to use her to help him hold onto Carly.
Reese is trying to convince Sonny to involve the police and he says no. Carly reluctantly agrees with Reese, but Sonny says he just wants Dr. Thomas dead. Durant then comes over to Sonny and says he got reports of a gunshot being fired on the roof. Durant says he's not letting Sonny leave the hospital until he knows exactly what happened. Sonny says Hell just froze over because he needs to work together with Durant.
Alan and Monica see a helicopter land on the Quartermaine's estate and Monica thinks she sees someone flee from it. Alan goes inside to call the police. Dr. Thomas stops Alan from calling the cops by pointing a gun at him.
Jason fills Emily in on what Sam has been injected with by Dr. Thomas. After consulting her notes Emily finds the cure and hurries off to get it. Jason tells Sam to hold on. Emily comes back and injects the cure into Sam's arm. Sam wakes up almost instantly. She is breathing heavily and says her heart is beating really fast - she asks what's happening to her.
Dillon continues to kiss Maxi and tells Jesse to close the door on his way out. As soon as Jesse leaves Maxi pushes Dillon off her, hits him, and calls him a pervert.
Emily fills Dr. Jones in on Sam's situation. The digitalus had enough time to enter Sam's blood system so it's affecting her heart's rhythem even with the cure. Dr. Jones says Sam needs to fight. Jason calms Sam and in a matter of minutes her heart stabilizes.
Skye rejects Lorenzo's idea. Lorenzo points out that he helped her make Luke jealous. Sky says that she's not married to Luke and points out that Luke can't even stand to be in the same country as her for long lengths of time. Skye says that Lorenzo has too much to lose and she says that she won't let him sabotage himself by throwing Carly away. Lorenzo says Carly needs a wake up call. Lorenzo proceeds to point out that it was Skye's idea in the first place to make Carly think another woman was picking up the slack. Skye says her ideas a large part of why she's alone.
Alan asks Dr. Thomas why he is holding a gun on him. Dr. Thomas admits to trying to kill Jason 10 years ago for A.J. Dr. Thomas tells Alan that Jason remembered this and is looking for him. Alan calls him a dead man and Dr. Thomas says that's what he's trying to avoid. He tells Alan to help him get out of the country or he'll tell everyone that it was Alan who paid him to kill Jason all those years ago, not A.J. Monica sees Dr. Thomas holding a gun on Alan through the door window.
Sam tells Jason that she is grateful to Emily for finding the antidote but credits Jason with her recovery. Sam tells Jason she loves him and he says he loves her and they kiss. Jason's cell rings and when he answers it's Monica telling him that Dr. Thomas has a gun on Alan.
After Monica hangs up Dr. Thomas points a gun at her and tells her to rethink calling anyone.
Dillon asks Maxi why she hit him and called him a pervert. She says because that's how he's acting. Dillon says he was just trying to help her make Jesse jealous. Maxi says he could've helped her without his tongue being so involved. Dillon says he was just acting. He says he didn't enjoy kissing her and he was just trying to make it convincing. Maxi accuses him of convincing Jesse right out the door - she says she didn't want to make Jesse so mad that he left. Dillon sarcastically apologizes. Maxi says that from now on she'll do her own dirty work.
Georgie stops Jesse outside of Kelly's and offers to explain some things about Maxi. Jesse says by all means. Georgie points out that Maxi is stubborn and impulsive and that can be infuriating but that you learn to love her for it. Jesse calls Georgie clueless and asks if she even knows where her sister is. Georgie realizes that Jesse found out Maxi is staying with Dillon and she says it was her idea. She assures Jesse that nothing is going on there, that Dillon took the floor. Jesse says he dropped in on them and, looking like he's either going to laugh or cry, he says that no one was sleeping on the floor. Georgie looks flustered and says that Maxi probably just felt bad for Dillon and it was ok. Jesse states in an unflattering way that Maxi and Dillon were kissing.
Skye asks Lorenzo to talk to her about his problems. Lorenzo begins to fill Skye in but then they get side-tracked talking about Lorenzo's brother. Skye points out that Lorenzo always helped his brother but never called on him for help. After his brother died Lorenzo found someone else to take care of - Carly.
Jason fills Sonny in and heads to the Quartermaines alone. Sonny stops Carly from going after him.
Dillon suggests to Maxi that she be honest with Jesse. He apologizes for getting over-zealous with the kissing thing and Maxi accepts his apology. Maxi tells Dillon that Georgie's lucky to have him and he moves to sit on the side of the bed saying that he's lucky to have Georgie. Georgie walks in and Dillon jumps up. Georgie confronts them about kissing. Maxi ignores her sister's overly-apparent distress and excitedly asks if Jesse was still mad when Georgie saw him. Dillon tries to explain the kiss and Maxi finally assists him calling Georgie a goofball and telling her that she should know Dillon loves her by now. Georgie insists on staying there the night with them.
Carly berates Sonny for letting Jason go after Dr. Thomas alone. Sonny tells her to go home to her husband. Carly sarcastically apologizes for forgetting that she doesn't belong there anymore and storms off.
Lorenzo admits that he wanted to take care of Carly from the start and tells Skye how he fell in love. Skye points out that she's not a good example for marriages. She lists the different reasons for her marriages saying revenge was the worst. Alkazar comes to the conclusion that Carly married him to get back at Sonny.
Dr. Thomas forces Monica in the house. He has tied Alan to a chair with ducktape. Dr. Thomas has Monica make calls to get him a jet and money ready. As Dr. Thomas is gagging Alan Jason comes in with a gun aimed at Dr. Thomas. Dr. Thomas grabs Monica and puts a knife to her throat.
Carly comes home to find a very cold and distant Lorenzo who's unwilling to hear her apology. Lorenzo eventually gets to the point saying she only married him to make Sonny jealous and hands her two packed suitcases - he's throwing her out!
Sonny visits with Sam. She says she's worried about Jason and Sonny says that Jason can't just let Dr. Thomas get away with all he's done. Sam says she knows. Sonny says he knows that she knows and that's why he thinks she's good for Jason.
Dr. Thomas tries to turn Jason's rage onto Alan by saying that it was Alan who hired him to kill Jason 10 years ago, not A.J. Alan is denying this but as Dr. Thomas keeps talking Jason points his gun at Alan. It looks like he might shoot his own father.
Sonny tells Reese that Sam's doctor said that she'll be fine. He starts blaming himself for letting Michael ever see Dr. Thomas. Reese refuses to let Sonny put himself down as a father.
Carly fights Lorenzo on ending their marriage saying he's been looking for a reason to end it from the start. She calls it sick that he finally got the object of his obsession so now he's just throwing her away. She yells that he's afraid and he yells back that he's not afraid. She says she loves him and he pulls her into a passionate kiss.
Emily convinces Sam to stay in the hospital and not go after Jason. Emily assures Sam that Jason's coming back.
Jason continues to point his gun at Alan then turns suddenly and shoots Dr. Thomas in the chest. Dr. Thomas falls to the floor and Monica checks his pulse and announces he's dead. Alan brings it up that he thinks Dr. Thomas trying to kill Jason is the reason for his brain damage. Jason says that he hates Dr. Thomas but that what he did was the best thing that ever happened to him.
Daily Teaser: Courtney and Jax look for Liz who's fallen asleep at Lucky's. Monica tells Nikolas that Emily volunteered for extra hours. Sonny has a surprise for Jason.