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General Hospital Update for Monday, 29-Aug-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Mon, 29-Aug-2005 5:02:01 PM PDT

Emily comes to Nikolas’ with the intent to get back with him. He has wine and candles ready. But little does she know, and he does not tell her, that he had intended for it to be for Courtney. He moves to kiss her. But he hesitates and she can tell right away, that he has something (somebody) else on his mind. He tries to tell her that she need not worry about Courtney and tries to sound like he wants her. They reconcile. But you know, it’s not going to last. Jax comes to reconcile with Courtney, telling her that he knows she did not sleep with Nikolas, would not cheat on him, that he loves her and wants them to be a family. But she pulls away from him no differently than Nikolas pulled away form Emily. She goes back to her apartment, plays Nikolas’ message a few times, then erases it and leaves. And she goes to Nikolas’ home right when he’s trying to “sell” his devotion to Emily. Seeing her there, Courtney pretends that Nikolas loves only her and that she is not ready to jump his bones. Emily does not buy a word out of either of their lying mouths. Courtney says she swears that the reason she came was to tell Nikolas that she is committed to her husband. Maybe. But then, if she wanted to tell him that, why not just CALL him? Emily is able to convince her mother that Nikolas has gone too far. Jax stands and observes their conversation. Courtney tells Nikolas that Jax wants them to get back together. He asks her what she wants. She tells him Jax loves her and she loves him too. He tells her he will leave. But you know, this is NOT the LAST TIME they stray.

Alexis sees Ric at the hospital. She tells him she is de-stressing and finding her Chi. She tells him that she found out that he wants to represent Sonny. He tells her that he wants to help his brother.

Sam explains to Jason that his best friend, Sonny is a criminal and he is Sonny’s enforcer. He asks her if he kills people. She says she thinks so but admits that she does not talk to him about his work. SH etlels him he msut realize that these are bad people and Jason is a good person who has many peple he loves. He asks how he can justify killing people. She says that he does the right thing. He asks how she could be his girlfriend and be with him and love him knowing that he kills people for a living. She justifies to him that he has taken care of Michael since he was a baby, he’s a good man, he cares about many people and all. He tells her there is no justification for doing that. But she tells him that he is not cruel or evil. He is the most loving wonderful man she knows. And she will get them out of there soon. He tells her he will wait. When she goes out the door, he goes out the other way.

Right when Reese calls Sonny to see if he is ok, she hears gonshot. It looks like Carly has fired the gun but has not shot Sonny. She then breaks down and he holds her and comforts her. He asks her to sit down. She tells him she’s just figured everything out and she will be ok. She suddenly acts calm and tells him she will be a good mother to their children and everything he’s always wanted her to be. He tells her she needs to lie down for a while. She asks if he is mad at her. He tells her no. She just needs to lie down and then they will talk about what they are dgoing to do. Right then, the cops pound on the door and demand that they open up. Lucky and Jesse enter. He tells them that verything is ok and they need not enter with guns nor search his home. They say that this is a crime cscene. Jesse tells Lucky that they must make sure the kids are ok. Sonny tells them that he will not have them scaring his kids. Carly then comes out and admits to them that she tried to kill Sonny. Sonny explains to them that he had a little too much to drink, took out his gun because he thorght there was an intruder. She got a little upset and couldn’t sleep and is taking medication. But they tell Sonny that they don’t believe a word he says, read Carly her rights and arrest her. He yells at them to let her go. He reminds Lukcy that she is his cousin. They take her away. Right then, Reese enters. He tells her he has to go and he is sorry. She has GOOD REASON to kick him to the curb, don’t you think? That woman came and trashed her home and went berserk. And ONCE AGAIN, Sonny wants to coddle and enable her. The cops take her to the sation and she has completely lost her marbles. Jesse informs Mac that Sonny’s ex tried to kill him. But then, Sonny comes and tells them that he wants to drop the charges. Reese admits that she called the cops because she heard gunshots through the phone and did not know what to do. Mac tells them that he will nail Mrs. Corinthos, or Mrs. ALCAZAR on charges of attempted murder.

When Sam cannot find Jason, Allegra comes out and tells her that she should not worry. They will find him soon. But Sam is worried about what could happen if Jason thinks he has to defend himself. Jason returns to the boat. But he has another headache and falls in the water. Allegra acts nice to Sam, apologizes for dragging the two of them into her ridiculous scheme with her daughter. She tells Sam she has lost her daughter and wishes Sam was her daughter. Right then, her guard, Dante arrives and tells her that they found a body.

Emily goes to the hospital to talk to her mother. She says she knows that when she went to see Nikolas and Windermere, he was waiting for Courtney. Monica asks her daughter to tell her what happened form start to finish. She says all she knows is that Nikolas and Courtney are together. Not far away, Jax observes their conversation.

Courtney tells Nikolas that he needs to get through to Emily that he loves her. He tells her that he cannot. He admits that he does not understand how he can love Emily so much and still have feelings for Courtney. He asks if she is going through the same thing. She doesn’t want to discuss that.

Right then, Ric comes to represent Carly for Sonny. He tries to talk to her. He asks her why she went to Sonny’s with a gun. She seems really out of it and just tells him that she wants to be there for her son. He tells her she needs to talk to him about what happened, tonight. Outside, Reese asks Ric how she is. He asks Reese to go and sit with Carly, obviously having NO CLUE that Reese is the reason Carly went berserk. Jesse tells Lucky that he does not care about anything else. It is against the law to shoot somebody. Sonny tells Ric he must do whatever he needs to do in order to get her out of there. She is the mother of his children. Reese goes to see Carly put her head flat on the table and asks her why she is pulling off this stunt to get Michael and Sonny back. She tells her she knows she’s faking it. Carly stands up and tells Reese that Sonny loves her and they do not need her so Reese must go back to being dead. Ric tells Sonny he needs to face the reality that Carly is a danger to herself and others and belongs in a psyche ward. And it looks like she’s going to Shadybrook. Sonny does not want it and he will take care of her. She asks what he’ll do if she tries to kill him again. He tells her he’s been worse off than she is and she never had him put away. Oh, boy. Looks like Sonny and Reese are done.

Allegra goes to the boat with Sam in an attempt to find Jason. But he’s nowhere to be found. Jason finds a way to get back to Port Charles.

Emily is standing on the docks crying. Lucky finds her and puts his arms around her. She seems really happy to be with him.

Courtney goes back to Jax’s and tells him she wants to make it work and get their marriage back together. And he agrees. But you KNOW it ain’t gonna work.

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