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General Hospital Update for Friday, 16-Sep-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Sun, 18-Sep-2005 6:34:31 PM PDT

Ric is proving that he AIN’T cut out to do what Sonny and Jason do. Jason just successfully and single-handedly disarmed three of the Ruiz guys and made it look like they killed each other. Ric stands by stunned. Reese tells him what happened but also warns him that Jason wiped his prints from the gun to make it look like Ric killed them since his prints are still on his gun and he’s standing by their rotting corpses. So she tells him his ass is in big trouble if he does not run. They both return to Sonny’s and tell him what happened and how Jason blew those slimeballs away. Hearing that, Sonny assumes that his Jason is BACK. But when Jason returns to his and Sam’s apartment, he tells her he did a terrible thing and needs to flee because his ass is in big trouble. She protests that it was self-defense. But he’s not ok about what he did so easily. He confirms with her that when they were together, she did not ask him any questions and did not know about his work. And he assumes it is for that reason that she does not realize that he murders innocent people.. Ric reveals to Sonny that he escaped from the hospital and intended to kill the dudes but Reese showed up and then Jason. Sonny tells his brother that he cannot be doing that. He’s a lawyer not a hitman. And he’s crazy to believe he can go up against those dudes. Right then, Mac comes in and tells Sam and Jason that Durant wants Jason to come down to the station for questioning. Sam protests that Jason needs his medication. Mac tells her that she needs to give him the medication so he can make certain that Jason has it. He tells her whether she likes Durant or not, three men were killed and they have rights just like Jason does.

Jax is trying to reach a compromise and a shared custody agreement with Elizabeth. She knows that Lucky won’t go for the idea. But she does not tell him no. She then notices the baby moving. He feels her belly. And you know, right then, Lucky’s going to walk through the door. Yes, I knew it would happen before I even saw the first episode. And he’s not happy. He tells Jax he’s a slimeball and the baby is better off never knowing him. But Jax asks Lucky how he’d feel and what he’d do if Jax’s fiancé were pregnant with his baby. Would he not want the child to know him? Would he let anybody prevent him from knowing his child? Lucky cannot answer that. Alone with Elizabeth, Lucky tells her that she must realize what type of “playing” Jax is trying to do. But she assures him that she loves only him. Not Jax. And she asks him if that means anything to him. But she also tells him that Jax has some rights to his child. She doesn’t plan on lying to the baby about anything. But he’s very worried about what Jax will do if he has any right to the child.

Again, Michael and Emily run into Nikolas and Courtney outside of Kelly’s. And Michael gives those two HOMERECKERS a piece of his mind. He tells them that they are not his friends. Nikolas cheated on his wife who is his friend. And although Courtney is his daddy’s sister, she is messing around with his friend’s husband. Emily tries to “smooth things over” for him. But he walks away. And instantly, Nikolas assumes that it is Sonny who is poisoning his son’s mind against Courtney. He tells Emily that since she is staying with Michael, she needs to stop enabling Sonny to trash his son’s aunt. He doesn’t seem to know that Sonny has nothing to do with this. Michael makes his own decisions and forms his own opinions. Emily tells them that Sonny has many things on his mind more important than worrying about Nikolas or Courtney’s hurt feelings. But she tells them she will go and talk to Michael.

Durant questions Jason in the interrogation room with Sonny there. He asks Jason what Sonny might have told him about the Ruiz family. Neither of them answer. Durant then tells Jason that he knows some things about his history. He used to be a respected med student with an honorable life and a bright future. Then he suffered a tragic accident and memory loss. And this man, Sonny, took advantage of him, brainwashed him and ruined his life. He asks Jason if Sonny Corinthos ever told him that he wanted him to kill Emanuel Ruiz. Jason replies that he has nothing to say without his lawyer. Do you think that maybe Jason is coming around to remembering his “loyalty” to Sonny?

When Sam is alone in the house, Emily comes by. Sam tells her that Jason got in trouble when he accidentally shot the cops that one time. She admits that she never saw Jason “work” before. Emily asks Sam if that changes the way she feels about him. Sam tells Emily that nothing will ever change the fact that she loves Jason. But she understands that that is the reason why Jason is afraid of himself and what he is capable of, since he doesn’t even remember it. She admits that she wants so much to help him but does not know how to. Because she cannot convince him of who he is or to trust himself or trust her. Emily tells Sam that probably Sonny has called a lawyer to represent Jason so maybe Sam should stay there and let them handle things.

Reese and Ric go to the interrogation room in an attempt to help Jason. Durant tells them that that, right there is an admission of Jason’s guilt. Ric tells them that he owes Jason for helping him and that he will represent Jason. Mac then comes and Ric requests that he lets his “client” go. Jason says thank you and leaves. Durant makes a sarcastic comment about how Jason might in fact be a changed man with his polite behavior. But he believes that if Ruiz is conscious, he will be able to identify the shooter. Noticing that Ric is not healed after the shooting at his home, Sonny tells him he needs to get his butt back to the hospital and asks him if he’s really sure that he wants to go all out to help him and Jason. Ric tells them he’s fine. Durant comes out and interrogates Ric. Ric then collapses and is bleeding. Reese demands that they call 911 because Ric is really injured.

Elizabeth reminds Lucky that he loved his mommy and daddy and knew that they loved him and that is what made him the man he is today. She tells him that she had money and status while growing up. But she was not happy and knew she got things instead of love. She tells him that this baby will be so loved and a part of the family. She tells him she wants him to be able to be a daddy to this baby and give the baby something that Jax will never be able to provide.. He feels her belly. And he tells the baby that he will be its daddy.

Courtney tells Nikolas that while it’s true that if he had not come along, she and Jax might have still been married and ready to raise the baby. But their marriage would have ended no matter what had happened. But she reminds him that his situation is different. He admits that Emily is a better person than Jax. But his marriage is no less over than hers’ is. And he tells her he ain’t going anywhere. He wants to be with her.

Emily tells Sam that it really pissed her off when Nikolas accused Sonny of trashing Courtney to his son. Sonny has more important things on his mind, involving Jason and Ric and everything. Sam tells Emily that she is worried about what is happening to Jason. She knows he does not want to remember the person he is. But it’s all around him in Port Charles. And she admits that he might very well go away due to what he thinks is her own good. Sonny then goes to tell Jason that hopefully the slimeballs will die before they can identify Jason. But he needs Jason to “make a move”. Jason tells him he is done. He will not kill for him. He wants no part of Sonny’s work or his life.

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