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General Hospital Update for Friday, 26-Aug-2005
Author: |
jsonline |
Posting date: | Fri, 26-Aug-2005 4:06:42 PM PDT |
Jax is ready to tell Elizabeth about his “new decision”. Lucky tells him he better leave her alone. But Elizabeth asks Jax to say what is on his mind. He tells her that he realizes she was right that the baby needs two parents. Not knowing what, specifically, he means by that, she asks him if he’s discussed this with Courtney. He admits that he has not. He tells Elizabeth that he really appreciated her caring enough to put them all in a room together. And he does a 360 degree turn-around and tells her he wants to get back with Courtney if she will have him. Lucky asks him if he is only doing that so he can have the baby because Elizabeth won’t let him have the baby unless he stays married to Courtney. Jax tells Lucky about all the “money” he will throw in. But Lucky wants to know if he really plans on staying with Courtney and commiting to his marriage. Jax tells Lucky he’d rather not have to prove to him that he loves his wife.
Nikolas follows Emily in the rain. He tells her he can be there for her, any way she wants. He does not want to pressure her into anything she is not ready for. But he will be there for her when she is ready and he loves her. She tells him she loves him too. Courtney is watching them. Emily leaves and Courtney goes out in the rain to talk to Nikolas. She tells him she couldn’t be happier for him. But, is that what she really feels? She tells him she encourages him to get his marriage back with Emily and realize he loves her. He asks what about her, knowing she is upset. She admits that maybe if he and Emily still have a chance, then in means that maybe she and Jax do also. She tells him that “they” were a mistake. They were friends. They helped each other with their issues. But that’s all it was. He tells her he doesn’t believe that they were a mistake. Nikolas returns home alone and keeps thinking about Courtney. She returns home alone. She’s got him on the brain also.
Jason goes looking for Sam, although he doesn’t remember her. The gunmen pull guns on him, but he singlehandedly disarms them and shoots them dead. The doctor who was treating him comes out. Again, revealing that Sam is still a stranger to him, he demands to know where “the woman who brought him here who’s name is Sam McCall” has been taken. The doctor honestly hasn’t a clue. He knows nothing about the thugs taking her. And he tells Jason he needs to lie down. Jason then grabs a thug, not remembering him either, demanding to know where Sam is. The dude fears for his life and tells Jason he should be able to figure out for himself that Sam is back on the island with Allegra.
Allegra and her thugs take Sam back. She tells Sam as soon as she “plays Alicia” she can get out of there and on with her life. Sam asks what she’s done with Alicia. Did she lock her away also? Allegra assures her that she does not mean to hurt anybody. Sam tells her all she cares about is making sure Jason is ok. But right then, the cops come and arrest Sam for the murder of “her husband, Andrew”. Right then, Jason comes and Allegra sounds “courteous” to him, informing him that the cops took Sam. She also tells him that she needs Sam’s help since her own daughter refuses to “cooperate”. Right then, Alicia enters and admits that she killed Andrew. Her mother asks why she’d kill her one chance to have a respectable life. Jason does not remember anything about either one of them. Alicia privately tells her mother that they will let Sam go to prison and she will split Andrew’s money in half for each of them.
Sonny and Reese are doing the nasty. And Carly is watching them from outside the window, in the rain. Sonny tells Reese about some “people” in his life who are asking for his advice. And he realizes he mustn’t give them advice, which he cannot take, himself. He concludes, not wanting to be a hypocrite, that he cannot advise other people to trust unless he can. He tells her that he’s been betrayed throughout his life and has a tendency to shut down. He feels as though not trusting people makes him stronger. But it also causes him to be alone. She reminds him that he’s safe that way. He says he knows but he realizes that he wants to put trust in her. She had many opportunities to take Carly down but did not. She helped Michael and helped him, risking her career with the FBI. He tells her he doesn’t want to be alone, wants her with him and he asks her again to move in with him. She asks him if he’s really ready for that and if the same things that have happened before will not happen all over again. They decide to go out together. As soon as they are out the door, Carly walks in, takes Reese’s lipstick and writes: “WHORE” on her mirror. She also breaks some of Reese’s vases and rips apart her couch pillows. She somehow manages to make herself unseen when Reese enters.
Emily tells Elizabeth that she is ready to get back with Nikolas. Elizabeth encourages her to get out of there and be with him. But it looks like he has other things on his mind.
Sonny tells Reese that they should think like Jason, without any thought about the past and just living in the moment. She likes that idea. They seem happy together. But she tells him she must return to her home and grab some things. They are all happy and confident that Michael will be ok with her living with his daddy and everything. She tells him that nothing will stop her from having a positive thing with him and she goes off. Right at that moment, slime ball Carly is tearing apart Reese’s pillows and trashing her home, cutting up her clothes and doing all kinds of things. Right then she discovers something in Reese’s desk.
Courtney returns to her own apartment, where she lived before she married Jax. Guess who calls her. Nikolas leaves a message on her machine and tells her he needs to see her, he knows that she doesn’t want to get back with Jax nor he-with Emily. She’s almost ready to pick it up when Jax comes in. He tells her he loves her and wants to stay married and work things out. But this time, she has given up on him. And wouldn’t you know that Emily, similarly, mistakenly “invites herself” to be with Nikolas, noticing he’s “made plans”, hoping that they are to be with her.
Allegra seems to want to help Sam. She sees her in her jail cell and brings Alicia. Alicia shoots off her mouth to Sam and Sam knocks her out. Allegra tells Sam she must change clothes with her daughter right away so that she can get away and Allegra can get what she deserved for committing murder. It looks like she successfully comes through for Sam. She returns to Jason. But he still has no memory of anything and realizes he murdered those two thugs.
Not knowing who broke into her home, Reese calls Sonny and tells him she needs his help. He goes to his home and Carly pulls a gun on him and shoots him.