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General Hospital Update for Thursday, 15-Sep-2005
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Posting date: | Sun, 18-Sep-2005 1:54:27 PM PDT |
Dillon tells Lorenzo and Justus that he believes that Diego is guilty of drugging and photographing naked girls in their sleep. But right at that moment, Jesse comes out and reveals that he’s found out that the only fingerprints on the photo are those of Dillon’s. Right away, Mac assumes Dillon is guilty of either setting Diego up or they are in on it together. Georgie is not ok with her daddy grilling Dillon. Brooke Lynn seems to be the only one who believes Diego. Even Lorenzo reveals that he may have doubts about his son. When they return to the dorm, Lucas discovers the cops in his room confiscating all of his photographing equipment. They tell him this is an investigation. But Maxie and Brooke agree that they cannot keep suspecting people they know. The perpetrator of this crime would have to be somebody they do not know. Right then, that strange guy who’s the dorm monitor, whom Brooke has just met, enters the dorm room and asks what is going on, as if he did not know what the cops intended to do and is not ok with it. They tell him that both Dillon and Diego got falsely accused. That leaves only Lucas. And of course, they won’t suspect Maxie and Georgie’s cousin and Brooke’s ex boyfriend. Alone with the new guy, Brooke Lynn invites him to listen to CDs with her. Maxie convinces Jesse than neither Dillon, Diego or Lucas have a motive. He tells her that he is now putting out an APB on that dorm monitory.
Michael admits to his dad and Emily that he misses his mom. And Carly comes down the stairs acting all happy, happy and hugs her son. Sonny seems to know that something is not right, however. He tells Emily that he knows that Carly wants him to think she’s better. He knows this is not real. She could not become so happy so fast after she was so traumatized so recently. And she has her delusions that she’s going to remarry Sonny. Alone with Carly, Sonny reveals to her that she cannot fool him. He knows all too well what it’s like to be where she is.
After Sam takes Jason to the church where they had the memorial service for her baby, he has memories of opening fire and shooting at a woman with a gun in both his hands. But she explains to him that that was Faith Roscoe. She deserved it. She kidnapped Sonny’s three kids, had him believing she killed Michael. And it was self-defense. But he does not understand or justify what he remembers himself doing. She justifies that he would do anything for the people he loves whether it be her, Sonny, his kids or Emily. But he tells her he still cannot understand why he could shoot somebody just because it was “his job”. She believes she can tell him. She takes him to Kelly’s so he can see Michael, Mike and Emily through the window. She tells him he must remember taking care of Michael the first few years of his life when Carly could not. He must also remember how close he was to his sister. He’s like a son to Mike. And he means everything to her. Michael and Emily come out to see them. Not knowing that Jason lost his memory, Michael talks to the “old Jason”. But Jason does not know what to say and has no memory of Michael.
Lorenzo tells the Ruiz messenger that he did not approve of the shootout at Sonny’s. But the dude tells Lorenzo he doesn’t have a problem with what he and his boys did. Right then, he gets a call from Ric. Lorenzo tells the dude that violence is not what he is intending. But the dude tells him he has another way. He leaves and Reese enters to tell him that she plans to help Sonny with those dudes.
Reese comes to see Ric while he’s in the hospital. She reminds him that everything is in chaos. Sonny is busy babysitting Carly. Jason is out of commission. Those slime balls who shot at Sonny’s home are still on the loose and the Ruiz clan is not to be messed with. So she tells him she’s afraid he might have a trick up his sleeve. Although he tells her he cannot do anything from a hospital room, he has his clothes on underneath his hospital gown and as soon as she’s gone, he gets up, grabs Max’s gun and gets ready to escape. And sure enough, he goes to the park and invites the Ruiz guys. He makes sure he’s alone and conceals his gun on a park bench by hiding it underneath a blanket. That dude is obviously an amateur without the expertise that Jason had. Reese comes back to discover he’s escaped from the hospital. Three guys meet Ric. The one guy tells him that he will make an offer that Ric and his brother will accept and like. They tell him that they want 100% of Sonny’s territory. And what Sonny gets out of that is he gets to live. They tell him Sonny’s only alternative is to work for them. Ric knows his brother will not go for that but they remind him that since Jason is not available to help Sonny, Sonny is in no position to negotiate anything. They tell Ric all about how they are going to scam and double-cross Sonny. At that point, Ric pulls out his gun. But he’s outnumbered three to one. And he’s no match for Jason. Right at that point, luckily, Reese comes by to save him. Jason then comes and disarms every one of them and saves Ric’s life from those thugs. Ric seems like he ain’t too good at that way of life. He needs the help of a woman. He could have made his woman a widow. But Sam is right there with Jason completely unafraid, knowing he can take care of himself even after his terrible accident and memory loss.