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General Hospital Update for Wednesday, 31-Aug-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Wed, 31-Aug-2005 6:07:00 PM PDT

Once again, Courtney tells Nikolas that she is committed to her marriage with Jax and asks him to respect that. He tells her he wants to ask her one question; is she still in love with him. She tells him yes. He asks if she really does or if she just thinks she does. She tells him she would not have married him if she did not. He tells her about the problems they have and reminds her that Jax may just want to stay married to her because he wants the baby and it’s more about Elizabeth than it’s about her. She asks him if he’d go back to Emily if she wanted him back. He admits that he does not know if they are still in love or just think they should be. He admits that maybe it’s over between them. But she tells him she cannot end her marriage just so that he won’t be alone. He tells her he’s not asking her to do that and if she wants Jax, he wishes her all the happiness. She asks him to please leave her alone.

Jesse accuses Lucas of being the “drink drugger” on campus. He just happened to be outside the door when a suspicious envelope got placed underneath Brook Lynn’s door. He tells Jesse that he did not know what was in the envelope. He just noticed that it had her name on it, so he slid it under the door. Maxie believes him. Brooke expresses that she’d feel better knowing who the sicko is than not knowing. Right then, Maxie gets a call, where somebody doesn’t speak. She confronts him and Brooke tells her it’s really cool that she’s a “combat girl”. Jesse asks Lucas some questions. He tells him if he knew anything, he’d tell them. Brook Lynn is his friend and Maxie is his cousin so why wouldn’t he want to catch whoever is doing this. Jesse concludes that whoever does this must have an expensive camera.

Right then Diego walks into this daddy’s office carrying an expensive camera. He gets on the phone and Sonny comes up behind him, cuts off the connection and asks where his father is. He’s looking for Carly.

Carly escapes from the house and finds her mommy. Right then, Sonny is calling to find her and Jason just happens to be outside the door, still having no memory about anything. She tells Bobbie that Sonny promised to take care of her but she’s afraid he will send her back to Shadybrook so that he get rid of her and have Reese. She then lashes out at her mother for how she blamed her for everything and she probably wants to send her back just like everybody else. She runs off.

Sonny gets a call and tells his contact that he cannot find Carly on the property and they must search more. Reese comes down and suggests that he files a missing person’s report. He tells her he cannot do that because it will cause the cops to take her back to Shadybrook. He tells her he knows all too well what it feels like to be going through what she is going through. He tells her he must find Carly. She offers to go and look for Carly. He asks her to try her apartment and Jason’s since Carly often went there when she first came to town. Sonny goes outside and talks to Max and tells him he must fire the guard who let Carly escape. Unknown to them, Jason is hiding behind the wall, listening to their conversation. Sonny also tells Max that Jason’s “vacation” is over and he needs to get back to work.

Courtney is at Kelly’s revealing to her father, and then later to Elizabeth and Lucky that she and Jax are getting back together so they can adopt the baby together has a happily married couple. While right then, slimeball Jax tells Justus that he needs him to expose Courtney as an unfaithful wife and unfit mother.

Reese informs Bobbie that she happens to know that Carly never really went to Shadybrook and Sonny must have paid somebody off in order to lie that she was there when she was not. Bobbie confirms that she knows that her daughter always goes back to Sonny. She seems courteous to Reese. And realizing that she did not know Carly when Reese did, she asks Reese if her daughter was always this high strung. Reese replies that Carly was Caroline. She could do anything better than anybody and never knew when to quit. Bobbie concludes that that may be just what the problem is. Right then, Reese discovers Carly hiding and hearing their conversation. Reese tries to “help” Carly but only makes her hysterical. Right then, Jason comes and helps Carly get out of there. She tells him all her sob stories about Lorenzo and Reese and Sonny, assuming he’s the “same old Jason”. But he admits he does not know her. He knows her name is Carly and they are “supposed” to be friends. But he has no memory about her or antying because something has happened to him. But she does not grasp what he is saying. She’s losing her marbles and believing that Jason is betraying her and she cannot trust him any more than the others. From inside, Sonny and Reese watch Jason “attempt” to calm Carly down, having no clue that the dude has lost his memory. Sonny explains to Reese that Jason always knows the right thing to do with Carly.

Elizabeth and Courtney are talking all friendly, about motherhood, for the first time since they made the agreement. Lucky is courteous to her also but admits that he does not care for Jax, knows he cannot be trusted and is an unfit father. Neither of the two women see it though. Nikolas later meets Lucky. They both confirm that Elizabeth is doing good and is happy. But Nikolas admits that he and Emily have some problems. Lucky indicates to Nikolas that he needs to get back with his wife. When Lucky and Elizabeth are alone, he tells her he does not buy that Jax is getting back with Courtney nor that he can be trusted with anything. But she tells him they can find their way back to each other.

Jax acts like he’s rekindling with Courtney. And she buys it all. She talks about holding the baby in her arms. And she seems to have no clue what that slimeball is up to.

Jason goes to the Quartermaine house, obviously not remembering them either. I guess he only knows where to go and who everybody is since Sam told him. But she’s not with him so how does he know who they are? Alan comes out and asks Jason where Sam is. Jason acknowledges that he’s been told that Sam McCall is his girlfriend. Alan then is shocked to realize that his son does not remember a thing. And of course, he believes that Jason has been “cured” of what Sonny made him. He’s no longer a killer and has no memory. Monica then enters and Alan tells her that their son has come home.

Sonny asks Diego where he daddy is. He says on a business trip. He asks if he’s seen Carly. Diego says no. Sonny tells Diego that he needs to know where his daddy went. Diego tells Sonny if he hurts his father he will be sorry. Sonny tells Diego he will tell his father that he cooperated and asks him to get out. Sonny then gets his cell phone and calls to get the jet ready to fly to Miami on a personal matter.

Carly looks like she’s wandered back to her old high school. She goes to what looks to be her old locker. Then she is startled when she turns around and sees Reese.

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