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General Hospital Update for Monday, 15-Aug-2005
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jsonline |
Posting date: | Mon, 15-Aug-2005 4:48:43 PM PDT |
While in the cellar in captivity, Alicia tells Jason that she will only help him get out of there if he helps her get out. She asks him if he really wants to save Sam or not. She reminds him that her mother plans to marry Sam off to Andrew. Jason demands to know if there are coast guard patrols or any way to get off this island. She tells him he better change his attitude and work with her, not against her. She has the key, the sapphire earring that she can use to saw off his handcuffs. Without it, he can stay chained to the wall.
In the mansion, that Andrew dude tries to kiss Sam (I’m assuming he thinks she’s his fiancé.). She bites his lip and tells him he better stay away from her. But he’s getting turned on by her. Allegra then comes out and assumes that she and her “daughter” having wedding plans to discuss. Alone with Allegra, Sam tells her she is not a mother she is either a sick con artist or a cold-blooded reptile. She tells her she’s had plenty of experience with both.
Lorenzo starts throwing things and tells Carly he’s tired of all of her secrets and knows that everything she does is due to her obsession for Sonny Corinthos.
Sonny reveals to Reese that he is having problems trusting her after what she has just revealed to him.
After Maxie has been rushed to the hospital, everybody is worried. Jesse asks her friends if they saw her talking to anybody. Any strangers? He asks Georgie what kinds of drinks she might have served Maxie and if they were left unattended. Dillon tells him he must not act like Georgie is a nurse who must attend to a patient. She was very busy working. Right then, they notice that Lucas might have some useful information.
Lorenzo asks Carly why she is so obsessed about Reese. Why does she care what Reese is doing with Sonny? Carly is married to him (not Sonny). He tells her that maybe she should learn to drive and get out of his house. He tells her that she swore to him before they got married, that she was not just using him to get to Sonny. She asks if he no longer loves her. He asks her to stop living this lie.
Sonny tells Reese he remembers Carly talking about Charlotte Roberts. He remembers her talking about Charlotte’s horse, cinnamon. He asks her why she did not tell him whom she really was when they first met. She asks if she was supposed to interrupt a kidnapping investigation and inform him that she was Charlotte Roberts. He tells her he knew that she knew how to press all of Carly’s buttons. And getting her husband in bed was “pay-back” for Carly sleeping with Reese/Charlotte’s father. Sonny tells her that this is beyond even the sickest thing he can imagine. He tells her he knows all too well what it’s like to have one’s family torn apart. You go for a few years thinking everything is ok. But then you see that your world is shattered. And then you have to come up with a plan. And that was what she did. She wanted to get revenge by taking back what Carly took from her. Reese protests that that was not her intent. She loves him for him. She’s not just using him in order to take something from Carly. She asks him if he can look into her eyes and tell her the truth as to whether he still loves her.
Sam tells Allegra that she was abandoned by her mother and learned all the tricks of the trade of “con artistry” from her father. Allegra sounds like she is concerned for Sam. Sam tells her she does not buy it. She knows all about insensitive, cold-blooded mothers that use their children. And she bets Allegra used Alicia by marrying her off to somebody she does not love, the way her own family has used her.
Meanwhile, Jason tells Alicia that he doesn’t believe she is as tough as she thinks she is if she does not have the guts to stand up to her own mother.
Lucas tells Jesse that if he thinks Lucas would drug his own cousin, he may feel free to search him. Dillon and Georgie confirm that Lucas would never do anything like that. Georgie tells Jesse he better not get so up on his high horse. The reason Maxie overindulged in the first place was due to being upset over the way he treated her. Right then, they notice Brook Lynn pass out. Looks like the sleezeball drugged her also.
Lorenzo tells Carly that she needs to admit that she does not have real love for him. She only loves Sonny. She admits to him that he is right. She loves Sonny.
Reese tells Sonny she needs to make him understand. He asks her what he needs to understand. Does she want him to believe that she needs psychiatric care because she is two different people? OR is he supposed to believe and trust her? She tells him that “on paper”, he is a dangerous criminal. But the real person is a good man who loves his kids. So she tells him he must realize that her “resume” does not define the person she is either. He tells her that yes, in business, he lies all the time. But in real life you cannot do it. It destroys lives. He confirms that Carly has been the woman he loves, mother of his children.. They have been to hell and back together. And she lied to him. And they can never get back together after that. She tells him that never intended to hurt him. She just didn’t know of the right time to tell him her secret. He doesn’t know what to say or do. She goes out the door.
In the hospital, Mac confronts Jesse and blames the fact that he asked Maxie to help his investigation. He should know that Maxie has a heart condition. But Maxie is hearing their conversation from her hospital room and tells her stepfather that he cannot blame Jesse for what has happened. But he tells her she must realize how badly she scared her mother. She is a bright girl with a whole future ahead of her and must try to act responsibly for a change, he tells her. He leaves and Maxie tells Jesse that she wishes her stepfather would stop telling her that she is irresponsible. He tells her that Mac is just concerned and reveals to her that he could not live if something happened to her.
Right then, Brook Lynn enters the hospital and Lucky wants to ask her some questions. She admits she was at the pizza shack and all she remembers is attempting to go home after having an argument with Maxie. Bobbie tells them that they need to run some tests. Georgie asks what further tests they need when they already know what happened to her. Lucky explains they must run tests to check for sexual assault.
Lorenzo tells Carly that she must realize that this is the last time. She asks him what if she is not ready to give up. He tells her she has no choice. His brother is dead, due in part to his obsession over a woman. Being in love makes one crazy. He’s not going to end up like his brother. He admits he fell so deeply in love with her. But if he does not get out now, he will turn into something he does not want to turn into. She urges him not to end their marriage. But he tells her they will never be happy together and he leaves.
At Sonny’s, Courtney brings Michael by after going to the carnival. Michael talks about the bungee jumper and asks his dad if he’d like to join him on that. Sonny admits to his son that he’s a little weirded out by a bungee jumper. Michael asks his dad if Reese is around anywhere. Sonny admits that he and Reese are not going to be together any more. Michael asks his father if he is sad that they broke up. Sonny says no. He’s ok. Michael goes to see Morgan and when Sonny is alone with Courtney, he tells his sister that his son seems happy. She asks him what went wrong with Reese. He tells her he’s ok. and Reese is out of his life.
Reese is alone at the docks and Ric finds her, knowing what has happened. She tells him that the saddest part was that she thought for just a moment that Sonny could forgive her. Rick holds Reese in his arms while she cries.
Allegra reveals to Sam that her daughter is actually alive. Sam asks her why, if she is alive does Allegra need Sam in her place? Allegra tells Sam the sorry truth is that without a doting mother or father, or a fortune, a sensitive and vulnerable woman is a walking invitation to users. She admits that she made the mistake of overprotecting Alicia and as a result, Alicia cannot fend for herself. Sam suggests that she just lets Alicia marry the man she loves. Allegra tells her that Victorio is a spineless coward, as well as parasitically poor and will only use and discard Alicia. She tells Sam she must know the kind of mother she wishes she had and perhaps the kinds she would like to be. She just wants to shield Alicia by having her marry Andrew for a few days. And if Sam can “find it in her heart” to consummate this marriage, then Sam, along with Alicia and herself can be set for life. Sam asks if she’s got it straight that if she sleeps with this Andrew dude, then they can all split the money. Allegra admits to Sam that she is not well and doesn’t have long to live. She cannot leave Alicia alone and adrift in the world. And she asks Sam if she would not at least consider this proposal.
Reese tells Ric that she promises not to tell Sonny or anybody else about the night they had together. He tells her that he knows she put herself out there and got her heart stomped on. And his pig-headed brother just cannot see that she makes him happy. She tells him that Sonny broke up with her after knowing she lied. She betrayed him just like every other guy she’s been with. He tells her that a guy worth caring for would get over it. And he puts his arms around Reese and comforts her.
Sonny tells Courtney the whole story about Reese lying about whom she really is. Courtney tells her brother that maybe Reese told him the truth because she wanted an honest relationship with him. He tells her he is done with Reese. But she tells him that in the real world, most people who are afraid of losing other people keep a secret in order not to. And maybe that is what Reese did. But at least she had the courage to come clean.
After Jason reluctantly agrees to help Alicia get free from her mother, she tells him she promises to name her first child after him. She leaves. Right then, Sam appears. Jason tells her that she needs to hold a letter opener to Allegra’s neck while he gets them both free.
Ric comes by Sonny’s. He tells his brother that he can see that he is ice cold and untouchable and does not want to feel because it clouds his judgment. He tells him he knows that he cut Reese off. Hearing that, Sonny says he must mean Charlotte Roberts. Ric tells Sonny she has not used that name for many years. Hearing that, Sonny confirms that Ric kept Reese’s secret from him. And he tells Ric that Jason will be really happy to know he is right that Ric cannot be trusted.
Carly and Courtney meet at Kelly’s. Carly tells her she had a real fun night. First she found out that Reese was her long lost high school buddy. Then Lorenzo threw her out of the house and told her they are through. Courtney tells Carly that although she does not care for Lorenzo, she understands that he cannot deal with her running around, obsessing about Sonny and his personal life and failing to commit to her husband. Hearing that, Carly gets really angry. Courtney tells Carly she does not want to fight and make things worse. She needs to say goodbye to her dad and will call Carly tomorrow.
At the hospital, Lucky tells Dillon, Georgie and Lucas that somebody drugged Brook Lynn’s drink for a reason. If it was not to rape her, what was the reason?
Alicia comes back and informs Jason that her mother is manipulative and crazy and he just sent his girlfriend into the jaws of a snake.
Allegra comes out with fancy clothes and jewelry for Sam to play Alicia. She asks her to try on Alicia’s favorite dress telling her it would look lovely on her. But right when they get to the mirror, she can see that Sam is ready to stab her with the letter opener. So she tells Sam she may go ahead and kill her. But she only asks that Sam protects her daughter after she is gone.
Ric tells Sonny that he must realize that Reese is not a terrible person who cannot be trusted. She came there to investigate a kidnapping. She helped them and had no obligation to tell anybody about her personal life. And it wasn’t until he chose to have a thing with her that it became an issue in the first place. He admits that Reese asked him to keep his mouth shut and he agreed. Ric tells his brother that he has a lot of faults but does not believe he is a hypocrite. Sonny asks what he can do when he cannot trust his own brother. He asks Ric what other secrets he and Reese are keeping from him.
Carly goes to find Reese at Kelly’s and tells her congratulations. She’s finally stolen her life. Reese tells her not quite. Sonny broke up with her. Carly punches her. She tells Carly if she wants her, she may come and get her.