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General Hospital Update for Monday, 22-Aug-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Mon, 22-Aug-2005 4:39:25 PM PDT

After finding out that Nikolas might be cheating on Emily with Courtney, Sonny tells Emily that he is sorry that she should have to suffer this indignity. And he tells her that she may consider this unfortunate incident in his hands. But she tells him that this is her marriage. And there’s nothing he or anybody can do to fix it. She realizes that she and Nikolas had problems before this. Maybe they were not meant to be. And maybe he and Courtney were.

And wouldn’t ya know? Those two are flying back together talking all about their respective failed marriages.

Jax tells Lucky and Elizabeth that he plans to divorce Courtney and raise the baby on his own. Elizabeth tells him that she won’t let him have the baby without Courtney. He tells her the “contract clearly states” that he has legal rights to the baby. Lucky tells him that he knows how to reduce everything to a contract. But this is about a human being. And she tells Jax that she only agreed to do the surrogacy under the “assumption” that Jax and Courtney would stay married and raise the baby together.

Right when it looks like Andrew wants to “consummate” with Sam, she decides it’s time to tell him the truth. She reveals that she is not Alicia. Her name is Sam and she is not at all who he wants her to be.

Sonny tells Emily that he is not a “fan” of the Cassadines but it will be her decision about whether to forgive Nikolas. Hearing that, she tells him that she knows about his own track record with trust issues. He admits to her that he may be doing the: “Do as I say and not as I do” number with her. But he tells her that if when can get over the anger and disappointment, that may be the greatest gift anybody could give themselves.

And while in the plane with Courtney, Nikolas has a “vision” about going to see Emily, having her forgive him and admit that she knows he loves her and he means everything to her. He then he awakens to the reality that will face him when he gets back. Courtney, then has a “fantasy” about explaining and apologizing to Jax about the situation, and his admitting that he trusts and forgives her and that’s all that matters.

Jax tells Elizabeth and Lucky that they have the mistaken idea that his wife is not “breaking their contract” if she sleeps with another man. Elizabeth reminds him that he is also “breaking a contract” to love, honor and commit to his wife. But he is still determined to do things his way.

Alicia goes to see her mother after Allegra has been cuffed to a wall. Allegra tells her daughter that none of this would have happened if she had agreed to go along with their plan. Alicia tells her mother that she is not about to marry Andrew nor will Sam. Sam and Jason will be together. She will be with Victorio. And her mother will lose. But Allegra tells her daughter that she “did this” in order for her to have a better life. She asks her to get the key and unlock the cuffs. Alicia gets the key but may not unlock the cuffs.

Sam explains the whole story to Andrew. And he doesn’t seem to buy it and asks her to tell him the “real reason” why she refuses to make love to him. She asks him if the “real Alicia” would be as lousy a dancer as she is. She tells him she is in love with a man named Jason Morgan. He is very different than Andrew. He doesn’t dance or write poetry. But she loves him more than anything. And that is why she cannot sleep with Andrew.

While Emily is working at the hospital, her parents assume she needs to “come home”. But she tells has another plan.

Nikolas goes to Sonny’s to “see his wife”. Sonny tells him she is not here. But he informs Nikolas that he will let Emily stay at his home while she breaks up with a two-timing bastard like him. He tells Nikolas that Courtney is very foolish and naïve to do what she did. And although he is glad that his sister is breaking up with Jax, he won’t let Nikolas hurt Emily.

Lucky and Elizabeth go to talk to Courtney. They inform her that Jax wants to divorce her and have the baby all to himself. They assure her that they do not “support” him in that. But they have gotten the mistaken idea that she slept with Nikolas. And she sets them straight that she never has.

While Jason is trapped in the mansion, he is having headaches and falling over, as he somehow knows that something terrible has happened.

Sonny tells Nikolas that he ruined his own marriage with lies to Emily that he was “on business” in the Bahamas, when he really went to sleep with Courtney. Nikolas tells Sonny it’s none of his business. But for the record he did not sleep with Courtney nor set out to lie to his wife. Sonny tells him he knows that his little sister has bad judgment in men. He doesn’t know what she sees in him. He asks Nikolas what kinds of “tricks” he’s used on Courtney. Did he do the: “mommy and daddy abandoned me” line on her? Did he make her sympathize with a “puppy”? Just how did Nikolas manage to get in Sonny’s sister’s pants? Nikolas tells Sonny, that unlike him, he knows how to keep his fly zipped and women are not “disposable” to him like they are to Sonny. He tells Sonny that what he fails to understand is he loves his wife. Nobody could ever replace her. And he will not give up on his marriage. Right then, Emily walks in. Sonny tells her that one of the “advantages” to staying in his home is she does not have to see anybody she doesn’t want to see. So if she wants Nikolas removed, that can be done. She asks to talk to Nikolas alone. He tells her he did not sleep with Courtney. But she tells him it’s too late and she believes the only reason he did not sleep with Courtney is because she suddenly showed up and “ruined his plans”.

Lucky asks Courtney if he may get this straight. Is she blaming Elizabeth for seeing her kissing Nikolas? Courtney admits that she and Nikolas have been “tempted” but have both made a decision not to trash their marriages. She asks Elizabeth why she did not just come to her and talk to her, instead of jumping to conclusions and ruining so many people’s lives. Elizabeth says that she saw something that did not look so innocent. And the bottom line is that she wants this baby to be raised by a married couple who are not doing to each other what Courtney and Jax are doing.

Jax goes to talk to Alexis to get her to represent him in his divorce and help him with his “contract” for the baby. She tells him she is not going to help him do something that she knows is not good for him. She tells him he needs time to chill out and think. And if in another 6 months, he still wants a divorce, he may contact her.

Right when Allegra is ready to put her plan into motion and “dispose” of Jason, Sam and Andrew come to inform her that they are not going along with her plan. Right then, those slimeballs are ready to take Jason away.

Jax informs Courtney that he wants a “quick, clean” divorce with the clear legal stipulation that the baby is his “sole property”. She tells him she did not sleep with Nikolas nor intentionally plan to see him. He tells her he is not an idiot. She says even if she did not get naked and spread her legs, she still “cheated” on their marriage. He also asks her if this is all about her being alienated by his attention to Elizabeth? OR did she never really love him in the first place?

Sam asks Andrew why he would clean out his alimony money for a woman who does not want him? He tells her he’s not really certain. Allegra decides that since Sam did not “come through”, then they have no more “use” for her. SO the guards take her away.

Guards are also ready to take Jason away. But he punches them out and makes a run for it.

Lorenzo is ready to do some more business deals with some of his “previous” contacts. Sonny comes to find out what he is doing. Lorenzo reminds Sonny that this is a land of free enterprises and he can do business with whomever he wants.

Somebody anonymously slips a key under the door for Sam to unlock herself from the cellar. She goes looking for Jason and for Andrew. But it looks like they are both on the ground unconscious. Jason appears to be ok. But Andrew is dead. Allegra again appears like she does not wish to hurt Jason and Sam. But they tell her they wash their hands of her problems and they want to get out of there.

Elizabeth tells Lucky that she has, legally signed away her rights to the baby and Jax can have full custody whether they want that or not. But he reminds her that one way they can beat Jax at his own game is to get married.

Both Jax and Emily refuse to believe their “adulterous” spouses when they tell them that they had no plans to be together nor sleep together.

Sonny tells Lorenzo that he disapproves of everything he does, including what he does to his women. Lorenzo tells Sonny that this is all about Carly. And Sonny may have her. Sonny reminds Lorenzo that he stalked Carly, finally got her to marry him, and dumped her after two months. And he tells him if there is a such thing as “karma”, it will come and bite Lorenzo in the ass.

Jason and Sam have escaped and are back on their “love boat”. But she tells him that she knows there is something going on with him and asks him what that is.

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