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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 8-Sep-2005
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jsonline |
Posting date: | Sun, 11-Sep-2005 7:21:01 AM PDT |
Dillon and Georgie go to the hospital, after she’s passed out at Kelly’s . They are afraid that she is pregnant. Bobbie comes out and tells them that it looks like the stalker has attempted to poison her and that’s why she passed out. Hearing that, they are both really happy and relieved. She asks them why. She tells them there’s not enough in her system to cause serious damage but tells them she needs to report this.
Maxie arranges to meet the dude at the Pizza Shack. Right then, Jesse comes into her room and tells her he knows what she is up to. He also informs her that he’s signed up for a photography class so he can possibly get to catch the perpetrator. When Maxie is alone with Dillon, she tells him that she wants to go and meet the dude and catch him. And she wants him to help her. He tells her he’s totally against that. But they go there together. Jesse is hiding and ready to nail the dude when he comes. She hears somebody but does not see them. Right on cue, Diego shows up with his camera, making himself look very suspicious.
Lorenzo is getting ready to go to Miami. Diego comes by and tells his father he wants his camera. Lorenzo tells his son that he’s reconsidering having him join him in the family business. He’d like him to finish his education first. Diego doesn’t like that idea because he has a roommate who is an undercover cop. Right then, cops enter and tell Lorenzo they need to search his home because Carly is missing. They conclude that they cannot find her and that she’s probably not there. Lorenzo tells them perhaps they might want to check underneath his furniture. They will not find Carly in his home he tells them and he asks them to get out of his home. He then tells his son that he knows the reason why he wants to get into the family business, is in order to impress a young lady. He protests to his son that he wants him to have a good, honest and legitimate life. Diego tells his father that going to school is a boring life and asks his father what is wrong with the life he has right now. A dude comes to talk to Lorenzo about his new business deals. Lorenzo tells him they need to “proceed with caution”. He tells him that his people have been kown to be reckless. The dude tells Lorenzo that he agrees. But is he going to do what Lorenzo has asked?
Sam tells Sonny that Jason got in trouble assaulting cops and Durant wants to nail him. Durant tells Sonny that nobody can see Jason until he gets his daughter. He tells Sonny that he has caused enough damage to Carly and to Michael. And if they do not turn Carly over to her, they cannot see Jason. Alone with Sonny, Sam tells Sonny that Jason has to take his medication or he will die. And she urges Sonny to take Durant’s deal.
Back at Sonny’s, Reese tells Ric that Carly needs to be locked up. Carly tells them that she does not trust them and knows they want to turn her over to the cops and put her away. Right then Lucky enters and tells them he knows that Carly is not in Shadybrook. He also does not believe that they do not know where Sonny is. Carly hides for a while until Lucky goes outside and finds her. But he’s courteous enough not to bust her. Sonny then asks Reese if she can go up and “watch” Carly. He then informs Ric that Durant is not going to give up and wants Carly for Jason. And he admits to Ric that he cannot do it. And he was able to find out about Lorenzo’s business deal while he was in Miami. Ric tells him that Carly may not be entirely safe staying in his house. So Sonny needs to make a decision and make it quick. Sonny goes in to notice Carly is still not well. But she pleads with him not to abandon her. He’s all she’s not, she tells him. Not even Jason is there for her anymore. She tells him that Jason “says” he does not remember her and takes it to mean that he’s willfully betrayed her.
That “strange” guy talks to Brook Lynn at Kelly’s. Nobody knows him or anything about him or where he came from. He appears suspicious. But Brook Lynn seems to like him. They talk about her singing career. He then walks her back to her dorm room. She talks about how she and her “roomy”, Maxie have issues. He asks her if she believes he is pathetic because of what he said about her singing voice.
Lorenzo goes to Sonny to issue a “warning” that the Miami deal that could endanger lives is coming his way. After Sam has heard Durant promise to let Jason get his meds if Sonny turns Carly over to him, Sam goes to protest to Sonny that he needs to consider Jason. Sonny tells her that he’s not going to betray Carly. But she reminds him that Carly is not the only person who’s been there for him. Jason has dodged enough bullets for Sonny and Sonny owes him. Right in the middle of their conversation, suddenly gunshots are fired through their windows. Everybody ducks. Max and Ric get shot.