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General Hospital Update for Wednesday, 24-Aug-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Thu, 25-Aug-2005 7:00:40 PM PDT

Emily runs into Michael in the dark while being out looking at the stars. He tells her that his dad told him that she is staying in his guesthouse. That kid is one sharp little dude. He seems to know right away that she and Nikolas are getting a divorce.

Again, Courtney and Nikolas start kissing. And THIS TIME, they get CAUGHT red-handed by Lucky.

Jax invites Elizabeth to his home to “have a conversation”. She tells him that she believes Courtney has as much right to the baby as he does and she does not feel comfortable discussing this without Lucky there. And of course, Jax tells her that he might have a ‘better offer”.

While on the boat, back to Port Charles, Jason sleeps all day. Sam notices that is not normal.. She asks if he is ok, tells him she knows there is something very wrong with him and he must tell her what is going on. He tells her he will be ok after they get back to Port Charles. But he admits to her that he did not know when “this” started. Maybe the situation with Michael and Dr. Thomas made him remember something that traumatized him he says. But he admits he is having bad headaches, which he did not have before.

Dillon and Maxie talk about his college schedule. Georgie is working and looking unhappy. They seem to be really chummy. They tell her that she has only one more year left of high school and then she’ll be a sophisticated college student just like them. Right then, Jesse finds Maxie and tells her she is putting herself in danger being there after dark. The dude who drugged her hangs out here, he reminds her. Georgie seems like she does not want to leave Dillon and Maxie alone together. Maxie seems to know that not just Jesse, but Dillon and Georgie as well, are staying there in order to look out for her. She demands that Dillon and Georgie go. Alone with Maxie, Jesse tells her that maybe she can control her little sister. Burt she is not wrapping him around her little finger.

Michael tells Emily that he doesn’t understand why people get married in the first place when it seems like everybody’s marriage ends in divorce. She tells him that not everybody’s marriage ends. Edward and Lila for one. Alan and Monica have been married for a long time even though she knows that he knows that they are not a good example.. She tells him that Sonny and Carly may be splitting. But if they had never married, Sonny wouldn’t get to be his dad. He asks if people believe that divorcing is easier than solving their problems. She replies yes.

Lucky demands to know why Courtney has been protesting about fixing her marriage with Jax. He tells her that the agreement was that the two of them stay married in order to adopt their baby. He also tells her that Emily has been his best friend since he was 12 years old, has been through a very bad situation and deserves better than having Courtney making out on a pier with her husband. Nikolas has nothing to say for himself and tells Courtney he is sorry. She tells him he must leave her alone. Too much damage has already been done. And she walks away.

Jax is ready to “buy” Elizabeth’s baby. He tells her if she agrees to help him prevent Courtney from having rights to her baby, then he will pay for Cameron’s entire education, books, room and board and everything. She tells him this sounds too much like a bribe. And the reason why she agreed to the surrogacy in the first place was so that the baby she is carrying can be raised by a couple and not by a rich playboy who is going through a divorce. He tells her that he wants to be able to assure her that he will love this child and doesn’t want it to be raised by nannies. But she tells him she wants the baby to have two parents who love each other. And she knows he is rich and can buy lawyers. But it cannot do any good. She tells him if he loves this baby like he says he does, then he will include Courtney and find a way to work out this misunderstanding with his wife. He reminds her that Courtney is in love with Nikolas. She tells him that they made a mistake. Nikolas and Emily have been her best friends for years and she knows they will work through this. And she knows that Courtney loves him and will make an amazing mother. He needs to swallow his pride, she tells him. He refuses and she tells him as much as she doesn’t want to fight with him, she will take him to court and fight for custody of her child if necessary. She leaves and Jax then asks Justus to come out of hiding. He asks if he’s heard the conversation. Justus replies he heard every word but tells him there is no guarantee that he can win nor that he wants to help him. He tells Jax if he really wants to be able to win the custody battle against Lucky and Elizabeth, he will need to get back with Courtney. Jax is very frustrated and tells Justus he is his lawyer not his social worker. Right then, Courtney enters and Justus serves her with divorce papers. Jax tells her the sooner she signs them, the sooner they can move on. Courtney tells him there is no way she will sign them.

Lucky returns home and Elizabeth tells him that Jax is being unreasonable to Courtney. And she also knows that Nikolas is really hurt as Emily is pushing him away. He tells her if they get married they will have a good shot at keeping the baby, especially if Jax and Courtney divorce. But she tells him she doesn’t want to have endless court battles. And she tells him that maybe they should not rush into anything.

Emily goes to meet Nikolas by the docks. He apologizes to her and tells her he loves her and wants to salvage their marriage. But she gives him back her wedding and engagement rings and leaves. Sitting alone, he notices his phone rings. It’s Lucky. Nikolas tells his brother he’s in no mood to be yelled at. But Lucky tells him he must get over to his home. Nikolas agrees. And right then Elizabeth calls Emily and asks her to come over. Elizabeth then tells Lucky: “Two down, two to go.”

Courtney tells Jax and Justus that she refuses to sign away her marriage because of a misunderstanding. He asks Justus if he can give them a moment alone. He tells Courtney that his “private life” is none of her business. She tells him she already knows that he must have invited Elizabeth over in order to bribe her into helping him. He tells her that she chose to have an affair. He did not. She tells him she did not sleep with Nikolas and he cannot blame that for everything. She tells him he must have faith and trust in her. He tells her he’s all out of faith and trust. Hearing that, she tells him in that case, then maybe they should divorce. But she tells him if it’s impossible for him to forgive her for making a mistake, she wonders what he will do if the baby makes a mistake. Will he refuse to forgive it and send it back to Elizabeth? He tells her that she and Elizabeth have a lot in common. They both want to prevent him from raising the child alone. She tells him if he fights Elizabeth for custody, he will hurt a lot of people who cannot fight back and he will end up hurting the baby. She leaves and Justus tells Jax that he is a lawyer and not a shrink. But he’s been involved in so many divorce battles like this. And he asks Jax if he intends to hurt all these people just for his pride.

Jason leaves his room with Sam and goes walking until he passes out. She finds him on the ground.

Dillon tells Georgie that he will flunk some courses so that she can catch up with him. Right then, her phone rings. Somebody breaths and says nothing. Dillon takes her phone and demands that the “caller” talks. He tells her he heard nothing but heard a bell in the background, like it came from a church. She then wonders why the caller would call her. And she realizes that she grabbed Maxie’s phone and that psycho is after her sister. They then discover that they can hear the same bells that they heard on the phone. That means that the psycho is not far away.

Nikolas arrives at Lucky and Elizabeth’s telling them that he’s had a long day and doesn’t want to be lectured. Emily is already there and tells them that she knows they are only trying to help but there is no point. Nikolas says he agrees. Right then, Courtney enters. Nikolas tells Emily that he does not like this set-up. But if it’s the only way to get her to listen to him, so be it. Right then, Jax enter and sees what Lucky and Elizabeth are up to.

Sam tells Jason that she will get him to a hospital as soon as possible. He asks her not to go near a hospital. But she tells him she will whether he likes it or not because she loves him and will not sit back and watch him die.

All four people tell Lucky and Elizabeth that they ain’t gonna listen and want to leave. Lucky tells them all that nobody is leaving. He admits that everybody has made mistakes here including himself. If he had just swallowed his pride and let Nikolas help him with his medical bills, they wouldn’t have gotten into this whole mess. Elizabeth agrees that if she had just trusted Lucky to get himself out of financial debt, then she wouldn’t have agreed to this whole surrogacy arrangement in the first place which has caused so many people so much pain. Nikolas tells them they can sit and talk all day. And it won’t change anything. Lucky tells Nikolas he is really being negative for his brother, Mr. Positive Cassadine. Elizabeth tells them all that the bottom line is if they cannot all find a way to work this out, tonight, then they will all end up alone. They all argue and then Elizabeth gets a pain and is afraid that something has happened to the baby.

Sam takes Jason to the doctor. He tells her that Jason is in stable condition but he might need further help. She asks what she can do. He tells her maybe talk to him. He is in a coma and admits they cannot revive him. Sam tells Jason he cannot leave her. She tells him she never thought she’d be able to trust anybody. But he showed her how. And now she is a better person because of him. She wants to be with him forever. So she tells him he cannot leave her now. He awakens but does not seem to remember her.

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