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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 25-Aug-2005
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jsonline |
Posting date: | Fri, 26-Aug-2005 7:00:46 AM PDT |
Jason is in the hospital, conscious but he does not remember Sam or anything else. He demands to know where he is, who she is and what happened. She tells him that she needs to go and get the doctors. He admits that he has no memories of anything.
Rick, Reese and Alexis go through their contract where they give her partnership in their law firm. But she tells them that she has changed her mind and will not sign the contract. Reese admits to Alexis that she and Sonny have broken up and she still has him on the brain. Alexis tells her she remembers all too well what it was like t be �involved� with Sonny. She warns Reese that Sonny is a gangster yet demands complete truth from everybody he knows. There is no �winning� with Sonny and getting emotionally entangled with him can drive one insane she tells her.
Sonny takes Michael to Kelly�s and talks about how he and Morgan have natural diets but Michael and his mom eat trash. Carly is watching them and then appears. Sonny asks her what she is dong there. She tells him he has to help her. She wants to see her boys. But they do not want to see her. She wants to know why they are afraid of her and avoid her. He tries to convince her hat Michael does not hate her. He�s just going through a lot. He needs people he can count on. She asks why he does not want or need his mother. He tells her that Michael and Morgan are just kids and cannot understand her �flip-flopping� with Alcazar and then with him and all the crazy behavior she is doing. She then asks if he can just tell the boys she loves them and that she will go shopping and bring them some presents. And she adds that a little bribery does not hurt.
Courtney tells Nikolas that she is afraid that Elizabeth may be miscarrying, right when she was trying to fix all of those jerks� marriages. He tells her she mustn�t think negative and he will take her to the hospital. She is worried. Monica gets Elizabeth into her hospital room. Jax wants to be there. She says she only wants Lucky to be there. Emily assists the doctors. Jax reminds everybody that she is pregnant with �his child�. Jax blames Nikolas for the fact that Emily is with Elizabeth because she�s uncomfortable to be in the presence of Nikolas and his girlfriend, Courtney. Nikolas tells Jax it�s his (Jax�s) fault that Elizabeth is in the hospital..
The doctor tells Sam that the accident that caused him to lose his memory years ago may have nothing to do with what has happened now. She goes to see him and he admits that while he looks at pictures of Michael and Morgan, he does not know who they are. She explains they are not his kids. They are his best friends� kids and like his own. She also tells him that the doctors believe the memory loss will be temporary. She explains to him about the accident 10 years ago and how he did not remember anything before the accident at that time. When she mentions his working with Sonny and he has no memory of that, he does somehow know that he knows how to hot wire every car in the hospital parking lot and asks her how he�d know that. She tells him it has something to do with what he does for a living. He asks her if he works as a car thief. She tells him not exactly but she�d rather talk about family, like the boys, Sonny and Carly and his sister Emily. And she tells him he is the only family she has. He tries to leave. She tries to stop him. And he looks like he�s going to hurt her. He then pulls away and knows that he did not intend to hurt her. But then, doctors and orderlies come by, maybe to restrain him, and he is ready to kill them. Sam calms him down temporarily.
Sonny returns home with Michael and tells him that he must �forgive mommy� for her deceptions and immature behavior. He tells his son that he DOES NOT want him turning out like Daddy. Michael asks his daddy why HE must forgive when Daddy cannot do that himself. He�s a smart little dude, isn�t he? Alexis walks in and tells Sonny that Michael just asked a really good question. Michael goes upstairs and Alexis and Sonny talk about their visitation and custody agreement with Kristina. She tells him that she knows they both have some problems with trust and anger and being hurt and both need to get past it.
Monica tells Lucky that for now Elizabeth is ok but she must remain calm and stress-free. Emily is in with her. She apologizes for �ambushing� her and getting into her personal life. Emily tells Elizabeth she will do the same for her some day and they can call it even.
At the hospital, Emily tells all the parties involved that she knows of one solutiaon that could make things easier for Elizabeth and for everybody. They could give up the surrogacy. Courtney doesn�t say anything. But Jax tells them he�s not going to give up the baby just because his wife was doing another guy. Nikolas defends Courtney. They get into another argument.
Both Sonny and Reese are watching old movies about couples having dilemmas in love, from their own respective televisions in their homes. Then they end up together getting it on.
Jason wakes up again and tells Sam he has to get out of there. She goes out to get help and those idiots appear again. Allegra and her guards grab Sam. They tell her that Alicia has escaped and Allegra needs Sam to �play the role� of her daughter again.
Jax enters Elizabeth's hospital room to tell her he has changed his mind about "some things".