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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 18-Aug-2005
Author: |
jsonline |
Posting date: | Thu, 18-Aug-2005 12:55:35 PM PDT |
At the mansion, Jason and Sam are brainstorming about how to get themselves free from that place. He tells her they will sneak out when the guards have shift change. But she tells him that perhaps she should just go through with their plan with Andrew and trust that Allegra will set them free. Right then, Allegra interrupts them to tell them that they have a problem to deal with. She tells them that Andrew insists on seeing his bride-to-be immediately. She seems courteous, tells Sam that if only her own daughter would come through for her the way Sam has, they would not be in this big mess. She promises them that as soon as Sam marries Andrew, she will be able to divorce him and get a chunk of the money from Allegra. Sam departs from Jason, puts her arms around him and tells him she will be home soon. Alone with Jason, Allegra tells him that Sam really is extraordinary. She tells him that she knows he hates it. She knows his “type”. She married one. She knows only too well, the type of man who always wants to be the hero and always wants to be in charge. She tells Jason that he must let Sam take care of him for once. Sam is a sensible girl and she will do the right thing, she tells him. She assures him that they will all be rewarded for their patience. The guards come to escort Jason off the property. He reveals that he does not trust Allegra and she will not buy him or Sam. She tells him he’d be surprised to know what money will buy.
Emily goes to find Nikolas in the Bahamas and catches him looking like he’s had a real cozy encounter with Courtney. She rushes out angrily. But Nikolas runs after his wife to tell her that she must realize that he did not intentionally arrange to run into Courtney. They just keep running into each other. It’s just an accident. She asks him if it was only an accident that he and Courtney were kissing by the Elm St. pier.
Right then, Jax arrives and meets Courtney in her room. He appears happy. But she informs him there is something she must tell him. She tells him that since she’s been there, she’s had a lot of time to think about “fate”. He tells her that fate has nothing to do with it. He assumes that she is concerned about Lucky and Elizabeth. He admits that he lied to her about his “business deal”. What he was really doing was finding them another apartment to stay so Elizabeth does not have to stay with them. He tells her he ran into Emily and she looked upset. Courtney admits to Jax that Emily has the idea that she (Courtney) and Nikolas are having an affair. Jax asks her if they are
Emily tells Nikolas that Elizabeth was able to notice him and Courtney kissing. She told Monica. And Monica told Emily. He says he’s sorry. But she asks him what he thinks is the point of being sorry. She asks him what was going on when he and Courtney were stuck on the roof in the rain together. She tells him she wants a divorce.
At the pizza shack, Maxie tells Georgie, Dillon and Jesse that there must be a way to find and stop the mysterious “drink drugger”.
Maxie and Brook Lynn go to the police station while Lucky and Jesse ask them if they have seen a girl in a picture. They say they have not. But the two cops tell the two girls that she got drugged like they did and there may be a pattern that this “drink drugger” has in spiking the drinks of pretty girls.
While Jason is back in captivity in the cellar, Allegra enters the mansion to see Sam dressed in formalwear, ready to play the role of her daughter. Andrew tells Allegra he wants to be alone with “his fiancé”. But Allegra tells him that she needs to stay there with her right now. Sam speaks up and tells Allegra that she is perfectly capable of having dinner with “her fiancé” right now. Alone, he tells her she must forget about her mother and focus upon him. Sam then asks him what he would do if she told him they’ve never met. He asks her why she would suggest that. Sam says because she would like to go back to before they ever met. She tells him that her life has not been the same since. She plays the role. He talks about paparazzi photos of her naked by the fountain. And he tells her they both know the truth. He talks about that loser who Allegra mistakenly loved. H etells her that he was always patient and he still is. She tells him that maybe she forgot what a kind, wonderful amazing man he really is.
The dudes put Alicia in the cellar with Jason, informing them that her mother wants her there for now. He informs her that her mother got Sam and Andrew together. She tells him that while Andrew is feeling up Jason’s girlfriend, she (Alicia) has found a way out.
Jesse tells Maxie that he wishes he could spend more time with her. Righ then she gets a call probably from the sicko. He has many pictures of young girls. He does not talk and hangs up.
Courtney admits to Jax that she and Nikolas are attracted to each other. And that day, on the roof, it was an accident that they got stuck although she admits that they did arrange to meet there. She admits that she has felt so empty and inadequate for such a long time. Nikolas has listened to her and made her feel really comfortable around him. And Jax has paid so much attention to Elizabeth for such a long time. She tells him that she so wishes she could carry a child. And the fact that she cannot because of the bad choices she made and will never know what it is like to have a life growing inside of her. He tells her that he realizes she believes that Nikolas understands. She admits that she can talk to him without hurting his feelings. And Nikolas understands because he feels very similarly alone and inadequate in his own marriage. She tells him that all the other times she was with Nikolas, with the exception of their plan to meet that one time, it was just an accident. He doesn’t seem to trust what she is telling him. But she tells him that she does not wish to deceive him and that she loves him.
Emily is very similarly untrusting of Nikolas. She tells him she needs to leave. He tries to prevent her from going. But she tells him she does not want to talk. They go out into the hallway and run into Courtney and Jax. Jax confronts Nikolas and punches him. When Nikolas is down on the ground, Jax kicks him and wants to hurt him more and take cheap shots. Emily watches and covers her face but says and does nothing. Courtney speaks up that Jax must leave Nikolas alone.
Andrew asks Sam if she remembers the dance music he is playing. She assumes it’s the salsa. But he tells her he should know it’s the rumba. The dance of passion between a man and a woman. He takes her hand and notices how tense she looks. He notices how uptight she is and assumes it’s her mother. Sam plays along as though she is Alicia with an attitude about her mother.
Right when Alicia and Jason are in the cellar and she is urging him not to leave her behind, her mother enters and tells her that this “unfortunate alliance” stop right here. Allegra has the guards take her daughter out and tells Jason that she is just a wery mother with a problem child.
Andrew is doing his dance with Sam. He tells her that he knows that the fact that he is wealthy is the primary reason her mother wants her to marry him. But he tells her not to worry . They will throw her mother a curve.
The next time the guards come to the cellar, Jason punches one of them. But the other pulls a gun on him. He gives that one the sapphire and tells him he must sae Sam first. And then Alicia.
At the pizza, shack it looks like the sicko “drink drugger” is somebody who Dillon actually knows from school. The sicko overhears Brook Lynn talking to Georgie about getting her stomach pumped and how it’s just her luck that as soon as she meets a guy who “calls her”, he has to be a complete whack job. Dillon “makes conversation” with the guy and as soon asks he asks him when the last time was when the guy “hooked up”, he sees that he’s struck a nerve.
ANdrew takes Sam to a garden and tells her that her mother treats her like crap and he wants to marry her right now and forget all about Allegra. But Sam might not want to do that.
IT looks like neither courtney nor Nikolas are ready to go back to Port Charles with their spouses. Jax and Emily are flying back home together. he asks her if she is uncomfortable to be sitting next to him. She tells him she is not angry at him. They both agree that their spouses have changed.
Courtney and Nikolas look as though they are a lot happier to be together at the Bahamas than they are back at "home".