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General Hospital Update for Tuesday, 30-Aug-2005
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Posting date: | Tue, 30-Aug-2005 12:58:49 PM PDT |
Courtney is “back” with Jax and Nikolas with Emily. But they both have the other still, on the brain. Courtney and Jax act like they are getting back and getting gover their first “speed-bump” in their marriage by having a romantic dinner. But JAX has a TRICK UP HIS SLEEVE which he doesn’t EVEN have the courtesy to tell Courtney. He invites Justus to talk to him and informs him that he’s going to “play” the good husband until the baby is born. And then he will divorce her and sue her for full custody. While Nikolas tells Lucky that he intended to hang on with Emily and wanted to do whatever was needed to make their marriage work. But he got nothing. She did not need him anymore. Lucky urges Nikolas to know that this is not “about him”. He tells Lucky that he became so overwhelmed about how lonely he was. And there was Courtney, feeling the same way he did and understanding and appreciating him. Neither intended to cheat on their marriages. But it took on a life of its on. Lucky tells Nikolas that that takes them back to “self-control”. Nikolas says he knows he has self-control and can “restrain himself” and stay away from Courtney. But he cannot deny the feelings he has for her. Courtney is misguided in believing Jax’s bold-faced lie that he loves her and wants to get back with her.
Emily asks Sonny how she can repay him for his generosity in letting her stay with him. He tells her he knows of a way. He needs her to take care of his boys because their mommy had a breakdown. She says she can help him with that because she doesn’t foresee having any great plan. He tells her he doesn’t want anybody to find out about this. She agrees.
Carly tells Reese that she should not only be out of her house, but out of Port Charles and off this earth. She should be dead. She tells Reese she cannot take her home or anything else of hers away from her. She goes off on Reese and Sonny restrains her. Reese notices that that dude is still very committed and devoted to that crazy woman. He promises to protect her.
College is starting. Lucas admits that he’s afraid of being alone and abandoned. But Dillon informs Bobbie that he will be her son’s roommate. She seems happy to know that her son will be able to bond with somebody he already knows. Jesse helps Maxie get settled into her new dorm room. Diego also comes by and is ready to start college
Alexis tells Ric that she knows there is something he is not telling her about his deal with Sonny. Lucky informs Alexis that Carly may be going to Shadybrook.
Reese tells Ric that she is so sick of Carly always getting her way. Even in a psychotic episode. And of course, Sonny is coddling Carly. She asks about the kids. He tells her that they are with Emily and Leticia. She cries and he holds her. Alexis looks at them through the window. He puts her to bed and tells her he will take care of her just the way she took care of him when he had his breakdown.
Emily takes Michael to Kelly’s. Nikolas comes to see Emily and asks her why Jason and Sonny are so important to her but he means nothing to her and is completely shut out of her life. She tells him that Jason and Sonny treat her with respect and she will not apologize for spending time with Sonny’s kids. And she reminds him that if he wants to blame her for pushing him into Courtney’s arms, he may. Right then, Michael comes out with two ice cream cones. She takes one and goes off without him. Right then, Jax comes out and tells Nikolas that he if goes after Courtney, he will break him.
Ric tells Reese that although it may look like Carly’s behavior is an “attention getting” stunt to get Sonny’s undying devotion. But his primary goal is to keep her out of an institution for the sake of the kids. She tells him that she admires the fact that he has this loyalty. But it puts a halt to her relationship with him.
Sonny arranges for Michael and Morgan to stay with Emily, for a while, in the guest house, because “mommy” is losing her marbles. While Carly sleeps, she has a nightmare that she comes down the stairs to see Sonny and Reese getting married and the kids abandoning her and Sonny encouraging them to call Reese “Mommy”. She wakes up screaming. Reese concludes to Sonny, that since she can see that he absolutely refuses to have Carly in a hospital, that she will need round-the-clock care. And that means there’s no reason for her to move in with Sonny. He doesn’t understand why she’d believe that. Unbelievable! Alexis asks Ric how long he wants to “atone” for the bad things he’s done to Sonny and Carly. SHe tells him perhaps Sonny is responsible for his own looney-tune wife. SOnny goes to Carly's room and discovers she has escaped.