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General Hospital Update for Wednesday, 17-Aug-2005
Author: |
jsonline |
Posting date: | Thu, 18-Aug-2005 7:44:25 AM PDT |
Reese meets Ric at Kelly’s. She tells him that she is ready to leave town. Sonny is right outside the door.
Diego goes into Lorenzo’s and asks his father when he started having guards outside the house. Lorenzo explains that he is “diversifying”. He’s setting up meetings with some people. He wants to teach Diego the tricks of the trade in business unless he doesn’t want to get involved. He warns his son that it’s not all pleasant. Right then, Carly enters assuming that Lorenzo will “take her back”. He asks her what she is doing there.
Emily goes to Elizabeth’s home and asks her why she heard from her mother that Elizabeth informed her other that she saw Nikolas and Courtney kissing on the Elm St. pier. Why didn’t Elizabeth come to her directly and tell her about it? Elizabeth does not know what to say.
Oh, so “coincidental and convenient” that Nikolas and Courtney are not only on the same flight BY THEMSELVES, WITHOUT THEIR SPOUSES, headed to the Bahamas. They also just happen to check into hotel rooms right beside each other. Both of them go out into the hallway and just happen to run into each other. And it looks like their room service orders got mixed up and each has gotten the other’s order.
Ric tells Reese that she cannot leave. She must help him in his battle against Alexis. She tells him he does not need her help. Any judge would throw it out of court. She then admits that Sonny is the reason why she’s leaving. Ric tells Reese that Sonny respects her. But she tells him that he will never forgive her for lying and it was arrogant on her part to believe that she was the one person who could hold into him. She admits, also that she intended to get her revenge against Carly. But it only ended up costing her Sonny.
Lorenzo is very serious about moving Carly out of his home. He asks her why she came back. They already said everything they needed to say. He gets a call and she asks about it. He tells her his life is no longer her concern. And he no longer has to stress himself wondering where she is, what she’s doing, what she’s lying about or if she still loves Sonny. He tells her she needs to leave. Hearing that, she tells him he really is as cold as people say. And he tells her she cannot be trusted and the divorce will be handled soon.
Monica asks Lucky how his brother is. She asks if he is as worried about Nikolas and Emily as she is. Lucky sounds like he’s not very worried and doesn’t want to get involved. He protests that he believes his brother is good for her daughter. But she asks if he believes that Nikolas can “go the distance”. Lucky truthfully tells Monica that he has been working so many doubles and doesn’t know much about anything going on in anybody’s life.
Courtney and Nikolas agree that it is so “weird” and beyond coincidence that they always run into each other. He makes a joke about the room service expecting him to eat fruit and granola. And he offers to have them switch him to another hotel. She is ready to move her food table into his room, but it falls over and everything drops on the floor.
Emily tells Elizabeth that she believes that Jax has a right to know that her husband is kissing is wife and might be having a wild affair. Emily goes back to her mother and tells her that she is wrong to assume that Nikolas was cheating. Elizabeth only saw one kiss and did not know of anything else. She tells her mother she’d like her to stay out of this. Monica agrees. Monica leaves and Emily tells Lucky that she believes that Courtney and Nikolas are having an affair. He doesn’t want to assume that or get involved. But she urges him to tell her what he knows because she is his wife. She asks him where Nikolas went. Lucky replies that Nikolas went to the Bahamas. She remembers that so has Courtney. Do you think they believe for a MOMENT that it was JUST COINCIDENTAL and UNPLANNED? Give me a break!
Nikolas and Courthey are, once again, real comfortable talking and joking. He admits to her that maybe it was all “meant to be”. They agree that they could certainly be friends, since they make each other laugh and can talk about anything. She agrees that they can be friends. But she obviously wants more and so does he. She tells him she must leave and get her massage.
Skye and Tracy go to Lorenzo’s. Tracy asks where Lorenzo hired his new security guard. From “thugs are us”? He tells them that he wants to have off shore oil business. Tracy tells Lorenzo that he will not use her family’s money to conduct illegal activities. Tracy asks Skye to leave with her. Skye tells Tracy she would like to talk to Lorenzo alone. Tracy assumes that Skye knew all along about it. Lorenzo protests to Tracy that he is not a criminal and does not appreciate her calling him one. Tracy leaves. Skye confirms to Lorenzo that he and Carly are really over.
Right when Sonny enters Kelly’s , Ric leaves him alone with Reese. And Alexis comes by and leaves with Ric. Reese informs Sonny that she is leaving town. She tells him that she should have left town long ago because all she’s done is hurt people since she’s been here. But Ric wants her to stay. He asks her why she cares what Ric thinks. She tells him she’s afraid that the damage has already been done and nobody will trust her again. She asks him what he thinks she should do.
Lucky tells Elizabeth that he cannot believe that she did not tell him that she saw Nikolas and Courtney kissing. She tells him she just saw that a day ago and does not assume anything. Right then, Jax’s servant comes looking for Jax and tells them that he has his limo.
Jax makes a call to Courtney asking her about her flight. She tells him everything is great. He tells her his deal is almost done and he’s headed straight for the Bahamas. They say their: “I love you..s” And wouldn’t you know that Nikolas is facing Courtney while she is talking on the phone to Jax.
Ric asks Alexis why she is going through with this frivolous lawsuit when he believes that all he’s tried to do is to be compassionate and supportive. He tells her she must want to kill their relationship. She tells him she wants to save it.
Sonny tells Reese that he realizes he cannot prevent her from leaving. She asks if there is another chance. He admits that he does not forgive easily. She asks what that means. Does he expect her to grovel? She admits that she lied about some things and she apologizes but she did not lie when she told him she loved him. And she knows he loves her. If he does not, he may tell her and she will walk out the door and not come back. She then dares him to look her in the eye and tell her he does not love her. And RIGHT THEN, OUT OF NOWHERE, GUNFIRE BLASTS THROUGH KELLY’S. Sonny and Reese fall to the ground but appear to be ok. Max enters and asks what happened. Sonny asks him to go and make sure that Michael and Morgan are safe. Sonny gets his gun. He notices a guy there and seems to know that the “hit” was not meant for him. It was meant for this guy. And Sonny, right then concludes that this is connected to Lorenzo Alcazar.
While Lorenzo is talking to Skye at his home, he gets a phone call. He replies to his caller by saying: “that is very disappointing”. She knows that he’s back into business.
Again, Courtney and Nikolas go swimming at the same time. They are both not fully clothed. At first, she cannot get into her hotel room. Knowing that Jax is coming soon, Courtney knows they better not keep running into each other. Nikolas agrees to stay away from her. She can order room service and stay in her room. And he will eat in the dining room and check out in the morning. He wishes her “good luck” with Jax. She says thank you and wishes him the same with Emily. But RIGHT THEN, as soon as she gets in her room, he hears her scream. He gets in her room to discover a snake. She’s afraid of the thing. Again, they laugh about her “sensitivity” to the critter and her wondering if it’s a male or birthing female. And she stands on a chair unable to walk near where the snake is. And of course, he offers to carry her across the room so she doesn’t have to walk near the snake.
Carly asks her mommy to offer her “support” after Lorenzo dumped her. She reveals to her that Reese/Charlotte’s father was a perv and seduced her when she was a teenage. Bobbie protests that she knows that Carly’s life could not have been that bad when she was a teenager. She remembers that she was turning tricks as a teenager, herself. But she made something of herself. She tells Carly she knew that she (Carly) never had to sleep with anybody in order to pay the rent. She asks Carly if she did not report what Reese’s father did to her. She tells her that she believes that Carly intended to ruin Charlotte’s family. She was not a “victim”. And she reminds her daughter that she may have broken up Bobbie’s marriage with Tony and ruined her relationship with Lucas. Bobbie is not ready to “sympathize” with Carly. Right then, Reese comes by and tells Carly it looks like she’s running out of people to blame for her sick life. Reese taunts Carly, telling her that she has ruined her own life, as well as Reese’s life and Reese family. She tells Calry that she has gotten what she deserves and she hopes Carly rots in hell.
Lorenzo asks Skye if she has not “enjoyed their flirtations”. He implies that she is using Luke and has shallow interest in both of them. She slaps him. And Sonny enters with Max. And he tells Lorenzo he’s(Lorenzo) always had a real “charm” with the ladies. Skye leaves angrily. Sonny appears sarcastic to Lorenzo and informs him he knows that Lorenzo is backing business. And he informs Lorenzo that his “people” kinda ruined Sonny’s lunch. Lorenzo apologizes and tells Sonny he has no interest in fighting with him. He’s going to divorce Carly. But he makes it clear that he has some major business plans that may give Sonny cause for alarm.
Jax has found a little place for Elizabeth and Lucky to stay while he’s gone. Elizabeth seems to appreciate it. But knowing what he will probably discover when he goes to the Bahamas, she tells him he cannot leave right now. Jax leaves and Elizabeth admits to Lucky that she’s concerned about what will happen when Jax catches Courtney with Nikolas. He tells her they mustn’t worry about that. But she is concerned, since she is carrying their baby that Courtney and Jax could break up.
Right then, Emily is entering the hotel that Nikolas and Courtney are staying in. And they are both dressed in the “robes” and looking all comfy-cozy together. And she tells him he may stay and have dinner with her. They get into talking about their lives and histories and everything. And of course, she tells him if he wants they could have a glass of brandy before they go to sleep. They are in her room. Nikolas’ room is empty. Emily goes into her husband’s empty room. Noticing he is not there, she gets on the phone to find out where Courtney Jax’s room is. Emily no sooner walks out the door of Nikolas’ room and sees a room service table. And right when Nikolas is going out Courtney’s door, Emily is standing right outside having good reason to believe her husband is getting’ it on with another woman.