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General Hospital Update for Wednesday, 21-Sep-2005

Author: jsonline
Posting date: Sun, 25-Sep-2005 8:54:07 AM PDT

Reese is able to outsmart Durant by cuffing and gagging him. ANd she gets another woman dressed like a tramp to pose for a photo with him. So it looks like she can blackmail him if he makes any more threats to Ric or propositions to her.

Lorenzo comes to Ric's hospital room and tells him he knows what he did. THe Ruiz boys are in critical condition. ANd Javier Ruiz is coming up to Port Charles from Miami. And Ric might want to be prepared. He also tells Ric taht he knows he did not single-handedly shoot all three of them. He knows that Jason Morgan helped him.

Reese may have outsmarted Durant. But he goes and tells Ric that she is going down. He doesn't have to do anything to hurt her or Ric or Sonny himself. The Ruiz boys will do that for him.

Reese asks Jason to do the job that she knows Ric will fail at, which is to kill the Ruiz boys. She tells him that this is just one last favor and then he can go back to doing whatever he wants. He tells her he cannot but then remembers how good he used to be with eliminating people. Sam does manage to talk him out of it. And he tells her he wants to get an honest job. Sam contacts a guy who she used to work for and he hires Jason. But little do they know that Lorenzo is paying the guy off so that Jason is actually working for Lorenzo, against Sonny.

THe ongoing search for the campus perv is still going on. ANd nobody can figure out if it's Dillon or Diego or somebody else known or not known.

Jason asks Sam to tell him about what they did together and just what a "normal night" is for them. She tells him taht they never had normal night and doesn't really know what types of things they should do together now. But as long as they are together, that's all that matters.

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